I have a problem with git svn under cygwin

user@comp /cygdrive/c/repositories/git/repo $git svn clone --username=username "https://host/svn/repos/repo" .
Initialized empty Git repository in /cygdrive/c/repositories/git/repo/.git/
error: git-svn died of signal 11

How to handle this?

user@comp ~ $svn --version
svn, version 1.6.15 (r1038135)
   compiled Nov 29 2010, 14:09:28

user@comp ~ $git --version
git version 1.7.4
  • Had the same thing with centos 4.8. Did you try to use SVN::Client in a simple perl script? Mar 13, 2011 at 10:35
  • I have the git version 1.7.9-rc1 and the svn version 1.8.5 (r1542147). perl --version displays This is perl 5, version 14, subversion 2 (v5.14.2) built for cygwin-thread-multi-64int (with 7 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail). And this is the latest versions on the mirror "mirrors.kernel.org". The next command perl -e 'require SVN::Core; print "$SVN::Core::VERSION\n"' executes succesfully. But git svn fetch and git svn rebase still shows error: git-svn died of signal 11. What can I try to do else?
    – wwarlock
    Dec 2, 2013 at 13:39
  • Ok, I've downgraded subversion to 1.7.14 and got an error like perl unable to remap cygsvn_client-1-0.dll to same address as parent - try running rebaseall. I've exited cygwin, started ash and then did rebaseall in my working directory (but may be it's possible to run just after ash started). I've started cygwin again and git svn rebase did all job without errors. May be new version of svn after rebaseall will work too, I haven't time to test it just now.
    – wwarlock
    Dec 2, 2013 at 14:56

5 Answers 5


I found a good tip here:

If you cd to the new repository and type
git svn fetch
it will continue where it left of.

I had the same issue, and the solution seems to work for me.


I was figth with this problem for a 5 hours. I was trying to use git from cygwin. But unfortunatly... This hucking

git-svn died signal 11

while trying to do

git svn clone http://repo.com/path/to/my/repo.git -s

really pissed me of... Addition i doing it after work being on my work place... :) We are used proxy to connect to svn repo from our network. I was tried rebaseall... Serf internet for solving the problem... But unfortunately unlucky(Не фортануло не повезло...)...

So i decide that, i hucking, solve this problemm off!

I go to wokr in my holyday and do this:

  • Remove git package from my cygwin.
  • Remove any another git installation from my windows environment (like tortoisegit)
  • Download and install msysgit (http://msysgit.github.io/)
  • Install it.
  • Configure git to use proxy as below.
  • Run cmd.
  • execute git config --global http.proxy http://my.proxy.com:8080
  • Now we need to configure svn to use proxy when you run git svn clone. Or else you will get this error:

    RA layer request failed: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/repos/my-project': PROPFIND of '/svn/repos/my-project': could not connect to server (https://my.svn.repository.behinde.proxy.com) at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/Git/SVN.pm line 310    

And this is some tricky. For it we need to edit /.subversion/servers in home folder. Not %appdata%\.subversion\servers , not c:\users\userlogin\.subversion\servers no! You need do next:

  • run git bash (that you have after installing msysGit) from

    "Start" -> all programms -> git -> Git bash.`

this is a link that point to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i in my case

  • Now you need execute "cd" command.
  • Now do

    ls -al

    look for .subversion folder

  • And now edit file under this folder vi .subversion/servers you need to find section [groups] and add your server to what you want to made proxy connection for example:

        myserver = www.some.server.com
  • Now in same file add strings like this:

        http-proxy-host = http[or https]://[login:password_to_proxy@]my.proxy.com
        http-proxy-port = 8080your proxy port

for example:

        http-proxy-host = http://my.proxy.com
        http-proxy-port = 8080

now you are configure all you need (i hope :) ) And now you may run cmd and make git svn clone https://your.repository.com/path/to/repo -s

And work with svn using git svn for your pleasure. :)

  • Thanks. This saved my day, as in a corporate environment .subversion\server are under %HOMESHARE%, but in a standalone Windows installation under %USERPROFILE%. And Git bash knows where to look in which case. Aug 27, 2014 at 7:55
  • What? You execute "cd" command to go to your's user home directory.
    – Pasha
    Feb 28, 2017 at 19:05

Try running perl -e 'require SVN::Core; print "$SVN::Core::VERSION\n"'. That should print '1.6.15' in your case. If it spits out an error instead, it probably means that you don't have the perl SVN module installed. Try installing the 'subversion-perl' package in cygwin.

  • user@comp $perl -e 'require SVN::Core; print "$SVN::Core::VERSION\n"' 1.6.15
    – kingoleg
    Mar 18, 2011 at 8:36
  • perl -e 'require SVN::Core; print "$SVN::Core::VERSION\n"' gives me segmentation fault. But writing the code in .pl file and then executing perl script gives output '1.6.11'. Should be okay I suppose. Is it?
    – Ninad
    May 31, 2013 at 8:55

In my case it was due to not being able to reach the repository.

I had to add my proxy settings to ~/.subversion/servers to let svn be able to check it out.

  • It is really worth to check the SVN/subversion proxy settings, this solved my issue. Jan 30, 2017 at 9:30

It seems git-svn crashes with Segmentation fault (that could indicate a software bug). The git-svn executable file is just a plain perl script, so to fix it you've the following possibilities:

  • upgrade perl and make sure it uses that new version,
  • try changing shebang of git-svn binary into upgraded perl,
  • re-install subversion to use upgraded bindings to perl:

    • OS X: brew reinstall subversion --with-perl thenbrew link --overwrite subversion
    • Linux: apt-get install git-svn libsvn-perl
  • locate other non-crashing git-svn and use them instead, e.g.

    which -a git-svn
    locate git-svn | grep git-svn$

If you're on OS X, check for more ideas here.

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