What is the difference between the return and exit statement in Bash functions with respect to exit codes?

  • 76
    Protip: type help <command> in your shell to get info on what a shell builtin will do. In your case help return and help exit
    – SiegeX
    Dec 12, 2010 at 1:31
  • 5
    Protip #2: type type <command> in your shell to get info whether it's a Bash built-in or not.
    – Artfaith
    Mar 8, 2021 at 2:52
  • 1
    If you want to exit a script both either sourced or not, you can do: return 2> /dev/null | exit. It will first try returning and, in case it can't, it won't display any error and will use exit.
    – awvalenti
    Apr 21, 2021 at 22:48
  • 1
    Protip #4: man exit
    – Timo
    Sep 26, 2021 at 13:25
  • 1
    Put help () {sh -c "help $*"} in your .zshenv Feb 2, 2022 at 11:37

11 Answers 11


From man bash on return [n];

Causes a function to stop executing and return the value specified by n to its caller. If n is omitted, the return status is that of the last command executed in the function body.

... on exit [n]:

Cause the shell to exit with a status of n. If n is omitted, the exit status is that of the last command executed. A trap on EXIT is executed before the shell terminates.


As per your edit of the question, regarding exit codes, return has nothing to do with exit codes. Exit codes are intended for applications/scripts, not functions. So in this regard, the only keyword that sets the exit code of the script (the one that can be caught by the calling program using the $? shell variable) is exit.


My last statement referring exit is causing some comments. It was made to differentiate return and exit for the understanding of the OP, and in fact, at any given point of a program/shell script, exit is the only way of ending the script with an exit code to the calling process.

Every command executed in the shell produces a local "exit code": it sets the $? variable to that code, and can be used with if, && and other operators to conditionally execute other commands.

These exit codes (and the value of the $? variable) are reset by each command execution.

Incidentally, the exit code of the last command executed by the script is used as the exit code of the script itself as seen by the calling process.

Finally, functions, when called, act as shell commands with respect to exit codes. The exit code of the function (within the function) is set by using return. So when in a function return 0 is run, the function execution terminates, giving an exit code of 0.

  • 10
    Not exactly. It always return a value from the current shell. It doesn't matter if you are inside a function or not. Dec 12, 2010 at 1:36
  • 13
    Comment on your edit: I may be confusing return values and exit codes, but func(){ return 50; };func;echo $? echoes 50. So the $? shell variable doesn't seem to be limited to exit. Dec 12, 2010 at 1:53
  • 8
    "$? Expands to the exit status of the most recently executed foreground pipeline." That exit may be from the shell in the form of a call to exit (or hitting the end of the script) or in the form of a call to return within a function.
    – SiegeX
    Dec 12, 2010 at 1:58
  • 13
    @lecodesportif: The $? of the current process/script is limited either to exit or to the result of the last command executed by this script. So, if your last script line is the call to that function, and that function returns 50, yes, the $? that you produce to the process that called you is 50. However, that doesn't have to do with the return, because this is restricted to the current script. It happens to be returned only if this function call is the last sentence of the script. exit, however, always finish the script and return that value as $? to the calling process. Dec 12, 2010 at 10:05
  • 13
    -1 for confusing me with the line "return has nothing to do with exit codes." Experimentation tells me that there is no functional difference between the return code of a function and the exit code of a script.
    – Jacklynn
    Jun 23, 2015 at 15:06

return will cause the current function to go out of scope, while exit will cause the script to end at the point where it is called. Here is a sample program to help explain this:


    echo "this is retfunc()"
    return 1

    echo "this is exitfunc()"
    exit 1

echo "We are still here"
echo "We will never see this"


$ ./test.sh
this is retfunc()
We are still here
this is exitfunc()
  • 28
    Nice example. You could also show the exit value of 1 in $?. Dec 12, 2010 at 1:42
  • 56
    Note that this function will NOT print "We are still here" if you add "set -e" before the call to "retfunc".
    – Michael
    Apr 30, 2012 at 23:12
  • 7
    However, echo fnord | while read x; do exitfunc; done; echo "still here" will print "still here". It seems that only the while sub-shell is exited in this scenario.
    – tripleee
    Dec 11, 2013 at 9:30
  • 4
    +1 It might be useful to add: ``` return will cause the current function or sourced script to go out of scope```.
    – user8017719
    Nov 22, 2016 at 19:40
  • 4
    Note that, in the above example, if you are running with set -e so that the script exits on the first error, it will exit after the first function call returns a non-zero value. Aug 24, 2020 at 16:15

I don't think anyone has really fully answered the question because they don't describe how the two are used. OK, I think we know that exit kills the script, wherever it is called and you can assign a status to it as well such as exit or exit 0 or exit 7 and so forth. This can be used to determine how the script was forced to stop if called by another script, etc. Enough on exit.

return, when called, will return the value specified to indicate the function's behavior, usually a 1 or a 0. For example:

    isdirectory() {
      if [ -d "$1" ]
        return 0
        return 1
    echo "you will not see anything after the return like this text"

Check like this:

    if isdirectory $1; then echo "is directory"; else echo "not a directory"; fi

Or like this:

    isdirectory || echo "not a directory"

In this example, the test can be used to indicate if the directory was found. Notice that anything after the return will not be executed in the function. 0 is true, but false is 1 in the shell, different from other programming languages.

For more information on functions: Returning Values from Bash Functions

Note: The isdirectory function is for instructional purposes only. This should not be how you perform such an option in a real script.*

  • 3
    Or just use test -d $1 to achieve the same result. Never do if <check> return else return. <check> alone will do the same thing in all languages I know at least.
    – erikbstack
    May 21, 2015 at 12:00
  • 6
    To be even more explicit about what erik is saying: isdirectory() { [ -d "$1" ]; } will behave precisely the same as what you have here: The default return value of a shell function, whether by reaching the end of its code or by a return with no arguments, is that of the most recent command. Jan 22, 2016 at 23:39
  • 17
    The other commenters here are criticizing the style of Mike Q's example, when really he is talking about the behavior of the returnstatement. It is true that his example is simplistic and not to be used in production. But it's simple, so it does accomplishes his task just fine. Nothing wrong with it.
    – Mike S
    May 27, 2016 at 20:48
  • 1
    Thanks Mike S, yeah I agree that the simplest example best explains exit vs return. The other comments are certainly valid, and should be considered for more advanced bash coders ;-)
    – Mike Q
    Oct 13, 2016 at 13:46
  • 1
    @erikbwork Well this is common practice in most learning materials. As a compromise I added a disclaimer in the post per your opinion.
    – Mike Q
    Mar 19, 2018 at 13:54

Remember, functions are internal to a script and normally return from whence they were called by using the return statement. Calling an external script is another matter entirely, and scripts usually terminate with an exit statement.

The difference "between the return and exit statement in Bash functions with respect to exit codes" is very small. Both return a status, not values per se. A status of zero indicates success, while any other status (1 to 255) indicates a failure. The return statement will return to the script from where it was called, while the exit statement will end the entire script from wherever it is encountered.

return 0  # Returns to where the function was called.  $? contains 0 (success).

return 1  # Returns to where the function was called.  $? contains 1 (failure).

exit 0  # Exits the script completely.  $? contains 0 (success).

exit 1  # Exits the script completely.  $? contains 1 (failure).

If your function simply ends without a return statement, the status of the last command executed is returned as the status code (and will be placed in $?).

Remember, return and exit give back a status code from 0 to 255, available in $?. You cannot stuff anything else into a status code (e.g., return "cat"); it will not work. But, a script can pass back 255 different reasons for failure by using status codes.

You can set variables contained in the calling script, or echo results in the function and use command substitution in the calling script; but the purpose of return and exit are to pass status codes, not values or computation results as one might expect in a programming language like C.


Sometimes, you run a script using . or source.

. a.sh

If you include an exit in the a.sh, it will not just terminate the script, but end your shell session.

If you include a return in the a.sh, it simply stops processing the script.

  • 6
    But when I just run a.sh I get an error return: can only 'return' from a function or sourced script, which makes it unsuitable for a general script. Jun 21, 2017 at 11:53
  • 1
    At the top level in a script, neither is suitable in all situations. Using . or source runs the script in the current shell, rather than spawning a sub-shell. The script has to know how it is to be used. Woe to the user who does it opposite. Personally, I recommend reading scripts before running them the first time. Jun 26, 2018 at 20:13
  • 11
    An awesome trick I came across is to use a trap function for ERR EXIT and then first save the exit code of a failed command errCode=$? and then exit the script (sourced or not) with return $errCode || exit $errCode where the || means "if I can't return because I wasn't sourced, just exit instead".
    – dragon788
    Aug 30, 2018 at 20:19
  • @dragon788 , you are the Dragon! :)
    – Sasho
    Nov 4, 2022 at 6:58
  • exit terminates the current process; with or without an exit code, consider this a system more than a program function. Note that when sourcing, exit will end the shell. However, when running, it will just exit the script.

  • return from a function go back to the instruction after the call, with or without a return code. return is optional and it's implicit at the end of the function. return can only be used inside a function.

I want to add that while being sourced, it's not easy to exit the script from within a function without killing the shell. I think, an example is better on a 'test' script:

function die(){
   echo ${1:=Something terrible wrong happen}
   #... clean your trash
   exit 1

[ -f /whatever/ ] || die "whatever is not available"
# Now we can proceed
echo "continue"

doing the following:

user$ ./test
Whatever is not available

test -and- the shell will close.

user$ . ./test
Whatever is not available

Only test will finish and the prompt will show.

The solution is to enclose the potentially procedure in ( and ):

function die(){
   echo $(1:=Something terrible wrong happen)
   #... Clean your trash
   exit 1

( # Added        
    [ -f /whatever/ ] || die "whatever is not available"
    # Now we can proceed
    echo "continue"
) # Added

Now, in both cases only test will exit.

  • Adding the ( and ) puts that block in a sub-shell, effectively un-doing the . (source) command as if you had run the test script normally, which is in a sub-shell. IOf the script is not run with . or source then you effectively have 2 sub-shells. Jun 26, 2018 at 20:19

The OP's question: What is the difference between the return and exit statement in BASH functions with respect to exit codes?

Firstly, some clarification is required:

  • A (return|exit) statement is not required to terminate execution of a (function|shell). A (function|shell) will terminate when it reaches the end of its code list, even with no (return|exit) statement.

  • A (return|exit) statement is not required to pass a value back from a terminated (function|shell). Every process has a built-in variable $? which always has a numeric value. It is a special variable that cannot be set like "?=1", but it is set only in special ways (see below *).

    The value of $? after the last command to be executed in the (called function | sub shell) is the value that is passed back to the (function caller | parent shell). That is true whether the last command executed is ("return [n]"| "exit [n]") or plain ("return" or something else which happens to be the last command in the called function's code.

In the above bullet list, choose from "(x|y)" either always the first item or always the second item to get statements about functions and return, or shells and exit, respectively.

What is clear is that they both share common usage of the special variable $? to pass values upwards after they terminate.

* Now for the special ways that $? can be set:

  • When a called function terminates and returns to its caller then $? in the caller will be equal to the final value of $? in the terminated function.
  • When a parent shell implicitly or explicitly waits on a single sub shell and is released by termination of that sub shell, then $? in the parent shell will be equal to the final value of $? in the terminated sub shell.
  • Some built-in functions can modify $? depending upon their result. But some don't.
  • Built-in functions "return" and "exit", when followed by a numerical argument both set $? with their argument, and terminate execution.

It is worth noting that $? can be assigned a value by calling exit in a sub shell, like this:

# (exit 259)
# echo $?
  • 5
    In case some missed it, exit 259 echos as 3 because the final exit value is a single byte. 259 % 256 = 3 Jun 26, 2018 at 20:23
  • 1
    What do you mean by the sentence near "both $? with argument" (it seems incomprehensible)? Perhaps rephrase? Please respond by editing your answer, not here in comments (without "Edit:", "Update:", or similar - the answer should appear as if it was written today). Feb 27, 2021 at 17:56
  • 1
    I'm guessing the sentence is trying to say that the argument to exit or return is stored in $?.
    – tripleee
    May 7, 2022 at 7:18

In simple words (mainly for newbie in coding), we can say,

    `return`: exits the function,
    `exit()`: exits the program (called as process while running)

Also if you observed, this is very basic, but...,

    `return`: is the keyword
    `exit()`: is the function
  • 4
    In a bash script, exit is no more or less a function than return. They are built-in commands. They are not even reserved words. Jun 21, 2017 at 11:01

If you convert a Bash script into a function, you typically replace exit N with return N. The code that calls the function will treat the return value the same as it would an exit code from a subprocess.

Using exit inside the function will force the entire script to end.


Adding an actionable aspect to a few of the other answers:

Both can give exit codes - default or defined by the function, and the only 'default' is zero for success for both exit and return. Any status can have a custom number 0-255, including for success.

Return is used often for interactive scripts that run in the current shell, called with . script.sh for example, and just returns you to your calling shell. The return code is then accessible to the calling shell - $? gives you the defined return status. Exit in this case also closes your shell (including SSH connections, if that's how you're working).

Exit is necessary if the script is executable and called from another script or shell and runs in a subshell. The exit codes then are accessible to the calling shell - return would give an error in this case.


First of all, return is a keyword and exit is a function.

That said, here's a simplest of explanations.


It returns a value from a function.


It exits out of or abandons the current shell.

  • Not really! You are logically wrong. Exit is a function while return is a keyword. Return is much more than just exit codes which is why the comparison isn't fair. Jan 20, 2017 at 20:00
  • I have edittled it to make the point more clear which I was trying to make. Thanks for helping me do that. Jan 21, 2017 at 5:00
  • 5
    Neither exit nor return are "keywords", or, as the bash manual calls them, "reserved words". Neither one is a "function" either, in the sense of a bash function. Both are builtin commands, in bash lingo. (There is a C standard library function called exit(), and the C programming language has a reserved word return, but those should not be confused with the bash commands, even though their semantics are curiously similar.) Jun 21, 2017 at 12:01

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