I have an embedded application with a time-critical ISR that needs to iterate through an array of size 256 (preferably 1024, but 256 is the minimum) and check if a value matches the arrays contents. A bool will be set to true is this is the case.

The microcontroller is an NXP LPC4357, ARM Cortex M4 core, and the compiler is GCC. I already have combined optimisation level 2 (3 is slower) and placing the function in RAM instead of flash. I also use pointer arithmetic and a for loop, which does down-counting instead of up (checking if i!=0 is faster than checking if i<256). All in all, I end up with a duration of 12.5 µs which has to be reduced drastically to be feasible. This is the (pseudo) code I use now:

uint32_t i;
uint32_t *array_ptr = &theArray[0];
uint32_t compareVal = 0x1234ABCD;
bool validFlag = false;

for (i=256; i!=0; i--)
    if (compareVal == *array_ptr++)
         validFlag = true;

What would be the absolute fastest way to do this? Using inline assembly is allowed. Other 'less elegant' tricks are also allowed.

  • 28
    Is there any way to store the value in the array differently? If you can have them sorted, a binary search will surely be faster. If data to be stored and searched are within a certain range, they might be representable with a bit map, etc.
    – Remo.D
    Sep 4, 2014 at 9:55
  • 20
    @BitBank: you'd be surpised how much compilers have improved in the last three decades. ARM expecially is quite compiler-friendly. And I know for a fact that ARM on GCC can issue load-multiple instructions (since 2009 at least)
    – MSalters
    Sep 4, 2014 at 11:44
  • 8
    awesome question, people forget there are real world cases where performance matters. too many times questions like this are answered with "just use stl"
    – Kik
    Sep 4, 2014 at 15:49
  • 14
    The title "... iterate through an array" is misleading since indeed you are simply searching for a given value. To iterate over an array implies something is to be done on each entry. Sorting, if the cost can be amortized over many searches, is indeed an efficient approach independent of the language implementation issues.
    – hardmath
    Sep 4, 2014 at 15:51
  • 8
    Are you sure that you cannot simply use a binary search or a hash table? A binary search for 256 items == 8 comparisons. A hash table == 1 jump on average (or 1 jump max if you have a perfect hash). You should resort to assembly optimization only after you 1) have a decent searching algorithm (O(1) or O(logN), compared to O(N)), and 2) you have profiled it to be the bottleneck.
    – vgru
    Sep 4, 2014 at 21:02

15 Answers 15


In situations where performance is of utmost importance, the C compiler will most likely not produce the fastest code compared to what you can do with hand tuned assembly language. I tend to take the path of least resistance - for small routines like this, I just write asm code and have a good idea how many cycles it will take to execute. You may be able to fiddle with the C code and get the compiler to generate good output, but you may end up wasting lots of time tuning the output that way. Compilers (especially from Microsoft) have come a long way in the last few years, but they are still not as smart as the compiler between your ears because you're working on your specific situation and not just a general case. The compiler may not make use of certain instructions (e.g. LDM) that can speed this up, and it's unlikely to be smart enough to unroll the loop. Here's a way to do it which incorporates the 3 ideas I mentioned in my comment: Loop unrolling, cache prefetch and making use of the multiple load (ldm) instruction. The instruction cycle count comes out to about 3 clocks per array element, but this doesn't take into account memory delays.

Theory of operation: ARM's CPU design executes most instructions in one clock cycle, but the instructions are executed in a pipeline. C compilers will try to eliminate the pipeline delays by interleaving other instructions in between. When presented with a tight loop like the original C code, the compiler will have a hard time hiding the delays because the value read from memory must be immediately compared. My code below alternates between 2 sets of 4 registers to significantly reduce the delays of the memory itself and the pipeline fetching the data. In general, when working with large data sets and your code doesn't make use of most or all of the available registers, then you're not getting maximum performance.

; r0 = count, r1 = source ptr, r2 = comparison value

   stmfd sp!,{r4-r11}   ; save non-volatile registers
   mov r3,r0,LSR #3     ; loop count = total count / 8
   pld [r1,#128]
   ldmia r1!,{r4-r7}    ; pre load first set
   pld [r1,#128]
   ldmia r1!,{r8-r11}   ; pre load second set
   cmp r4,r2            ; search for match
   cmpne r5,r2          ; use conditional execution to avoid extra branch instructions
   cmpne r6,r2
   cmpne r7,r2
   beq found_it
   ldmia r1!,{r4-r7}    ; use 2 sets of registers to hide load delays
   cmp r8,r2
   cmpne r9,r2
   cmpne r10,r2
   cmpne r11,r2
   beq found_it
   subs r3,r3,#1        ; decrement loop count
   bne loop_top
   mov r0,#0            ; return value = false (not found)
   ldmia sp!,{r4-r11}   ; restore non-volatile registers
   bx lr                ; return
   mov r0,#1            ; return true
   ldmia sp!,{r4-r11}
   bx lr

Update: There are a lot of skeptics in the comments who think that my experience is anecdotal/worthless and require proof. I used GCC 4.8 (from the Android NDK 9C) to generate the following output with optimization -O2 (all optimizations turned on including loop unrolling). I compiled the original C code presented in the question above. Here's what GCC produced:

.L9: cmp r3, r0
     beq .L8
.L3: ldr r2, [r3, #4]!
     cmp r2, r1
     bne .L9
     mov r0, #1
.L2: add sp, sp, #1024
     bx  lr
.L8: mov r0, #0
     b .L2

GCC's output not only doesn't unroll the loop, but also wastes a clock on a stall after the LDR. It requires at least 8 clocks per array element. It does a good job of using the address to know when to exit the loop, but all of the magical things compilers are capable of doing are nowhere to be found in this code. I haven't run the code on the target platform (I don't own one), but anyone experienced in ARM code performance can see that my code is faster.

Update 2: I gave Microsoft's Visual Studio 2013 SP2 a chance to do better with the code. It was able to use NEON instructions to vectorize my array initialization, but the linear value search as written by the OP came out similar to what GCC generated (I renamed the labels to make it more readable):

   ldr  r3,[r1],#4  
   cmp  r3,r2  
   beq  true_exit
   subs r0,r0,#1 
   bne  loop_top
false_exit: xxx
   bx   lr
true_exit: xxx
   bx   lr

As I said, I don't own the OP's exact hardware, but I will be testing the performance on an nVidia Tegra 3 and Tegra 4 of the 3 different versions and post the results here soon.

Update 3: I ran my code and Microsoft's compiled ARM code on a Tegra 3 and Tegra 4 (Surface RT, Surface RT 2). I ran 1000000 iterations of a loop which fails to find a match so that everything is in cache and it's easy to measure.

             My Code       MS Code
Surface RT    297ns         562ns
Surface RT 2  172ns         296ns  

In both cases my code runs almost twice as fast. Most modern ARM CPUs will probably give similar results.

  • 13
    @LưuVĩnhPhúc - that's generally true, but tight ISRs are one of the biggest exceptions, in that you often know a lot more than the compiler does.
    – sapi
    Sep 4, 2014 at 11:26
  • 47
    Devil's advocate: is there any quantitative evidence that this code is faster? Sep 4, 2014 at 20:44
  • 11
    @BitBank: That's not good enough. You have to back up your claims with evidence. Sep 6, 2014 at 14:42
  • 13
    I learned my lesson years ago. I crafted an amazing optimised inner loop for a graphics routine on a Pentium, using the U and V pipes optimally. Got it down to 6 clock cycles per loop (calculated and measured), and I was very proud of myself. When I tested it against the same thing written in C, the C was faster. I never wrote another line of Intel assembler again. Sep 6, 2014 at 22:23
  • 16
    "skeptics in the comments who think that my experience is anecdotal/worthless and require proof." Don't take their comments overly negatively. Showing the proof just makes your great answer all that much better. Sep 8, 2014 at 8:30

There's a trick for optimizing it (I was asked this on a job-interview once):

  • If the last entry in the array holds the value that you're looking for, then return true
  • Write the value that you're looking for into the last entry in the array
  • Iterate the array until you encounter the value that you're looking for
  • If you've encountered it before the last entry in the array, then return true
  • Return false

bool check(uint32_t theArray[], uint32_t compareVal)
    uint32_t i;
    uint32_t x = theArray[SIZE-1];
    if (x == compareVal)
        return true;
    theArray[SIZE-1] = compareVal;
    for (i = 0; theArray[i] != compareVal; i++);
    theArray[SIZE-1] = x;
    return i != SIZE-1;

This yields one branch per iteration instead of two branches per iteration.


If you're allowed to allocate the array to SIZE+1, then you can get rid of the "last entry swapping" part:

bool check(uint32_t theArray[], uint32_t compareVal)
    uint32_t i;
    theArray[SIZE] = compareVal;
    for (i = 0; theArray[i] != compareVal; i++);
    return i != SIZE;

You can also get rid of the additional arithmetic embedded in theArray[i], using the following instead:

bool check(uint32_t theArray[], uint32_t compareVal)
    uint32_t *arrayPtr;
    theArray[SIZE] = compareVal;
    for (arrayPtr = theArray; *arrayPtr != compareVal; arrayPtr++);
    return arrayPtr != theArray+SIZE;

If the compiler doesn't already apply it, then this function will do so for sure. On the other hand, it might make it harder on the optimizer to unroll the loop, so you will have to verify that in the generated assembly code...

  • 2
    @ratchetfreak: OP does not provide any details on how, where and when this array is allocated and initialized, so I gave an answer that does not depend on that. Sep 4, 2014 at 12:16
  • 3
    Array is in RAM, writes are not allowed though.
    – wlamers
    Sep 4, 2014 at 14:21
  • 1
    nice, but the array is no longer const, which makes this not thread-safe. Seems like a high price to pay.
    – EOF
    Sep 4, 2014 at 17:12
  • 2
    @EOF: Where was const ever mentioned in the question? Sep 4, 2014 at 18:10
  • 4
    @barakmanos: If I pass an array and a value to you, and ask you whether the value is in the array, I don't usually assume you'll be modifying the array. The original question mentions neither const nor threads, but I think it's fair to mention this caveat.
    – EOF
    Sep 4, 2014 at 19:29

Keep the table in sorted order, and use Bentley's unrolled binary search:

i = 0;
if (key >= a[i+512]) i += 512;
if (key >= a[i+256]) i += 256;
if (key >= a[i+128]) i += 128;
if (key >= a[i+ 64]) i +=  64;
if (key >= a[i+ 32]) i +=  32;
if (key >= a[i+ 16]) i +=  16;
if (key >= a[i+  8]) i +=   8;
if (key >= a[i+  4]) i +=   4;
if (key >= a[i+  2]) i +=   2;
if (key >= a[i+  1]) i +=   1;
return (key == a[i]);

The point is,

  • if you know how big the table is, then you know how many iterations there will be, so you can fully unroll it.
  • Then, there's no point testing for the == case on each iteration because, except on the last iteration, the probability of that case is too low to justify spending time testing for it.**
  • Finally, by expanding the table to a power of 2, you add at most one comparison, and at most a factor of two storage.

** If you're not used to thinking in terms of probabilities, every decision point has an entropy, which is the average information you learn by executing it. For the >= tests, the probability of each branch is about 0.5, and -log2(0.5) is 1, so that means if you take one branch you learn 1 bit, and if you take the other branch you learn one bit, and the average is just the sum of what you learn on each branch times the probability of that branch. So 1*0.5 + 1*0.5 = 1, so the entropy of the >= test is 1. Since you have 10 bits to learn, it takes 10 branches. That's why it's fast!

On the other hand, what if your first test is if (key == a[i+512)? The probability of being true is 1/1024, while the probability of false is 1023/1024. So if it's true you learn all 10 bits! But if it's false you learn -log2(1023/1024) = .00141 bits, practically nothing! So the average amount you learn from that test is 10/1024 + .00141*1023/1024 = .0098 + .00141 = .0112 bits. About one hundredth of a bit. That test is not carrying its weight!

  • 5
    I really like this solution. It can be modified to run in a fixed number of cycles to avoid timing-based forensics if the location of the value is sensitive information. Sep 5, 2014 at 16:17
  • 1
    @OregonTrail: Timing-based forensics? Fun problem, but sad comment. Sep 5, 2014 at 17:00
  • 17
    You see unrolled loops like this in crypto libraries to prevent Timing Attacks en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timing_attack. Here's a good example github.com/jedisct1/libsodium/blob/… In this case we are preventing an attacker from guessing the length of a string. Usually the attacker will take several million samples of a function invocation to perform a timing attack. Sep 5, 2014 at 17:19
  • 1
    @OregonTrail: I second your timing-based comment. I have more than once had to write cryptographic code that executes in a fixed number of cycles, to avoid leaking information to timing-based attacks.
    – TonyK
    Nov 25, 2014 at 12:41

You're asking for help with optimising your algorithm, which may push you to assembler. But your algorithm (a linear search) is not so clever, so you should consider changing your algorithm. E.g.:

Perfect hash function

If your 256 "valid" values are static and known at compile time, then you can use a perfect hash function. You need to find a hash function that maps your input value to a value in the range 0..n, where there are no collisions for all the valid values you care about. That is, no two "valid" values hash to the same output value. When searching for a good hash function, you aim to:

  • Keep the hash function reasonably fast.
  • Minimise n. The smallest you can get is 256 (minimal perfect hash function), but that's probably hard to achieve, depending on the data.

Note for efficient hash functions, n is often a power of 2, which is equivalent to a bitwise mask of low bits (AND operation). Example hash functions:

  • CRC of input bytes, modulo n.
  • ((x << i) ^ (x >> j) ^ (x << k) ^ ...) % n (picking as many i, j, k, ... as needed, with left or right shifts)

Then you make a fixed table of n entries, where the hash maps the input values to an index i into the table. For valid values, table entry i contains the valid value. For all other table entries, ensure that each entry of index i contains some other invalid value which doesn't hash to i.

Then in your interrupt routine, with input x:

  1. Hash x to index i (which is in the range 0..n)
  2. Look up entry i in the table and see if it contains the value x.

This will be much faster than a linear search of 256 or 1024 values.

I've written some Python code to find reasonable hash functions.

Binary search

If you sort your array of 256 "valid" values, then you can do a binary search, rather than a linear search. That means you should be able to search 256-entry table in only 8 steps (log2(256)), or a 1024-entry table in 10 steps. Again, this will be much faster than a linear search of 256 or 1024 values.

  • Thanks for that. The binary search option is the one I have chosen. See also an earlier comment in the first post. This does the trick very well without using assembly.
    – wlamers
    Sep 5, 2014 at 7:37
  • 11
    Indeed, before trying to optimize your code (such as using assembly or other tricks) you should probably see if you can reduce the algorithmic complexity. Usually reducing the algorithmic complexity will be more efficient than trying to scap a few cycles but keeping the same algorithmic complexity.
    – ysdx
    Sep 6, 2014 at 7:21
  • A popular notion is that it takes too much effort to find an efficient hash routine so the "best practice" is a binary search. Sometimes though, "best practice" is not good enough. Suppose you are routing network traffic on the fly at the moment when a packet's header has arrived (but not its payload): using a binary search would make your product hopelessly slow. Embedded products usually have such constraints and requirements that what is "best practice" in, for example, an x86 execution environment is "taking the easy way out" in embedded. Jun 23, 2015 at 12:22

If the set of constants in your table is known in advance, you can use perfect hashing to ensure that only one access is made to the table. Perfect hashing determines a hash function that maps every interesting key to a unique slot (that table isn't always dense, but you can decide how un-dense a table you can afford, with less dense tables typically leading to simpler hashing functions).

Usually, the perfect hash function for the specific set of keys is relatively easy to compute; you don't want that to be long and complicated because that competes for time perhaps better spent doing multiple probes.

Perfect hashing is a "1-probe max" scheme. One can generalize the idea, with the thought that one should trade simplicity of computing the hash code with the time it takes to make k probes. After all, the goal is "least total time to look up", not fewest probes or simplest hash function. However, I've never seen anybody build a k-probes-max hashing algorithm. I suspect one can do it, but that's likely research.

One other thought: if your processor is extremely fast, the one probe to memory from a perfect hash probably dominates the execution time. If the processor is not very fast, than k>1 probes might be practical.

  • 1
    A Cortex-M is nowhere near extremely fast.
    – MSalters
    Sep 4, 2014 at 22:59
  • 2
    In fact in this case he doesn't need any hash table at all. He only wants to know if a certain key is in the set, he doesn't want to map it to a value. So it's enough if the perfect hash function maps each 32 bit value to either 0 or 1 where "1" could be defined as "is in the set". Sep 5, 2014 at 0:24
  • 1
    Good point, if he can get a perfect hash generator to produce such a mapping. But, that would be "an extremely dense set"; I doube he can find a perfect hash generator that does that. He might be better off trying to get a perfect hash that produces some constant K if in the set, and any value but K if not in the set. I suspect it is hard to get a perfect hash even for the latter.
    – Ira Baxter
    Sep 5, 2014 at 0:31
  • @DavidOngaro table[PerfectHash(value)] == value yields 1 if the value is in the set and 0 if it isn't, and there are well known ways to produce the PerfectHash function (see, e.g., burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/perfect.html). Trying to find a hash function that directly maps all values in the set into 1 and all values not in the set to 0 is a foolhardy task.
    – Jim Balter
    Oct 1, 2014 at 8:28
  • @DavidOngaro: a perfect hash function has many "false positives", which is to say, values not in the set would have the same hash as values in the set. So you have to have a table, indexed by the hash value, containing the "in-the-set" input value. So to validate any given input value you (a) hash it; (b) use the hash value to do the table look-up; (c) check if the entry in the table matches the input value. Nov 14, 2016 at 23:07

Use a hash set. It will give O(1) lookup time.

The following code assumes that you can reserve value 0 as an 'empty' value, i.e. not occurring in actual data. The solution can be expanded for a situation where this is not the case.

#define HASH(x) (((x >> 16) ^ x) & 1023)
#define HASH_LEN 1024
uint32_t my_hash[HASH_LEN];

int lookup(uint32_t value)
    int i = HASH(value);
    while (my_hash[i] != 0 && my_hash[i] != value) i = (i + 1) % HASH_LEN;
    return i;

void store(uint32_t value)
    int i = lookup(value);
    if (my_hash[i] == 0)
       my_hash[i] = value;

bool contains(uint32_t value)
    return (my_hash[lookup(value)] == value);

In this example implementation, the lookup time will typically be very low, but at the worst case can be up to the number of entries stored. For a realtime application, you can consider also an implementation using binary trees, which will have a more predictable lookup time.

  • 3
    It depends on how many times this lookup has to be done for this to be effective.
    – maxywb
    Sep 4, 2014 at 16:05
  • 1
    Er, lookup can run off the end of the array. And this sort of linear hashing has high collision rates -- no way you'll get O(1). Good hash sets aren't implemented like this.
    – Jim Balter
    Oct 1, 2014 at 7:35
  • You should just fix it so it wraps i around.
    – Jim Balter
    Oct 1, 2014 at 9:00
  • The point of a perfect hash function is that it does one probe. Period.
    – Ira Baxter
    Nov 14, 2016 at 23:20
  • Why is i signed int? Probably the compiler can prove that it stays non-negative (and thus % HASH_LEN can be implemented as & (HASH_LEN - 1)), but you might lead the compiler to emit code that accounts for signed remainder semantics. Jan 21, 2019 at 15:29

In this case, it might be worthwhile investigating Bloom filters. They're capable of quickly establishing that a value is not present, which is a good thing since most of the 2^32 possible values are not in that 1024 element array. However, there are some false positives that will need an extra check.

Since your table is apparently static, you can determine which false positives exist for your Bloom filter and put those in a perfect hash.


Assuming your processor runs at 204 MHz which seems to be the maximum for the LPC4357, and also assuming your timing result reflects the average case (half of the array traversed), we get:

  • CPU frequency: 204 MHz
  • Cycle period: 4.9 ns
  • Duration in cycles: 12.5 µs / 4.9 ns = 2551 cycles
  • Cycles per iteration: 2551 / 128 = 19.9

So, your search loop spends around 20 cycles per iteration. That doesn't sound awful, but I guess that in order to make it faster you need to look at the assembly.

I would recommend dropping the index and using a pointer comparison instead, and making all the pointers const.

bool arrayContains(const uint32_t *array, size_t length)
  const uint32_t * const end = array + length;
  while(array != end)
    if(*array++ == 0x1234ABCD)
      return true;
  return false;

That's at least worth testing.

  • 1
    -1, ARM has an indexed address mode so this is pointless. As for making the pointer const, GCC already spots that it doesn't change. The const doesnt't add anything either.
    – MSalters
    Sep 4, 2014 at 11:49
  • 11
    @MSalters OK, I didn't verify with the generated code, the point was to express something that makes it simpler at the C level, and I think just managing pointers instead of a pointer and an index is simpler. I simply disagree that "const doesn't add anything": it very clearly tells the reader that the value won't change. That is fantastic information.
    – unwind
    Sep 4, 2014 at 12:09
  • 9
    This is deeply embedded code; optimizations so far have included moving the code from flash to RAM. And yet it still needs to be faster. At this point, readability is not the goal.
    – MSalters
    Sep 4, 2014 at 22:43
  • 1
    @MSalters "ARM has an indexed address mode so this is pointless" -- well, if you completely miss the point ... the OP wrote "I also use pointer arithmetic and a for loop". unwind didn't replace indexing with pointers, he just eliminated the index variable and thus an extra subtract on every loop iteration. But the OP was wise (unlike many of the people answering and commenting) and ended up doing a binary search.
    – Jim Balter
    Oct 1, 2014 at 20:38

Other people have suggested reorganizing your table, adding a sentinel value at the end, or sorting it in order to provide a binary search.

You state "I also use pointer arithmetic and a for loop, which does down-counting instead of up (checking if i != 0 is faster than checking if i < 256)."

My first advice is: get rid of the pointer arithmetic and the downcounting. Stuff like

for (i=0; i<256; i++)
    if (compareVal == the_array[i])

tends to be idiomatic to the compiler. The loop is idiomatic, and the indexing of an array over a loop variable is idiomatic. Juggling with pointer arithmetic and pointers will tend to obfuscate the idioms to the compiler and make it generate code related to what you wrote rather than what the compiler writer decided to be the best course for the general task.

For example, the above code might be compiled into a loop running from -256 or -255 to zero, indexing off &the_array[256]. Possibly stuff that is not even expressible in valid C but matches the architecture of the machine you are generating for.

So don't microoptimize. You are just throwing spanners into the works of your optimizer. If you want to be clever, work on the data structures and algorithms but don't microoptimize their expression. It will just come back to bite you, if not on the current compiler/architecture, then on the next.

In particular using pointer arithmetic instead of arrays and indexes is poison for the compiler being fully aware of alignments, storage locations, aliasing considerations and other stuff, and for doing optimizations like strength reduction in the way best suited to the machine architecture.

  • Loops over pointers are idiomatic in C and good optimizing compilers can handle them just as well as indexing. But this whole thing is moot because the OP ended up doing a binary search.
    – Jim Balter
    Oct 1, 2014 at 7:26

Vectorization can be used here, as it is often is in implementations of memchr. You use the following algorithm:

  1. Create a mask of your query repeating, equal in length to your OS'es bit count (64-bit, 32-bit, etc.). On a 64-bit system you would repeat the 32-bit query twice.

  2. Process the list as a list of multiple pieces of data at once, simply by casting the list to a list of a larger data type and pulling values out. For each chunk, XOR it with the mask, then XOR with 0b0111...1, then add 1, then & with a mask of 0b1000...0 repeating. If the result is 0, there is definitely not a match. Otherwise, there may (usually with very high probability) be a match, so search the chunk normally.

Example implementation: https://sourceware.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/src/newlib/libc/string/memchr.c?rev=1.3&content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup&cvsroot=src


If you can accommodate the domain of your values with the amount of memory that's available to your application, then, the fastest solution would be to represent your array as an array of bits:

bool theArray[MAX_VALUE]; // of which 1024 values are true, the rest false
uint32_t compareVal = 0x1234ABCD;
bool validFlag = theArray[compareVal];


I'm astounded by the number of critics. The title of this thread is "How do I quickly find whether a value is present in a C array?" for which I will stand by my answer because it answers precisely that. I could argue that this has the most speed efficient hash function (since address === value). I've read the comments and I'm aware of the obvious caveats. Undoubtedly those caveats limit the range of problems this can be used to solve, but, for those problems that it does solve, it solves very efficiently.

Rather than reject this answer outright, consider it as the optimal starting point for which you can evolve by using hash functions to achieve a better balance between speed and performance.

  • 8
    How does this get 4 upvotes? The question states it's a Cortex M4. The thing has 136 KB RAM, not 262.144 KB.
    – MSalters
    Sep 5, 2014 at 22:40
  • 1
    It's astounding how many upvotes were given to manifestly wrong answers because the answerer missed the forest for the trees. For the OP's largest case O(log n) << O(n).
    – msw
    Sep 6, 2014 at 5:59
  • 4
    I get very grumpy at programmers who burn ridiculous amounts of memory, when there are far better solutions available. Every 5 years it seems that my PC is running out of memory, where 5 years ago that amount was plenty. Sep 8, 2014 at 1:07
  • 1
    @CraigMcQueen Kids these days. Wasting memory. Outrageous! Back in my days, we had 1 MiB of memory and a word size of 16-bits. /s
    – Cole Tobin
    Sep 8, 2014 at 6:09
  • 2
    What's with the harsh critics? The OP clearly states the speed is absolutely critical for this portion of code, and StephenQuan already mentioned a "ridiculous amount of memory". Sep 8, 2014 at 7:12

I'm sorry if my answer was already answered - just I'm a lazy reader. Feel you free to downvote then ))

1) you could remove counter 'i' at all - just compare pointers, ie

for (ptr = &the_array[0]; ptr < the_array+1024; ptr++)
    if (compareVal == *ptr)
... compare ptr and the_array+1024 here - you do not need validFlag at all.

all that won't give any significant improvement though, such optimization probably could be achieved by the compiler itself.

2) As it was already mentioned by other answers, almost all modern CPU are RISC-based, for example ARM. Even modern Intel X86 CPUs use RISC cores inside, as far as I know (compiling from X86 on fly). Major optimization for RISC is pipeline optimization (and for Intel and other CPU as well), minimizing code jumps. One type of such optimization (probably a major one), is "cycle rollback" one. It's incredibly stupid, and efficient, even Intel compiler can do that AFAIK. It looks like:

if (compareVal == the_array[0]) { validFlag = true; goto end_of_compare; }
if (compareVal == the_array[1]) { validFlag = true; goto end_of_compare; }
...and so on...

This way the optimization is that the pipeline is not broken for the worst case (if compareVal is absent in the array), so it is as fast as possible (of course not counting algorithm optimizations such as hash tables, sorted arrays and so on, mentioned in other answers, which may give better results depending on array size. Cycles Rollback approach can be applied there as well by the way. I'm writing here about that I think I didn't see in others)

The second part of this optimization is that that array item is taken by direct address (calculated at compiling stage, make sure you use a static array), and do not need additional ADD op to calculate pointer from array's base address. This optimization may not have significant effect, since AFAIK ARM architecture has special features to speed up arrays addressing. But anyway it's always better to know that you did all the best just in C code directly, right?

Cycle Rollback may look awkward due to waste of ROM (yep, you did right placing it to fast part of RAM, if your board supports this feature), but actually it's a fair pay for speed, being based on RISC concept. This is just a general point of calculation optimization - you sacrifice space for sake of speed, and vice versa, depending on your requirements.

If you think that rollback for array of 1024 elements is too large sacrifice for your case, you can consider 'partial rollback', for example dividing the array into 2 parts of 512 items each, or 4x256, and so on.

3) modern CPU often support SIMD ops, for example ARM NEON instruction set - it allows to execute the same ops in parallel. Frankly speaking I do not remember if it is suitable for comparison ops, but I feel it may be, you should check that. Googling shows that there may be some tricks as well, to get max speed, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/5734019/1028256

I hope it can give you some new ideas.

  • The OP bypassed all the foolish answers focused on optimizing linear loops, and instead presorted the array and did binary search.
    – Jim Balter
    Oct 1, 2014 at 7:19
  • @Jim, it is obvious that that kind of optimization should be made first. 'Foolish' answers may look not so foolish in some use cases when for example you do not have time to sort the array. Or if the speed you get, is not enough anyway
    – Mixaz
    Oct 9, 2014 at 10:49
  • "it is obvious that that kind of optimization should be made first" -- obviously not to the people who went to great effort to develop linear solutions. "you do not have time to sort the array" -- I have no idea what that means. "Or if the speed you get, is not enough anyway" -- Uh, if the speed from a binary search is "not enough", doing an optimized linear search won't improve it. Now I'm done with this subject.
    – Jim Balter
    Oct 9, 2014 at 19:34
  • @JimBalter, if I had such problem as OP, I certainly would consider using algs like binary search or something. I just couldn't think that OP didn't consider it already. "you do not have time to sort the array" means that sorting array takes time. If you need to do it for each input data set, it may take longer time than a linear loop. "Or if the speed you get, is not enough anyway" means following - optimization hints above could be used to speed up binary search code or whatsoever
    – Mixaz
    Oct 10, 2014 at 20:38

This is more like an addendum than an answer.

I've had a similar case in the past, but my array was constant over a considerable number of searches.

In half of them, the searched value was NOT present in array. Then I realized I could apply a "filter" before doing any search.

This "filter" is just a simple integer number, calculated ONCE and used in each search.

It's in Java, but it's pretty simple:

binaryfilter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
    // just apply "Binary OR Operator" over values.
    binaryfilter = binaryfilter | array[i];

So, before do a binary search, I check binaryfilter:

// Check binaryfilter vs value with a "Binary AND Operator"
if ((binaryfilter & valuetosearch) != valuetosearch)
    // valuetosearch is not in the array!
    return false;
    // valuetosearch MAYBE in the array, so let's check it out
    // ... do binary search stuff ...


You can use a 'better' hash algorithm, but this can be very fast, specially for large numbers. May be this could save you even more cycles.


Make sure the instructions ("the pseudo code") and the data ("theArray") are in separate (RAM) memories so CM4 Harvard architecture is utilized to its full potential. From the user manual:

enter image description here

To optimize the CPU performance, the ARM Cortex-M4 has three buses for Instruction (code) (I) access, Data (D) access, and System (S) access. When instructions and data are kept in separate memories, then code and data accesses can be done in parallel in one cycle. When code and data are kept in the same memory, then instructions that load or store data may take two cycles.

Following this guideline I observed ~30% speed increase (FFT calculation in my case).


I'm a great fan of hashing. The problem of course is to find an efficient algorithm that is both fast and uses a minimum amount of memory (especially on an embedded processor).

If you know beforehand the values that may occur you can create a program that runs through a multitude of algorithms to find the best one - or, rather, the best parameters for your data.

I created such a program that you can read about in this post and achieved some very fast results. 16000 entries translates roughly to 2^14 or an average of 14 comparisons to find the value using a binary search. I explicitly aimed for very fast lookups - on average finding the value in <=1.5 lookups - which resulted in greater RAM requirements. I believe that with a more conservative average value (say <=3) a lot of memory could be saved. By comparison the average case for a binary search on your 256 or 1024 entries would result in an average number of comparisons of 8 and 10, respectively.

My average lookup required around 60 cycles (on a laptop with an intel i5) with a generic algorithm (utilizing one division by a variable) and 40-45 cycles with a specialized (probably utilizing a multiplication). This should translate into sub-microsecond lookup times on your MCU, depending of course on the clock frequency it executes at.

It can be real-life-tweaked further if the entry array keeps track of how many times an entry was accessed. If the entry array is sorted from most to least accessed before the indeces are computed then it'll find the most commonly occuring values with a single comparison.

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