I've little knowledge of Java. I need to construct a string representation of an URI from FilePath(String) on windows. Sometimes the inputFilePath I get is: file:/C:/a.txt and sometimes it is: C:/a.txt. Right now, what I'm doing is:

new File(inputFilePath).toURI().toURL().toExternalForm()

The above works fine for paths, which are not prefixed with file:/, but for paths prefixed with file:/, the .toURI method is converting it to a invalid URI, by appending value of current dir, and hence the path becomes invalid.

Please help me out by suggesting a correct way to get the proper URI for both kind of paths.

  • 1
    Would it be sufficient to just remove file:/ from the start of the string if present? Or might there be other valid prefixes?
    – Thomas
    Nov 30, 2011 at 9:42

5 Answers 5


These are the valid file uri:

file:/C:/a.txt            <- On Windows
file:///C:/a.txt          <- On Windows
file:///home/user/a.txt   <- On Linux

So you will need to remove file:/ or file:/// for Windows and file:// for Linux.


Just use Normalize();


path = Paths.get("/", input).normalize();

this one line will normalize all your paths.

  • Which is better - 1. new File(inputFilePath).toURI() or 2. Paths.get(inputFilePath).toUri() ?
    – Gaurav
    Jul 9, 2019 at 15:55
  • 1
    @gaurav in this case Paths.get() will provide a similar results but because we will not have to create a FIle object the second option might be better. Jul 9, 2019 at 21:29

From SAXLocalNameCount.java from https://jaxp.java.net:

 * Convert from a filename to a file URL.
private static String convertToFileURL ( String filename )
    // On JDK 1.2 and later, simplify this to:
    // "path = file.toURL().toString()".
    String path = new File ( filename ).getAbsolutePath ();
    if ( File.separatorChar != '/' )
        path = path.replace ( File.separatorChar, '/' );
    if ( !path.startsWith ( "/" ) )
        path = "/" + path;
    String retVal =  "file:" + path;

    return retVal;
  • 5
    since JavaSE7 does that one line ... java.nio.file.FileSystems.getDefault().getPath( xmlFileAsString ).toAbsolutePath().toUri() Returns eg. "file:///C:/develop/doku/projects/Documentry/THB/src/docbkx/Systemvoraussetzungen.xml"
    – udoline
    May 4, 2017 at 15:11
  • @udoline Paths.get(xmlFileAsString) is the correct method to use for that. It does the same thing internally.
    – Lii
    Jun 25, 2018 at 12:09
  • @udoline is the .toAbsolutePath() method necessary before the call to .toUri()?
    – Gaurav
    Jul 8, 2019 at 13:32

The argument to new File(String) is a path, not a URI. The part of your post after 'but' is therefore an invalid use of the API.

  • So what should I do convert an URI to path? Essentially, to get a path which is not prefixed with "file:"
    – HarshG
    Nov 30, 2011 at 9:50
  • @user1073005 new URI(uri).getPath(), but this is a new question, isn't it? Your question above is about how to 'construct a string representation of an URI'.
    – user207421
    Nov 30, 2011 at 9:53
  • Which is better - 1. new File(inputFilePath).toURI() or 2. Paths.get(inputFilePath).toUri() ?
    – Gaurav
    Jul 9, 2019 at 15:55
class TestPath {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String brokenPath = "file:/C:/a.txt";


        if (brokenPath.startsWith("file:/")) {
            brokenPath = brokenPath.substring(6,brokenPath.length());

Gives output:

Press any key to continue . . .
  • I'd suggest using Apache Commons' StringUtils.removeStart(...): brokenPath = StringUtils.removeStart(brokenPath, "file:/").
    – Thomas
    Nov 30, 2011 at 9:45

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