I'm trying to trim a possible / from the start and end of a string in bash.

I can accomplish this via the following:

string="/this is my string/"
echo $string # "this is my string"

However, I would like to know if there's a way to join those two lines (2 + 3) to replace both at once. Is there a way to join the substitution, or is that the best I'm going to get?

  • Are your /s always at the beginning and the end?
    – iruvar
    Jun 13, 2014 at 18:51
  • They can be, but it isn't guaranteed. I also need to persist slashes inside the string.
    – whitfin
    Jun 13, 2014 at 18:56
  • 1
    Note that your 1st assignment as currently written (string=/this is my string/), is syntactically invalid - you need quotes around the value.
    – mklement0
    Jun 13, 2014 at 21:08
  • @mklement0 yeah was just a typo
    – whitfin
    Jun 15, 2014 at 16:16

6 Answers 6


Coming to this very late... You can use bash variable substitution. It can remove a leading OR trailing optional slash, but it can't do both at the same time. If we execute:

echo ${VAR1} ${VAR2}
echo ${VAR1#/} ${VAR2#/}
echo ${VAR1%/} ${VAR2%/}

then we get:

/one/two/ one/two            # No change
one/two/ one/two             # No leading slashes
/one/two one/two             # No trailing slashes

As we can see, slashes inside the variables remain unaltered.

You can combine them using an intermediate variable as:

VAR3=${VAR1#/}               # Remove optional leading slash
VAR3=${VAR3%/}               # Remove optional trailing slash
echo ${VAR3}
  • How is this an answer to the question exactly? This does exactly what the question already suggests, but they explicitly ask for a solution in a single statement. This just copies the problem statement.
    – Pankrates
    Dec 13, 2022 at 7:51
  • Because it states that it can't be done in a single statement, but it's much lighter weight than any of the piping solutions. It also works when either of the slashes is missing.
    – Stormcloud
    Dec 15, 2022 at 9:47
  • Output in the second code block is wrong. The output column two should always be one/two Nov 20, 2023 at 17:48
  • @austinheiman - point noted and fixed. I think it was something that got missed in the editing. Thank you.
    – Stormcloud
    Nov 22, 2023 at 9:55

Unfortunately there's no way to do that. However if you're sure that your string begins in / and ends in / you can trim it by ${P:M:N} format:

string='/this is my string/'

Adding a check could also help but it's still two statements:

[[ $string == /*/ ]] && string=${string:1:(-1)}

Note: Solution is only available starting Bash 4.2.


If you are willing to use sed you could do:

string="/this is my string/"
echo $string | sed 's/^\/\(.*\)\/$/\1/g'

This assumes the slashes are at the beginning and/or end of the string

  • Nice, and it should persist slashes within the string right? Is this the fastest method?
    – whitfin
    Jun 13, 2014 at 18:57
  • It only strips slashes at the beginning ^ operator and at the end $ operator. If it is the fastest I don't know, you should test this yourself
    – Pankrates
    Jun 13, 2014 at 19:00
  • 3
    fastest is going to be the two lines in the question itself. Avoid forks. Anyway: res=$(echo "/what ever/" | sed 's@^/@@;s@/$@@') -- avoid the backslashes, too.
    – Bruce K
    Jun 13, 2014 at 19:14
  • 3
    @Zackehh9lives If you can do string=${string%/}; string=${string#/} you better choose it over sed It's way faster than forking and piping. Also this is still a two statement process.
    – konsolebox
    Jun 13, 2014 at 19:39

Another pure bash solution (v3.2 or above), using =~ for regex matching and the special $BASH_REMATCH array variable to reference capture group results.

string='/this is my string/'
[[ $string =~ ^/(.*)/$ ]] && string=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}

$string is left untouched if its value is not enclosed in /.


If your /s are always at the start and end

echo "${string//\/}"
this is my string

If not

string="/this is /my string/"
IFS=/ read -ra x <<<"$string"
(IFS=/; printf '%s\n' "${x[*]:1:${#x[*]}-1}")
this is /my string


echo "$(IFS=/; set -- $string; printf '%s\n' "${*:2:$#-1}")"
this is /my string
  • 1
    ${string//\/} removes all the slashes, not the leading or trailing.
    – eexit
    Dec 15, 2021 at 11:12
 local string="$1"
 local len=${#string}
 while [[ "${string:$(expr $len - 1)}" == "/" ]]
  string=${string:0:$(expr $len - 1)}
 echo $string

truncate_leadingSlash "Autobiography/Of/Yogi//////"

Output: "Autobiography/Of/Yogi"


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