I want similar option like getche() in C. How can I read just a single character input from command line?

Using read command can we do it?

5 Answers 5


In bash, read can do it:

read -n1 ans
  • 13
    read -p "Enter any char: " -n1 ans; echo -e "\nYou entered: $ans"
    – dimir
    Jan 4, 2012 at 13:22
  • Not all shells implement builtins the same way. For Z-Shell read -k1 ans"?Enter any char: " ; echo -e "\nYou entered: $ans" should do the same as dimir's comment does in bash.
    – Friartek
    Aug 29, 2023 at 15:37

read -n1 works for bash

The stty raw mode prevents ctrl-c from working and can get you stuck in an input loop with no way out. Also the man page says stty -raw is not guaranteed to return your terminal to the same state.

So, building on dtmilano's answer using stty -icanon -echo avoids those issues.

## /bin/{ksh,sh,zsh,...}

# read_char var
read_char() {
  stty -icanon -echo
  eval "$1=\$(dd bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null)"
  stty icanon echo

read_char char
echo "got $char"
  • 2
    This also works for ash (tested with "BusyBox v1.10.2"), and for "#!/bin/sh" being dash on debian.
    – Sam
    Dec 26, 2018 at 6:28
  • Hi "fess .". I think it is my duty to inform you about this question, and this meta question. And I fully indent to keep my word (maybe not right after i gained 75, that would drop me down to 25, and than I might loose "comment everywhere", but as soon as I reach 100, I'll use the bouny system)
    – Sam
    Dec 26, 2018 at 10:14
  • 1
    @Sam I'd advice you to keep your rep for now, as you'll need the reputation for various things: stackoverflow.com/help/privileges. I'm offering the bounty, so don't worry.
    – Cœur
    Dec 26, 2018 at 15:47
  • Why do you make the line containing dd a string and then eval it, rather than directly running it? May 9, 2023 at 20:03
  • So the purpose of eval is to modify the first positional arg. Great learning for me. However if you don’t need that, you can drop the eval I think.
    – KFL
    Jul 17, 2023 at 3:33

In ksh you can basically do:

stty raw
REPLY=$(dd bs=1 count=1 2> /dev/null)
stty -raw
read -n1

reads exactly one character from input

echo "$REPLY"

prints the result on the screen

doc: https://www.computerhope.com/unix/bash/read.htm


Some people mean with "input from command line" an argument given to the command instead reading from STDIN... so please don't shoot me. But i have a (maybe not most sophisticated) solution for STDIN, too!

When using bash and having the data in a variable you can use parameter expansion


and of course you can perform that on given args ($1, $2, $3, etc.)


#!/usr/bin/env bash


echo ${testdata1:0:1}
echo ${testdata2:0:1}
echo ${1:0:1} # argument #1 from command line


$ ./test.sh foo

reading from STDIN


#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo please type in your message:
read message
echo 1st char: ${message:0:1}


$ ./test.sh 
please type in your message:
1st char: F
  • 1
    Reading single characters is more about conditionally reading, waiting, or doing work as characters arrive, than it is isolating a single character assuming you already read ahead successfully. This blocks indefinitely, with or without char 1, alternately consuming everything it can and waiting for more, until it consumes some delimiter. It discards the delimiter, which could be a newline, EOF, or the first character you're trying to read (in which case length is 0.) Valid in some cases, but... caveat emptor.
    – John P
    Dec 11, 2020 at 8:14

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