I have a manifest file which is just a list of newline separated filenames. How can I remove all files that are not named in the manifest from a folder?

I've tried to build a find ./ ! -name "filename" command dynamically:

command="find ./ ! -name \"MANIFEST\" "
for line in `cat MANIFEST`; do
    command=${command}"! -name \"${line}\" " 
command=${command} -exec echo {} \;

But the files remain.

[Note:] I know this uses echo. I want to check what my command does before using it.

Solution:(thanks PixelBeat)

ls -1 > ALLFILES
sort MANIFEST MANIFEST ALLFILES | uniq -u | xargs rm

Without temp file:

ls -1 | sort MANIFEST MANIFEST - | uniq -u | xargs rm

Both Ignores whether the files are sorted/not.

  • Thanks All! I'm giving it to pixelbeat for his shell guide that held the solution
    – brice
    May 8, 2010 at 11:57

5 Answers 5


For each file in current directory grep filename in MANIFEST file and rm file if not matched.

for file in *
  do grep -q -F "$file" PATH_TO_YOUR_MANIFIST ||  rm "$file" 
  • 1
    If you use this method, be sure to add the name of your manifest file to the manifest itself in case you're putting it in the same directory as where you're deleting files. If you put this code in a script, also add the name of that script to the manifest. Nov 11, 2013 at 16:38

Using the "set difference" pattern from http://www.pixelbeat.org/cmdline.html#sets

(find ./ -type f -printf "%P\n"; cat MANIFEST MANIFEST; echo MANIFEST) |
  sort | uniq -u | xargs -r rm

Note I list MANIFEST twice in case there are files listed there that are not actually present. Also note the above supports files in subdirectories

  • I get rm: missing operand on your command. I just figured it out using ls, comm, and xargs. Thanks anyway pb
    – brice
    May 6, 2010 at 16:22
  • Add a -r to xargs to remove that warning (when no files are needed to be deleted)
    – pixelbeat
    May 7, 2010 at 2:11
  • 1
    Set difference pattern using grep instead: find ./ -type f -printf "%P\n" | fgrep -vf MANIFEST |...
    – Mark Edgar
    May 10, 2010 at 11:12

figured it out:

ls -1 > ALLFILES
comm -3 MANIFEST ALLFILES | xargs rm
  • 2
    Yes comm -3 is equivalent to my solution above. But be careful as comm expects already sorted inputs
    – pixelbeat
    May 6, 2010 at 16:27
  • Cheers, eneded up using the set difference of unsorted.
    – brice
    May 6, 2010 at 16:40
  • 1
    Use xargs -L 1 if your filenames contain spaces.
    – djjeck
    May 6, 2014 at 21:23

Just for fun, a Perl 1-liner... not really needed in this case but much more customizable/extensible than Bash if you want something fancier :)

$ ls
1   2   3   4   5   M
$ cat M
$ perl -e '{use File::Slurp; %M = map {chomp; $_ => 1} read_file("M"); $M{M}=1; \
foreach $f (glob("*")) {next if $M{$f}; unlink "$f"||die "Can not unlink: $!\n" };}' 
$ ls
1   3   M

The above can be even shorter if you pass the manifest on STDIN

perl -e '{%M = map {chomp; $_ => 1} <>; $M{M}=1; \
foreach $f (glob("*")) {next if $M{$f};unlink "$f"||die "Can not unlink: $!\n" };}' M

Assumes that MANIFEST is already sorted:

find -type f -printf %P\\n | sort | comm -3 MANIFEST - | xargs rm

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