I want to make my fusionchart pie chart responsive, so I follow some guide here : http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/contents/FirstChart/ChangeSize.html I follow the instructions in the 'Dynamic resize feature of charts' section.

But when the page loaded, my chart flatten out (no height). my chart flatten

When I resize the browser, the chart size was sucessfully responsive, but I get a very small pie chart very small pie

Why was my chart flatten when the page first load? (I have to resize the browser first to see the chart). And why I get a very small chart?

Here's my code

<body style="height:100%;">
<div class="container-fluid">
    <div class="row-fluid">
        <div class="col-md-12">
            <div id="chartContainer" style="height:100%;">
                FusionCharts XT will load here!

<script type="text/javascript">
        var myChart = new FusionCharts({
            "type": "pie2d",
            "dataFormat": "jsonurl",
            "dataSource": "pie.json",
            "width": "100%",
            "height": "100%"

And here's my pie.json :

    "caption":"Rasio Pendapatan Aeronautika & Non-Aeronautika",
    "subCaption":"Januari-Juni 2014",


Could you point my mistake?

Thanks for your attention, your help will be much appreciated..

2 Answers 2


Using AngularJS and Bootstrap.

In my HTML, I changed width="300" to width="100%" This made my doughnut chart responsive:


<div class="row" data-ng-controller="VariableInvestmentSummaryCtrl">
    <div class="col-md-4">
        <div fusioncharts
            dataSource="{{myDataSource}}" >
    <div class="col-md-8 datagrid-wrapper investments"></div>


$scope.myDataSource = {
        'chart': {
            'numberPrefix': '%',
            'theme': 'fint',
            'bgColor': '#DDDDDD',
            'bgAlpha': '0'
            'showLabel': '0',
            'label': 'Some Name',
            'showValue': '0',
            'value': '25'
            'showLabel': '0',
            'label': 'Garden Groove harbour',
            'showValue': '0',
            'value': '50'
            'showLabel': '0',
            'label': 'Los Angeles Topanga',
            'showValue': '0',
            'value': '10'
            'showLabel': '0',
            'label': 'Compton-Rancho Dom',
            'showValue': '0',
            'value': '10'
            'showLabel': '0',
            'label': 'Daly City Serramonte',
            'showValue': '0',
            'value': '5',
            'color': '#FE0000'

Is this issue in specific to any browser? Works in Chrome/FireFox

Please find the DropBox link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/44972996/pie.rar

  • your code works perfectly, but could you please point where's my mistake?
    – caesardo
    Jun 26, 2014 at 6:30

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