Consider the following snippet:

void Foo()
  // ...

void Bar()
  return Foo();

What is a legitimate reason to use the above in C++ as opposed to the more common approach:

void Foo()
  // ...

void Bar()

  // no more expressions -- i.e., implicit return here

8 Answers 8


Probably no use in your example, but there are some situations where it's difficult to deal with void in template code, and I expect this rule helps with that sometimes. Very contrived example:

#include <iostream>

template <typename T>
T retval() {
    return T();

template <>
void retval() {

template <>
int retval() {
    return 23;

template <typename T>
T do_something() {
    std::cout << "doing something\n";

template <typename T>
T do_something_and_return() {
    return retval<T>();

int main() {
    std::cout << do_something_and_return<int>() << "\n";
    std::cout << do_something_and_return<void*>() << "\n";

Note that only main has to cope with the fact that in the void case there's nothing to return from retval . The intermediate function do_something_and_return is generic.

Of course this only gets you so far - if do_something_and_return wanted, in the normal case, to store retval in a variable and do something with it before returning, then you'd still be in trouble - you'd have to specialize (or overload) do_something_and_return for void.

  • Thanks. All the answers were good, but this one illustrated the point nicely.
    – kirk0
    Aug 8, 2010 at 15:54

This is a rather useless construction that serves no purpose, unless it is used with templates. That is, if you have defined template functions that returns a value that may be 'void'.

  • 5
    then it's hardly "useless", is it? ;)
    – jalf
    Aug 8, 2010 at 17:46
  • @jalf: Well, in the form it is shown in the question it is pretty useless, isn't it? ;-) Aug 9, 2010 at 13:54
  • true enough. I interpreted the code in the question as an example of the language feature, and asking when the language feature in general is useful. But fair point. ;)
    – jalf
    Aug 9, 2010 at 16:16

You would use it in generic code, where the return value of Foo() is unknown or subject to change. Consider:

template<typename Foo, typename T> T Bar(Foo f) {
    return f();

In this case, Bar is valid for void, but is also valid should the return type change. However, if it merely called f, then this code would break if T was non-void. Using the return f(); syntax guarantees preservation of the return value of Foo() if one exists, AND allows for void().

In addition, explicitly returning is a good habit to get into.



template <typename T, typename R>
R some_kind_of_wrapper(R (*func)(T), T t)
   /* Do something interesting to t */
   return func(t);

int func1(int i) { /* ... */ return i; }

void func2(const std::string& str) { /* ... */ }

int main()
   int i = some_kind_of_wrapper(&func1, 42);

   some_kind_of_wrapper(&func2, "Hello, World!");

   return 0;

Without being able to return void, the return func(t) in the template would not work when it was asked to wrap func2.


The only reason I can think of is if you had a long list of return Foo(); statements in a switch and wanted to make it more compact.


Could be a case where Foo() originally returned a value, but was later changed to void, and the person who updated it just didn't think very clearly.


First and foremost, returning void can be helpful when writing templates. You typically don't do it if you know that a function returns void, but it's helpful that it's legal:

template <typename T, typename F>
auto apply(T x, F f) {
    // if f returns void, the return type of apply is deduced to void, and the following
    // return statement is legal
    return f(x);

This example may be a bit artificial, but in practice, returning void simplifies the implementation of std::apply.

Another use case is making switch statements more compact:

void one(), two(), three();

void before(int x) {
    switch (x) {
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:

void after(int x) {
    switch (x) {
    case 1: return one();
    case 2: return two();
    case 3: return three();

Technically, before could also have just one line per case, but putting multiple statements on a single line often conflicts with style guides and/or auto-formatters.


The reason is returning memory like math.h always returns. math.h has no void and no empty arguments. There are many practical situations where you need memory.

  • 1
    What? The math functions take arguments and return values because that's what they need to do to be math functions...
    – GManNickG
    Aug 8, 2010 at 19:39

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