
The challenge:

Build an ASCII chart of the most commonly used words in a given text.

The rules:

  • Only accept a-z and A-Z (alphabetic characters) as part of a word.
  • Ignore casing (She == she for our purpose).
  • Ignore the following words (quite arbitary, I know): the, and, of, to, a, i, it, in, or, is
  • Clarification: considering don't: this would be taken as 2 different 'words' in the ranges a-z and A-Z: (don and t).

  • Optionally (it's too late to be formally changing the specifications now) you may choose to drop all single-letter 'words' (this could potentially make for a shortening of the ignore list too).

Parse a given text (read a file specified via command line arguments or piped in; presume us-ascii) and build us a word frequency chart with the following characteristics:

  • Display the chart (also see the example below) for the 22 most common words (ordered by descending frequency).
  • The bar width represents the number of occurences (frequency) of the word (proportionally). Append one space and print the word.
  • Make sure these bars (plus space-word-space) always fit: bar + [space] + word + [space] should be always <= 80 characters (make sure you account for possible differing bar and word lengths: e.g.: the second most common word could be a lot longer then the first while not differing so much in frequency). Maximize bar width within these constraints and scale the bars appropriately (according to the frequencies they represent).

An example:

The text for the example can be found here (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll).

This specific text would yield the following chart:

|_________________________________________________________________________| she 
|_______________________________________________________________| you 
|____________________________________________________________| said 
|____________________________________________________| alice 
|______________________________________________| was 
|__________________________________________| that 
|___________________________________| as 
|_______________________________| her 
|____________________________| with 
|____________________________| at 
|___________________________| s 
|___________________________| t 
|_________________________| on 
|_________________________| all 
|______________________| this 
|______________________| for 
|______________________| had 
|_____________________| but 
|____________________| be 
|____________________| not 
|___________________| they 
|__________________| so 

For your information: these are the frequencies the above chart is built upon:

[('she', 553), ('you', 481), ('said', 462), ('alice', 403), ('was', 358), ('that
', 330), ('as', 274), ('her', 248), ('with', 227), ('at', 227), ('s', 219), ('t'
, 218), ('on', 204), ('all', 200), ('this', 181), ('for', 179), ('had', 178), ('
but', 175), ('be', 167), ('not', 166), ('they', 155), ('so', 152)]

A second example (to check if you implemented the complete spec): Replace every occurence of you in the linked Alice in Wonderland file with superlongstringstring:

|________________________________________________________________| she 
|_______________________________________________________| superlongstringstring 
|_____________________________________________________| said 
|______________________________________________| alice 
|________________________________________| was 
|_____________________________________| that 
|______________________________| as 
|___________________________| her 
|_________________________| with 
|_________________________| at 
|________________________| s 
|________________________| t 
|______________________| on 
|_____________________| all 
|___________________| this 
|___________________| for 
|___________________| had 
|__________________| but 
|_________________| be 
|_________________| not 
|________________| they 
|________________| so 

The winner:

Shortest solution (by character count, per language). Have fun!

Edit: Table summarizing the results so far (2012-02-15) (originally added by user Nas Banov):

Language          Relaxed  Strict
=========         =======  ======
GolfScript          130     143
Perl                        185
Windows PowerShell  148     199
Mathematica                 199
Ruby                185     205
Unix Toolchain      194     228
Python              183     243
Clojure                     282
Scala                       311
Haskell                     333
Awk                         336
R                   298
Javascript          304     354
Groovy              321
Matlab                      404
C#                          422
Smalltalk           386
PHP                 450
F#                          452
TSQL                483     507

The numbers represent the length of the shortest solution in a specific language. "Strict" refers to a solution that implements the spec completely (draws |____| bars, closes the first bar on top with a ____ line, accounts for the possibility of long words with high frequency etc). "Relaxed" means some liberties were taken to shorten to solution.

Only solutions shorter then 500 characters are included. The list of languages is sorted by the length of the 'strict' solution. 'Unix Toolchain' is used to signify various solutions that use traditional *nix shell plus a mix of tools (like grep, tr, sort, uniq, head, perl, awk).

  • 4
    Well, 'longest bar'+word=80 may not fit within 80 cols if second-most-common-word is a much longer word. Am looking for the 'max constraint' I guess.
    – Brian
    Jul 2, 2010 at 21:04
  • 1
    Do we normalize casing? 'She' = 'she'?
    – Brian
    Jul 2, 2010 at 21:04
  • 2
    IMO making this perform, both in terms of execution time and memory usage, seems like a more interesting challenge than character count. Jul 2, 2010 at 22:17
  • 81
    I'm glad to see that my favorite words s and t are represented.
    – indiv
    Jul 2, 2010 at 22:23
  • 8
    @indiv, @Nas Banov -- silly too-simple tokenizer reads "didn't" as {didn, t} and "she's" as {she, s} :)
    – hobbs
    Jul 3, 2010 at 6:40

59 Answers 59


C++, 647 chars

I don't expect to score highly by using C++, but nevermind that. I'm pretty sure it hits all the requirements. Note that I used the C++0x auto keyword for variable declaration, so adjust your complier appropriately if you decide to test my code.

Minimised version

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
#define C string
#define S(x)v=F/a,cout<<#x<<C(v,'_')
#define F t->first
#define G t->second
#define O &&F!=
#define L for(i=22;i-->0;--t)
int main(){map<C,int>f;char d[230];int i=1,v;for(;i<256;i++)d[i<123?i-1:i-27]=i;d[229]=0;char w[99];while(cin>>w){for(i=0;w[i];i++)w[i]=tolower(w[i]);char*p=strtok(w,d);while(p)++f[p],p=strtok(0,d);}multimap<int,C>c;for(auto t=f.end();--t!=f.begin();)if(F!="the"O"and"O"of"O"to"O"a"O"i"O"it"O"in"O"or"O"is")c.insert(pair<int,C>(G,F));auto t=--c.end();float a=0,A;L A=F/(76.0-G.length()),a=a>A?a:A;t=--c.end();S( );L S(\n|)<<"| "<<G;}

Here's a second version that is more "C++" by using string, not char[] and strtok. It's a bit larger, at 669 (+22 vs above), but I can't get it smaller at the moment so thought I'd post it anyway.

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
#define C string
#define S(x)v=F/a,cout<<#x<<C(v,'_')
#define F t->first
#define G t->second
#define O &&F!=
#define L for(i=22;i-->0;--t)
#define E e=w.find_first_of(d,g);g=w.find_first_not_of(d,e);
int main(){map<C,int>f;int i,v;C w,x,d="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";while(cin>>w){for(i=w.size();i-->0;)w[i]=tolower(w[i]);unsigned g=0,E while(g-e>0){x=w.substr(e,g-e),++f[x],E}}multimap<int,C>c;for(auto t=f.end();--t!=f.begin();)if(F!="the"O"and"O"of"O"to"O"a"O"i"O"it"O"in"O"or"O"is")c.insert(pair<int,C>(G,F));auto t=--c.end();float a=0,A;L A=F/(76.0-G.length()),a=a>A?a:A;t=--c.end();S( );L S(\n|)<<"| "<<G;}

I've removed the full version, because I can't be bothered to keep updating it with my tweaks to the minimised version. See edit history if you're interested in the (possibly outdated) long version.

  • If you're going to put an arbitrary limit on word length, you might as well make it 999 instead of 1024 and save a stroke.
    – Gabe
    Jul 3, 2010 at 21:38
  • If you use float a=0,A;L A=F/(76.0-G.length()),a=a>A?a:A; you can eliminate a #define and shave a few strokes.
    – Gabe
    Jul 3, 2010 at 21:40
  • @Gabe - thanks for that second one, trimmed a few extra away. As for word, having an arbitrary length doesn't really feel right - but I'm not sure of the best way to extract cin into a char array, as opposed to a string, without the risk of breaking in the middle of a word (ie, if I just pulled it in 80-char chunks). But I've put finding a "better" solution until probably tomorrow.
    – DMA57361
    Jul 3, 2010 at 22:45
  • Isn't d[i-27]=0; the same as d[229]=0;?
    – Gabe
    Jul 3, 2010 at 23:01
  • Why did you decide to use a char buffer instead of a string?
    – EvilTeach
    Jul 3, 2010 at 23:23

Yet another python 2.x - 206 chars (or 232 with 'width bar')

I believe this one if fully compliant with the question. Ignore list is here, it fully checks for line length (see exemple where I replaced Alice by Aliceinwonderlandbylewiscarroll througout the text making the fifth item the longest line. Even the filename is provided from command line instead of hardcoded (hardcoding it would remove about 10 chars). It has one drawback (but I believe it's ok with the question) as it compute an integer divider to make line shorter than 80 chars, the longest line is shorter than 80 characters, not exactly 80 characters. The python 3.x version does not have this defect (but is way longer).

Also I believe it is not so hard to read.

import sys,re
b=sorted((-t.count(x),x)for x in set(t))[:22]
for l,w in b:print"|"+l/min(z/(78-len(e))for z,e in b)*'-'+"|",w

|----------------------------------------------------------------| she
|--------------------------------------------------------| you
|-----------------------------------------------------| said
|----------------------------------------------| aliceinwonderlandbylewiscarroll
|-----------------------------------------| was
|--------------------------------------| that
|-------------------------------| as
|----------------------------| her
|--------------------------| at
|--------------------------| with
|-------------------------| s
|-------------------------| t
|-----------------------| on
|-----------------------| all
|---------------------| this
|--------------------| for
|--------------------| had
|--------------------| but
|-------------------| be
|-------------------| not
|------------------| they
|-----------------| so

As it is not clear if we must print the max bar alone on it's line (like in sample output). Below is another one that do it, but 232 chars.

import sys,re
b=sorted((-t.count(x),x)for x in set(t))[:22]
f=min(z/(78-len(e))for z,e in b)
for y,w in b:print"|"+y/f*'-'+"|",w

Python 3.x - 256 chars

Using Counter class from python 3.x, there was high hopes to make it shorter (as Counter does everything that we need here). It comes out it's not better. Below is my trial 266 chars:

import sys,re,collections as c
F=lambda p,x,w:print(p+'-'*int(x/max(z/(77.-len(e))for e,z in b))+w)
F(" ",b[0][1],"")
for w,y in b:F("|",y,"| "+w)

The problem is that collections and most_common are very long words and even Counter is not short... really, not using Counter makes code only 2 characters longer ;-(

python 3.x also introduce other constraints : dividing two integers is not an integer any more (so we have to cast to int), print is now a function (must add parenthesis), etc. That's why it comes out 22 characters longer than python2.x version, but way faster. Maybe some more experimented python 3.x coder will have ideas to shorten the code.

  • That's a clever way of sorting from high to low. Jul 7, 2010 at 3:39
  • In the Python 2 solution, you can do for l,w in b:print"|"+int(l/min(z/(76.-len(e))for z,e in b))*'-'+"|",w in the last line to align your lines correctly. This adds five characters and makes your code adhere to the rules ("Maximize bar width within these constraints and scale the bars appropriately"). You can, however, strip a few chars by importing os instead of sys and then doing os.read(0,1e9) instead of sys.stdin.read(). This makes for 208 chars overall, still one of the best solutions. Dec 31, 2011 at 0:35

Java - 991 chars (incl newlines and indentations)

I took the code of @seanizer, fixed a bug (he omitted the 1st output line), made some improvements to make the code more 'golfy'.

import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
public class WF{
 public static void main(String[] a)throws Exception{
  String t=IOUtils.toString(new java.net.URL(a[0]).openStream());
  class W implements Comparable<W> {
   String w;int f=1;W(String W){w=W;}public int compareTo(W o){return o.f-f;}
   String d(float r){char[]c=new char[(int)(f/r)];Arrays.fill(c,'_');return "|"+new String(c)+"| "+w;}
  Map<String,W>M=new HashMap<String,W>();
  Matcher m=Pattern.compile("\\b\\w+\\b").matcher(t.toLowerCase());
  while(m.find()){String w=m.group();W W=M.get(w);if(W==null)M.put(w,new W(w));else W.f++;}
  List<W>L=new ArrayList<W>(M.values());Collections.sort(L);int l=76-L.get(0).w.length();
  System.out.println(" "+new String(new char[l]).replace('\0','_'));
  for(W w:L.subList(0,22))System.out.println(w.d((float)L.get(0).f/(float)l));


|_________________________________________________________________________| she
|_______________________________________________________________| you
|____________________________________________________________| said
|_____________________________________________________| alice
|_______________________________________________| was
|___________________________________________| that
|____________________________________| as
|________________________________| her
|_____________________________| with
|_____________________________| at
|____________________________| s
|____________________________| t
|__________________________| on
|__________________________| all
|_______________________| this
|_______________________| for
|_______________________| had
|_______________________| but
|______________________| be
|_____________________| not
|____________________| they
|____________________| so

  • 1
    new String(new char[l]).replace('\0','_') that's a nice trick to remember, thanks. Jul 3, 2010 at 6:18

R 449 chars

can probably get shorter...

bar <- function(w, l)
    b <- rep("-", l)
    s <- rep(" ", l)
    cat(" ", b, "\n|", s, "| ", w, "\n ", b, "\n", sep="")

f <- "alice.txt"
e <- c("the", "and", "of", "to", "a", "i", "it", "in", "or", "is", "")
w <- unlist(lapply(readLines(file(f)), strsplit, s=" "))
w <- tolower(w)
w <- unlist(lapply(w, gsub, pa="[^a-z]", r=""))
u <- unique(w[!w %in% e])
n <- unlist(lapply(u, function(x){length(w[w==x])}))
o <- rev(order(n))
n <- n[o]
m <- 77 - max(unlist(lapply(u[1:22], nchar)))
n <- floor(m*n/n[1])
u <- u[o]

for (i in 1:22)
    bar(u[i], n[i])
  • @Johannes Rössel: It is dynamic, just scaled to 100% = 60px = max length. E.g.: 1st world = 50 occurrences, 2nd world = 25 occurrences. 1st bar = 60 px, 2nd bar = 30 px
    – nico
    Jul 3, 2010 at 14:46
  • @Johannes Rössel: Ok, I didn't read the part that said you should maximise the length, thought it just needed to fit 80 chars... now it works as intended :) Thanks for spotting that
    – nico
    Jul 3, 2010 at 16:37
  • Well, it's the one thing most often done wrong in the answers here, I think. Took me also quite a while to figure out an elegant way of doing so.
    – Joey
    Jul 3, 2010 at 16:41

Python 2.6, 273 269 267 266 characters.

(Edit: Props to ChristopheD for character-shaving suggestions)

import sys,re
d=sorted((t.count(w),w)for w in set(t)-set("the and of to a i it in or is".split()))[:-23:-1]
r=min((78.-len(m[1]))/m[0]for m in d)
for(a,b)in d:print"|"+"_"*(int(a*r-2))+"|",b


|_________________________________________________________________________| she
|_______________________________________________________________| you
|____________________________________________________________| said
|____________________________________________________| alice
|______________________________________________| was
|__________________________________________| that
|___________________________________| as
|_______________________________| her
|____________________________| with
|____________________________| at
|___________________________| s
|___________________________| t
|_________________________| on
|_________________________| all
|______________________| this
|______________________| for
|______________________| had
|_____________________| but
|____________________| be
|____________________| not
|___________________| they
|__________________| so
  • You could drop the square brackets in r=min([(78.0-len(m[1]))/m[0] for m in d]) (shaves off 2 characters: min((78.0-len(m[1]))/m[0] for m in d)). The same goes for the square brackets in line three: sorted([... Jul 3, 2010 at 14:13
  • Also in line three and four you can lose an unneeded space just before for (shaves off 2 characters). Jul 3, 2010 at 14:14
  • I like the way you abuse this print'', to print the starting space on the first line; clever ;-) Jul 3, 2010 at 14:34
  • Just realised I didn't need a following zero to declare a float on the fourth line. Is this the only Python entry that takes into account that some words might be significantly longer than the most common one?
    – user382714
    Jul 3, 2010 at 16:54
  • instead of 78 you can use 76 and saving two "-2"; instead of m[0],m[1] you can use w and r by doing "for w,r in d". you can use \w instead of [a-z]. sys.stdin.read() is shorter. I like the idea of using commas!
    – 6502
    Jul 5, 2010 at 23:13

Shell, 228 characters , with 80 chars constraint working

tr A-Z a-z|tr -Cs a-z "\n"|sort|egrep -v "^(the|and|of|to|a|i|it|in|or|is)$" |uniq -c|sort -r|head -22>g
while :
awk '{printf "|%0*s| %s\n",$1*'$n'/1e3,"",$2;}' g|tr 0 _>o 
egrep -q .{80} o&&break
cat o

I'm surprised nobody seems to have used the amazing * feature of printf.

cat 11-very.txt > golf.sh

|__________________________________________________________________________| she
|________________________________________________________________| you
|_____________________________________________________________| said
|______________________________________________________| alice
|_______________________________________________| was
|____________________________________________| that
|____________________________________| as
|_________________________________| her
|______________________________| with
|______________________________| at
|_____________________________| s
|_____________________________| t
|___________________________| on
|__________________________| all
|________________________| this
|_______________________| for
|_______________________| had
|_______________________| but
|______________________| be
|______________________| not
|____________________| they
|____________________| so

cat 11 | golf.sh

|_________________________________________________________________| she
|_________________________________________________________| verylongstringstring
|______________________________________________________| said
|_______________________________________________| alice
|__________________________________________| was
|_______________________________________| that
|________________________________| as
|_____________________________| her
|___________________________| with
|___________________________| at
|__________________________| s
|_________________________| t
|________________________| on
|_______________________| all
|_____________________| this
|_____________________| for
|_____________________| had
|____________________| but
|___________________| be
|___________________| not
|__________________| they
|__________________| so
  • Missing the very first line in the output (the top line of the first bar). Also couldn't you just sort ascending and then use the last 22 lines instead? Dunno whether that would make it shorter here but for me it was a serious consideration.
    – Joey
    Jul 4, 2010 at 21:15
  • I know for the first. I Just don't see a simple way to do it and I wasn't sure if that was really mandatory. I could not reverse indeed but then the output would be inversed (she at the last line)
    – mb14
    Jul 4, 2010 at 21:47

Groovy, 424 389 378 321 chars

replaced b=map.get(a) with b=map[a], replaced split with matcher / iterator

def r,s,m=[:],n=0;def p={println it};def w={"_".multiply it};(new URL(this.args[0]).text.toLowerCase()=~/\b\w+\b/).each{s=it;if(!(s==~/(the|and|of|to|a|i[tns]?|or)/))m[s]=m[s]==null?1:m[s]+1};m.keySet().sort{a,b->m[b]<=>m[a]}.subList(0,22).each{k->if(n++<1){r=(m[k]/(76-k.length()));p" "+w(m[k]/r)};p"|"+w(m[k]/r)+"|"+k}

(executed as groovy script with the URL as cmd line arg. No imports required!)

Readable version here:

def r,s,m=[:],n=0;
def p={println it};
def w={"_".multiply it};
(new URL(this.args[0]).text.toLowerCase()
        =~ /\b\w+\b/
        if (!(s ==~/(the|and|of|to|a|i[tns]?|or)/))
            m[s] = m[s] == null ? 1 : m[s] + 1
            a,b -> m[b] <=> m[a]
            k ->
                if( n++ < 1 ){
                    p " " + w(m[k]/r)
                p "|" + w(m[k]/r) + "|" + k

Scala, 327 characters

This was adapted from mkneissl's answer inspired by a Python version, though it is bigger. I'm leaving it here in case someone can make it shorter.

val f="\\w+\\b(?<!\\bthe|and|of|to|a|i[tns]?|or)".r.findAllIn(io.Source.fromFile("11.txt").mkString.toLowerCase).toSeq
val t=f.toSet[String].map(x=> -f.count(x==)->x).toSeq.sorted take 22
def b(p:Int)="_"*(-p/(for((c,w)<-t)yield-c/(76.0-w.size)).max).toInt
println(" "+b(t(0)._1))
for(p<-t)printf("|%s| %s \n",b(p._1),p._2)

Clojure - 611 chars (not minimized)

I tried writing the code in as much idiomatic Clojure as I could so late in the night. I am not too proud of the draw-chart function, but I guess the code will speak volumes of the succinctness of Clojure.

(ns word-freq
(:require [clojure.contrib.io :as io]))

(defn word-freq
  (take 22 (->> f
                io/read-lines ;;; slurp should work too, but I love map/red
                (mapcat (fn [l] (map #(.toLowerCase %) (re-seq #"\w+" l))))
                (remove #{"the" "and" "of" "to" "a" "i" "it" "in" "or" "is"})
                (reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (inc (%1 %2 0))) {})
                (sort-by (comp - val)))))

(defn draw-chart
  (let [[[w f] & _] fs]
    (apply str
           (interpose \newline
                      (map (fn [[k v]] (apply str (concat "|" (repeat (int (* (- 76 (count w)) (/ v f 1))) "_") "| " k " ")) ) fs)))))

;;; (println (draw-chart (word-freq "/Users/ghoseb/Desktop/alice.txt")))


|_________________________________________________________________________| she 
|_______________________________________________________________| you 
|____________________________________________________________| said 
|____________________________________________________| alice 
|_______________________________________________| was 
|___________________________________________| that 
|____________________________________| as 
|________________________________| her 
|_____________________________| with 
|_____________________________| at 
|____________________________| t 
|____________________________| s 
|__________________________| on 
|__________________________| all 
|_______________________| for 
|_______________________| had 
|_______________________| this 
|_______________________| but 
|______________________| be 
|_____________________| not 
|____________________| they 
|____________________| so

I know, this doesn't follow the spec, but hey, this is some very clean Clojure code which is already so small :)


MATLAB 335 404 410 bytes 357 bytes. 390 bytes.

The updated code is now 335 characters instead of 404, and seems to do well for both examples.

Original Message (For code of 404 characters)

This version is a bit longer, however, it will properly scale the length of the bars if there is a word that is ridiculously long so that none of the columns go over 80.

So, my code is 357 bytes without re-scaling, and 410 long with re-scaling.

A=textscan(fopen('11.txt'),'%s','delimiter',' 0123456789,.!?-_*^:;=+\\/(){}[]@&#$%~`|"''');
s=lower(A{1});s(cellfun('length', s)<2)=[];s(ismember(s,{'the','and','of','to','it','in','or','is'}))=[];
[w,~,i]=unique(s);N=hist(i,max(i)); [j,k]=sort(N,'descend'); b=k(1:22); n=cellfun('length',w(b));
q=80*N(b)'/N(k(1))+n; q=floor(q*78/max(q)-n); for i=1:22, fprintf('%s| %s\n',repmat('_',1,l(i)),w{k(i)});end


___________________________________________________________________________| she
_________________________________________________________________| you
______________________________________________________________| said
_______________________________________________________| alice
________________________________________________| was
____________________________________________| that
_____________________________________| as
_________________________________| her
______________________________| at
______________________________| with
____________________________| on
___________________________| all
_________________________| this
________________________| for
________________________| had
________________________| but
_______________________| be
_______________________| not
_____________________| they
____________________| so
___________________| very
___________________| what

For example, replacing all instances of "you" in the Alice in Wonderland text with "superlongstringofridiculousness", my code will correctly scale the results:

____________________________________________________________________| she
_________________________________________________________| superlongstringstring
________________________________________________________| said
_________________________________________________| alice
____________________________________________| was
________________________________________| that
_________________________________| as
______________________________| her
___________________________| with
___________________________| at
_________________________| on
________________________| all
_____________________| this
_____________________| for
_____________________| had
_____________________| but
____________________| be
____________________| not
__________________| they
__________________| so
_________________| very
_________________| what

Here is the updated code written a little bit more legibly:

s(cellfun('length', s)<2|ismember(s,{'the','and','of','to','it','in','or','is'}))=[];
for i=1:22, 
    fprintf('%s| %s\n',repmat('_',1,q(i)),w{k(i)});
  • Kudos for implementing the spec completely! (I would upvote but I've run out of votes for today...) Jul 3, 2010 at 21:01
  • 10
    shouldn't the bar for "superlongstringofridiculousness" be longer than the bar for "said"?
    – Bwmat
    Jul 3, 2010 at 21:57
  • @Bwmat: ahh!! good eye! back to the drawing board...
    – reso
    Jul 4, 2010 at 7:51
  • 1
    you could save 18 chars by replacing the delimiter string with: char([32:64 91:96 123:126])
    – Amro
    Jul 30, 2010 at 20:57
  • @Amro: hey, thanks for the tip, that is great. One day I will go back and fix the bug that Bwmat spoted and add that to it as well
    – reso
    Aug 23, 2010 at 15:43

Javascript, 348 characters

After I finished mine, I stole some ideas from Matt :3

t=prompt().toLowerCase().replace(/\b(the|and|of|to|a|i[tns]?|or)\b/gm,'');r={};o=[];t.replace(/\b([a-z]+)\b/gm,function(a,w){r[w]?++r[w]:r[w]=1});for(i in r){o.push([i,r[i]])}m=o[0][1];o=o.slice(0,22);o.sort(function(F,D){return D[1]-F[1]});for(B in o){F=o[B];L=new Array(~~(F[1]/m*(76-F[0].length))).join('_');print(' '+L+'\n|'+L+'| '+F[0]+' \n')}

Requires print and prompt function support.

  • This will have some problems with strings like the_foo, right? (Because then \b breaks apart)
    – Joey
    Jul 5, 2010 at 7:52

Python, 320 characters

import sys
i="the and of to a i it in or is".split()
for j in filter(lambda x:x not in i,sys.stdin.read().lower().split()):d[j]=d.get(j,0)+1
w=sorted(d.items(),key=lambda x:x[1])[:-23:-1]
print" %s\n"%("_"*(76-m)),"\n".join(map(lambda x:("|%s| "+x[0])%("_"*((76-m)*x[1]/w[0][1])),w))

R, 298 chars

r=sort(sapply(v,function(i) sum(a==i)),T)[2:23]  #the first item is an empty string, just skipping it
cat(" ",rep("_",q[1])," \n",sep="")
for(i in 1:22){cat("|",rep("_",q[i]),"| ",w[i],"\n",sep="")}

The output is:

|_________________________________________________________________________| she
|_______________________________________________________________| you
|____________________________________________________________| said
|_____________________________________________________| alice
|_______________________________________________| was
|___________________________________________| that
|____________________________________| as
|________________________________| her
|_____________________________| at
|_____________________________| with
|__________________________| on
|__________________________| all
|_______________________| this
|_______________________| for
|_______________________| had
|_______________________| but
|______________________| be
|_____________________| not
|____________________| they
|____________________| so
|___________________| very
|__________________| what

And if "you" is replaced by something longer:

|____________________________________________________________| she
|____________________________________________________| veryverylongstring
|__________________________________________________| said
|___________________________________________| alice
|______________________________________| was
|___________________________________| that
|_____________________________| as
|__________________________| her
|________________________| at
|________________________| with
|______________________| on
|_____________________| all
|___________________| this
|___________________| for
|___________________| had
|__________________| but
|__________________| be
|__________________| not
|________________| they
|________________| so
|_______________| very
|_______________| what
  • 1
    This is not doing the maximum scaling
    – 6502
    Jul 4, 2010 at 8:19

Object Rexx 4.0 with PC-Pipes

Where the PC-Pipes library can be found.
This solution ignores single letter words.

address rxpipe 'pipe (end ?) < Alice.txt',
   '|regex split /[^a-zA-Z]/', -- split at non alphbetic character
   '|locate 2',                -- discard words shorter that 2 char  
   '|xlate lower',             -- translate all words to lower case
   ,                           -- discard list words that match list
   '|regex not match /^(the||and||of||to||it||in||or||is)$/',
   '|l:lookup autoadd before count',  -- accumulate and count words
 '? l:',                       -- no master records to feed into lookup 
 '? l:',                       -- list of counted words comes here
   ,                           -- columns 1-10 hold count, 11-n hold word
   '|sort 1.10 d',             -- sort in desending order by count
   '|take 22',                 -- take first 22 records only
   '|array wordlist',          -- store into a rexx array
   '|count max',               -- get length of longest record 
   '|var maxword'              -- save into a rexx variable

parse value wordlist[1] with count 11 .  -- get frequency of first word
barunit = count % (76-(maxword-10))      -- frequency units per chart bar char

say ' '||copies('_', (count+barunit)%barunit)  -- first line of the chart
do cntwd over wordlist                    
  parse var cntwd count 11 word          -- get word frequency and the word
  say '|'||copies('_', (count+barunit)%barunit)||'| '||word||' '
The output produced
|________________________________________________________________________________| she
|_____________________________________________________________________| you
|___________________________________________________________________| said
|__________________________________________________________| alice
|____________________________________________________| was
|________________________________________________| that
|________________________________________| as
|____________________________________| her
|_________________________________| at
|_________________________________| with
|______________________________| on
|_____________________________| all
|__________________________| this
|__________________________| for
|__________________________| had
|__________________________| but
|________________________| be
|________________________| not
|_______________________| they
|______________________| so
|_____________________| very
|_____________________| what
  • How long is the solution (number of characters) - this is a code-golf?
    – Nas Banov
    Jul 5, 2010 at 23:54

Java, slowly getting shorter (1500 1358 1241 1020 913 890 chars)

stripped even more white space and var name length. removed generics where possible, removed inline class and try/catch block too bad, my 900 version had a bug

removed another try / catch block

import java.net.*;import java.util.*;import java.util.regex.*;import org.apache.commons.io.*;public class G{public static void main(String[]a)throws Exception{String text=IOUtils.toString(new URL(a[0]).openStream()).toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\b(the|and|of|to|a|i[tns]?|or)\\b","");final Map<String,Integer>p=new HashMap();Matcher m=Pattern.compile("\\b\\w+\\b").matcher(text);Integer b;while(m.find()){String w=m.group();b=p.get(w);p.put(w,b==null?1:b+1);}List<String>v=new Vector(p.keySet());Collections.sort(v,new Comparator(){public int compare(Object l,Object m){return p.get(m)-p.get(l);}});boolean t=true;float r=0;for(String w:v.subList(0,22)){if(t){t=false;r=p.get(w)/(float)(80-(w.length()+4));System.out.println(" "+new String(new char[(int)(p.get(w)/r)]).replace('\0','_'));}System.out.println("|"+new String(new char[(int)(((Integer)p.get(w))/r)]).replace('\0','_')+"|"+w);}}}

Readable version:

import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
import org.apache.commons.io.*;

public class G{

    public static void main(String[] a) throws Exception{
        String text =
            IOUtils.toString(new URL(a[0]).openStream())
                .replaceAll("\\b(the|and|of|to|a|i[tns]?|or)\\b", "");
        final Map<String, Integer> p = new HashMap();
        Matcher m = Pattern.compile("\\b\\w+\\b").matcher(text);
        Integer b;
            String w = m.group();
            b = p.get(w);
            p.put(w, b == null ? 1 : b + 1);
        List<String> v = new Vector(p.keySet());
        Collections.sort(v, new Comparator(){

            public int compare(Object l, Object m){
                return p.get(m) - p.get(l);
        boolean t = true;
        float r = 0;
        for(String w : v.subList(0, 22)){
                t = false;
                r = p.get(w) / (float) (80 - (w.length() + 4));
                System.out.println(" "
                    + new String(new char[(int) (p.get(w) / r)]).replace('\0',
                + new String(new char[(int) (((Integer) p.get(w)) / r)]).replace('\0',
                    '_') + "|" + w);
  • 7
    I like goofball high-character-count golf submissions. It's good to break up the monotony of line noise with something readable and almost laughably verbose.
    – John Y
    Jul 3, 2010 at 2:54
  • 3
    @John: I disagree. Even if you are going to use a verbose language (see my fortran 77 entries in some earlier code golfs for instance) you should code it as tightly as the language allows.Code golf isn't about good practices; indeed it is very nearly the antithesis of good practice. Jul 3, 2010 at 6:14
  • 2
    @dmckee: I completely understand and accept your viewpoint. Still, I personally like to see just about any submission. Variety is the spice of life, and to me that even includes differing (even opposing) spirit and ideals in code golf. Better to dance, but dance "poorly" (for whatever definition of dance), than to stand in the corner or worse yet, not even show up.
    – John Y
    Jul 3, 2010 at 14:14

Python 290, 255, 253

290 characters in python (text read from standard input)

import sys,re
for w in re.findall("[a-z]+",sys.stdin.read().lower()):c[w]=c.get(w,0)+1-(","+w+","in",a,i,the,and,of,to,it,in,or,is,")
r=sorted((-v,k)for k,v in c.items())[:22]
sf=max((76.0-len(k))/v for v,k in r)
print" "+"_"*int(r[0][0]*sf)
for v,k in r:print"|"+"_"*int(v*sf)+"| "+k

but... after reading other solutions I all of a sudden realized that efficiency was not a request; so this is another shorter and much slower one (255 characters)

import sys,re
r=sorted((-w.count(x),x)for x in set(w)-set("the and of to a i it in or is".split()))[:22]
f=max((76.-len(k))/v for v,k in r)
print" "+"_"*int(f*r[0][0])
for v,k in r:print"|"+"_"*int(f*v)+"| "+k

and after some more reading other solutions...

import sys,re
r=sorted((-w.count(x),x)for x in set(w)-set("the and of to a i it in or is".split()))[:22]
f=max((76.-len(k))/v for v,k in r)
for v,k in r:print"|"+"_"*int(f*v)+"|",k

And now this solution is almost byte-per-byte identical to Astatine's one :-D

  • I worked out a very similar solution. Looking at yours there seems to be ways to merge both, you thought of some tricks I didn't...
    – kriss
    Jul 5, 2010 at 2:24

Bourne shell, 213/240 characters

Improving on the shell version posted earlier, I can get it down to 213 characters:

tr A-Z a-z|tr -Cs a-z \\n|sort|egrep -v '^(the|and|of|to|a|i|it|in|or|is)$'|uniq -c|sort -rn|sed 22q>g
until egrep -q .{80} o
awk '{printf "|%0*d| %s\n",$1*'$n'/1e3,0,$2}' g|tr 0 _>o 
cat o

In order to get the upper outline on the top bar, I had to expand it to 240 characters:

tr A-Z a-z|tr -Cs a-z \\n|sort|egrep -v "^(the|and|of|to|a|i|it|in|or|is)$"|uniq -c|sort -r|sed 1p\;22q>g
until egrep -q .{80} o
awk '{printf "|%0*d| %s\n",$1*'$n'/1e3,0,NR==1?"":$2}' g|sed '1s,|, ,g'|tr 0 _>o 
cat o

shell, grep, tr, grep, sort, uniq, sort, head, perl - 194 chars

Adding some -i flags may drop the overly long tr A-Z a-z| step; the spec said nothing about the case displayed, and uniq -ci drops any case differences.

egrep -oi [a-z]+|egrep -wiv 'the|and|o[fr]|to|a|i[tns]?'|sort|uniq -ci|sort -nr|head -22|perl -lape'($f,$w)=@F;$.>1or($q,$x)=($f,76-length$w);$b="_"x($f/$q*$x);$_="|$b| $w ";$.>1or$_=" $b\n$_"'

That's minus 11 for the tr plus 2 for the -i's compared to the original 206 chars.

edit: minus 3 for the \\b which can be left out as pattern matching will commence on a boundary anyway.

sort gives lower case first, and uniq -ci takes the first occurence, so the only real change in output will be that Alice retains her upper case initial.

  • The bar length constraint isn't working.
    – Joey
    Jul 6, 2010 at 14:05

perl, 188 characters

The perl version above (as well as any regexp splitting based version) can get a few bytes shorter by including the list of forbidden words as negative lookahead assertions, rather than as a separate list. Furthermore the trailing semicolon can be left out.

I also included some other suggestions (- instead of <=>, for/foreach, dropped "keys") to get to

$c{$_}++for grep{$_}map{lc=~/\b(?!(?:the|and|a|of|or|i[nts]?|to)\b)[a-z]+/g}<>;@s=sort{$c{$b}-$c{$a}}%c;$f=76-length$s[0];say$"."_"x$f;say"|"."_"x($c{$_}/$c{$s[0]}*$f)."| $_ "for@s[0..21]

I don't know perl, but I presume that the (?!(?:...)\b) may lose the ?: if the handling around it is fixed.

  • This throws a syntax error for me: »String found where operator expected at c.pl line 1, near "say"|"" syntax error at c.pl line 1, near "say"|"" Search pattern not terminated at c.pl line 1.« (Perl 5.10.1). Also the code looks like the bar length constraint isn't working. And it may also well be that strings such as foo_the_bar won't get the stop words removed (because of \b).
    – Joey
    Jul 6, 2010 at 14:08

GNU Smalltalk (386)

I think it can be made a little bit shorter, but still no idea how.

|q s f m|q:=Bag new. f:=FileStream stdin. m:=0.[f atEnd]whileFalse:[s:=f nextLine.(s notNil)ifTrue:[(s tokenize:'\W+')do:[:i|(((i size)>1)&({'the'.'and'.'of'.'to'.'it'.'in'.'or'.'is'}includes:i)not)ifTrue:[q add:(i asLowercase)]. m:=m max:(i size)]]].(q:=q sortedByCount)from:1to:22 do:[:i|'|'display.((i key)*(77-m)//(q first key))timesRepeat:['='display].('| %1'%{i value})displayNl]

Ruby, 205

This Ruby version handles "superlongstringstring". (The first two lines are almost identical to the previous Ruby programs.)

It must be run this way:

ruby -n0777 golf.rb Alice.txt

W=($_.upcase.scan(/\w+/)-%w(THE AND OF TO A I IT
IN OR IS)).group_by{|x|x}.map{|k,v|[-v.size,k]}.sort[0,22]
puts" "+u[W[0][0]],W.map{|n,s|"|%s| "%u[n]+s}

The third line creates a closure or lambda that yields a correctly scaled string of underscores:

u = proc{|m|
  "_" *
    (W.map{|n,s| (76.0 - s.size)/n}.max * m)

.max is used instead of .min because the numbers are negative.

  • Implementing the full spec and still very short (213 characters at the moment according to wc -c), nice work! Jul 5, 2010 at 5:11

Go, 613 chars, could probably be much smaller:

package main
import(r "regexp";. "bytes";. "io/ioutil";"os";st "strings";s "sort";. "container/vector")
type z struct{c int;w string}
func(e z)Less(o interface{})bool{return o.(z).c<e.c}
func main(){b,_:=ReadAll(os.Stdin);g:=r.MustCompile
for w:=range c{w=ToLower(w);if len(w)>1&&!x.Match(w){m[string(w)]++}}
for k,v:=range m{o.Push(z{v,k});if v>y{y=v}}
for i,v:=range *o{if i>21{break};x:=v.(z);c:=int(float(x.c)/float(y)*80)
u:=st.Repeat("_",c);if i<1{println(" "+u)};println("|"+u+"| "+x.w)}}

I feel so dirty.


Lua solution: 478 characters.

t,u={},{}for l in io.lines()do
for w in l:gmatch("%a+")do
w=w:lower()if not(" the and of to a i it in or is "):find(" "..w.." ")then
t[w]=1+(t[w]or 0)end
for k,v in next,t do
table.sort(u,function(a,b)return a[2]>b[2]end)m,n=u[1][2],math.min(#u,22)for w=80,1,-1 do
s=""for i=1,n do
if b+#a>=78 then s=nil break end
s2=("_"):rep(b)if i==1 then
s=s.." " ..s2.."\n"end
s=s.."|"..s2.."| "..a.."\n"end
if s then print(s)break end end

Readable version:

for line in io.lines() do
    for w in line:gmatch("%a+") do
        w = w:lower()
        if not (" the and of to a i it in or is "):find(" "..w.." ") then
            t[w] = 1 + (t[w] or 0)
for k, v in pairs(t) do
    u[#u+1]={k, v}

table.sort(u, function(a, b)
    return a[2] > b[2]

local max = u[1][2]
local n = math.min(#u, 22)

for w = 80, 1, -1 do
    for i = 1, n do
        f = u[i][2]
        word = u[i][1]
        width = w * f / max
        if width + #word >= 78 then
        if i==1 then
            s=s.." " .. s2 .."\n"
        s=s.."|" .. s2 .. "| " .. word.."\n"
    if s then

Gotta love the big ones...Objective-C (1070 931 905 chars)

#define S NSString
#define C countForObject
#define O objectAtIndex
#define U stringWithCString
main(int g,char**b){id c=[NSCountedSet set];S*d=[S stringWithContentsOfFile:[S U:b[1]]];id p=[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF MATCHES[cd]'(the|and|of|to|a|i[tns]?|or)|[^a-z]'"];[d enumerateSubstringsInRange:NSMakeRange(0,[d length])options:NSStringEnumerationByWords usingBlock:^(S*s,NSRange x,NSRange y,BOOL*z){if(![p evaluateWithObject:s])[c addObject:[s lowercaseString]];}];id s=[[c allObjects]sortedArrayUsingComparator:^(id a,id b){return(NSComparisonResult)([c C:b]-[c C:a]);}];g=[c C:[s O:0]];int j=76-[[s O:0]length];char*k=malloc(80);memset(k,'_',80);S*l=[S U:k length:80];printf(" %s\n",[[l substringToIndex:j]cString]),[[s subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(0,22)]enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id a,NSUInteger x,BOOL*y){printf("|%s| %s\n",[[l substringToIndex:[c C:a]*j/g]cString],[a cString]);}];}

Switched to using a lot of depreciate APIs, removed some memory management that wasn't needed, more aggressive whitespace removal

|_________________________________________________________________________| she
|______________________________________________________________| said
|__________________________________________________________| you
|____________________________________________________| alice
|________________________________________________| was
|_______________________________________| that
|____________________________________| as
|_________________________________| her
|______________________________| with
|______________________________| at
|___________________________| on
|__________________________| all
|________________________| this
|________________________| for
|________________________| had
|_______________________| but
|______________________| be
|______________________| not
|____________________| so
|___________________| very
|__________________| what
|_________________| they
  • 1
    Note that the spec calls for ignoring 's, so "don't" parses as two words "don" and "s". You'll see in the reference implementation that "s" and "t" are represented in the top 22... Jul 3, 2010 at 9:12
  • Kudos for doing it in obj-c (not a language you see often in code golfing)! Jul 3, 2010 at 11:58
  • @Christophe: And here we see exactly why we don't see it that often ;)
    – Joey
    Jul 3, 2010 at 13:38
  • Try #define S NSString, #define C countForObject, and use these two appropriately. Also replace calloc(80,1) with simply malloc(80), since you're setting the contents straight afterwards. Also, reuse the a parameter, to save on an int declaration. This should get it less than 1,000 chars...
    – please delete me
    Jul 3, 2010 at 16:47
  • @brone thanks for the idea, took those, and some other extra stuff I saw, well below 1000 now Jul 3, 2010 at 17:20

TCL 554 Strict

foreach w [regexp -all -inline {[a-z]+} [string tolower [read stdin]]] {if {[lsearch {the and of to it in or is a i} $w]>=0} {continue};if {[catch {incr Ws($w)}]} {set Ws($w) 1}}
set T [lrange [lsort -decreasing -stride 2 -index 1 -integer [array get Ws]] 0 43]
foreach {w c} $T {lappend L [string length $w];lappend C $c}
set N [tcl::mathfunc::max {*}$L]
set C [lsort -integer $C]
set M [lindex $C end]
puts " [string repeat _ [expr {int((76-$N) * [lindex $T 1] / $M)}]] "
foreach {w c} $T {puts "|[string repeat _ [expr {int((76-$N) * $c / $M)}]]| $w"}

Or, more legibly

foreach w [regexp -all -inline {[a-z]+} [string tolower [read stdin]]] {
    if {[lsearch {the and of to a i it in or is} $w] >= 0} { continue }
    if {[catch {incr words($w)}]} {
        set words($w) 1
set topwords [lrange [lsort -decreasing -stride 2 -index 1 -integer [array get words]] 0 43]
foreach {word count} $topwords {
    lappend lengths [string length $word]
    lappend counts $count
set maxlength [lindex [lsort -integer $lengths] end]
set counts [lsort -integer $counts]
set mincount [lindex $counts 0].0
set maxcount [lindex $counts end].0
puts " [string repeat _ [expr {int((76-$maxlength) * [lindex $topwords 1] / $maxcount)}]] "
foreach {word count} $topwords {
    set barlength [expr {int((76-$maxlength) * $count / $maxcount)}]
    puts "|[string repeat _ $barlength]| $word"

Another T-SQL solution borrowing some ideas from Martin's solution (min76- etc).

declare @ varchar(max),@w real,@j int;select s=@ into[ ]set @=(select*
from openrowset(bulk'a',single_blob)a)while @>''begin set @=stuff(@,1,
patindex('%[a-z]%',@)-1,'')+'.'set @j=patindex('%[^a-z]%',@)if @j>2insert[ ]
select lower(left(@,@j-1))set @=stuff(@,1,@j,'')end;select top(22)s,count(*)
c into # from[ ]where',the,and,of,to,it,in,or,is,'not like'%,'+s+',%'
group by s order by 2desc;select @w=min((76.-len(s))/c),@=' '+replicate(
'_',max(c)*@w)from #;select @=@+'
|'+replicate('_',c*@w)+'| '+s+' 'from #;print @

The entire solution should be on two lines (concatenate first 7), although you can cut, paste and run it as-is. Total characters = 507 (counting the line break as 1 if you save it in Unix format and execute using SQLCMD)


  1. There isn't a temp table #
  2. There isn't a table named [ ]
  3. The input is in the default system folder, e.g. C:\windows\system32\a
  4. Your query window has 'set nocount on' active (prevent spurious "rows affected" msgs)

And to get onto the list of solutions (<500 char), here's the "relaxed" edition at 483 characters (No vertical bars / No top bar / No trailing space after word)

declare @ varchar(max),@w real,@j int;select s=@ into[ ]set @=(select*
from openrowset(bulk'b',single_blob)a)while @>''begin set @=stuff(@,1,
patindex('%[a-z]%',@)-1,'')+'.'set @j=patindex('%[^a-z]%',@)if @j>2insert[ ]
select lower(left(@,@j-1))set @=stuff(@,1,@j,'')end;select top(22)s,count(*)
c into # from[ ]where',the,and,of,to,it,in,or,is,'not like'%,'+s+',%'
group by s order by 2desc;select @w=min((78.-len(s))/c),@=''from #;select @=@+'
'+replicate('_',c*@w)+' '+s from #;print @

Readable version

declare @ varchar(max), @w real, @j int
select s=@ into[ ] -- shortcut to create table; use defined variable to specify column type
-- openrowset reads an entire file
set @=(select * from openrowset(bulk'a',single_blob) a) -- a bit shorter than naming 'BulkColumn'

while @>'' begin -- loop until input is empty
    set @=stuff(@,1,patindex('%[a-z]%',@)-1,'')+'.' -- remove lead up to first A-Z char *
    set @j=patindex('%[^a-z]%',@) -- find first non A-Z char. The +'.' above makes sure there is one
    if @j>2insert[ ] select lower(left(@,@j-1)) -- insert only words >1 char
    set @=stuff(@,1,@j,'') -- remove word and trailing non A-Z char

select top(22)s,count(*)c
into #
from[ ]
where ',the,and,of,to,it,in,or,is,' not like '%,'+s+',%' -- exclude list
group by s
order by 2desc; -- highest occurence, assume no ties at 22!

-- 80 - 2 vertical bars - 2 spaces = 76
-- @w = weighted frequency
-- this produces a line equal to the length of the max occurence (max(c))
select @w=min((76.-len(s))/c),@=' '+replicate('_',max(c)*@w)
from #;

-- for each word, append it as a new line. note: embedded newline
select @=@+'
|'+replicate('_',c*@w)+'| '+s+' 'from #;
-- note: 22 words in a table should always fit on an 8k page
--       the order of processing should always be the same as the insert-orderby
--       thereby producing the correct output

print @ -- output

Python, 250 chars

borrowing from all the other Python snippets

import re,sys
W=sorted((-t.count(w),w)for w in set(t)-set("the and of to a i it in or is".split()))[:22]
Z,U=W[0],lambda n:"_"*int(n*(76.-len(Z[1]))/Z[0])
for(n,w)in W:print"|"+U(n)+"|",w

If you're cheeky and put the words to avoid as arguments, 223 chars

import re,sys
W=sorted((-t.count(w),w)for w in set(t)-set(sys.argv[1:]))[:22]
Z,U=W[0],lambda n:"_"*int(n*(76.-len(Z[1]))/Z[0])
for(n,w)in W:print"|"+U(n)+"|",w

Output is:

$ python alice4.py  the and of to a i it in or is < 11.txt 
|_________________________________________________________________________| she
|_______________________________________________________________| you
|____________________________________________________________| said
|_____________________________________________________| alice
|_______________________________________________| was
|___________________________________________| that
|____________________________________| as
|________________________________| her
|_____________________________| at
|_____________________________| with
|____________________________| s
|____________________________| t
|__________________________| on
|__________________________| all
|_______________________| this
|_______________________| for
|_______________________| had
|_______________________| but
|______________________| be
|_____________________| not
|____________________| they
|____________________| so
  • 1
    This doesn't handle the problem of having the scale determined by a word that is not the most frequent one.
    – 6502
    Jul 4, 2010 at 8:04

Groovy, 250


(new URL(args[0]).text.toLowerCase()=~/\w+/).each{it==~/(the|and|of|to|a|i[tns]?|or)/?:(m[it]=1+(m[it]?:0))}
b={d,c,b->println d+'_'*c+d+' '+b}
b' ',z=77-k[0].size(),''


$ groovy wordcount.groovy http://www.gutenberg.org/files/11/11.txt


|__________________________________________________________________________| she
|________________________________________________________________| you
|_____________________________________________________________| said
|_____________________________________________________| alice
|_______________________________________________| was
|____________________________________________| that
|____________________________________| as
|_________________________________| her
|______________________________| at
|______________________________| with
|_____________________________| s
|_____________________________| t
|___________________________| on
|__________________________| all
|________________________| this
|_______________________| for
|_______________________| had
|_______________________| but
|______________________| be
|______________________| not
|____________________| they
|____________________| so

N.B. this follows relaxed rules re: long strings



{t::y;{(-1')t#(.:)[b],'(!:)[b:"|",/:(((_)70*x%(*:)x)#\:"_"),\:"|"];}desc(#:')(=)($)(`$inter\:[(,/)" "vs'" "sv/:"'"vs'a(&)0<(#:')a:(_:')read0 -1!x;52#.Q.an])except`the`and`of`to`a`i`it`in`or`is`}

the function takes two arguments: one a file containing the text and the other is the number of lines of the chart to display

q){t::y;{(-1')t#(.:)[b],'(!:)[b:"|",/:(((_)70*x%(*:)x)#\:"_"),\:"|"];}desc(#:')(=)($)(`$inter\:[(,/)" "vs'" "sv/:"'"vs'a(&)0<(#:')a:(_:')read0 -1!x;52#.Q.an])except`the`and`of`to`a`i`it`in`or`is`}[`a.txt;20]



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