Edit Nov 2016: Node now has a built in debugger that you can start with --inspect. This answer explains it: https://stackoverflow.com/a/39901169/30946.

I'm building a mocha test in coffeescript. Right at the top of the test I have:

require "../assets/js/theObject.coffee"
ss = new TheObject()

I'd like to stop on that debugger line because the object in theObject.coffee isn't being loaded. I'm using node-inspector and it works, sorta.

The process that I have is:

  1. start node-inspector
  2. run the test at the command line with mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script ./test/theObjectTests.coffee --ui bdd -d --debug-brk
  3. go to the node-inspector page, refresh it if it is already open
  4. wait for the file theObject.coffee to be loaded, then put a breakpoint on the correct line

There must be an easier way. It seems like I should be able to have a debugger running and just have it stop on that debugger line, but I'm not able to find that.

I have WebStorm, which has a debugger (this article discusses setting it up to run mocha tests, but it didn't help me), but when I start it, it fails. The command that's running in the WebStorm debug window is:

"C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" --debug-brk=64232 C:\Users\jcollum\AppData\Roaming\npm\_mocha

basedir=`dirname "$0"`

I suspect that might be a windows specific issue.

Env: Windows 7, Webstorm, node 0.8.16, mocha 1.7.4, git-bash

The question: if you're starting from scratch with Mocha, what's the easiest way to get a debugger going that will stop on a debugger line easily? Easy is the keyword here.

Edit: since asking this I've stopped using Windows and am working in Ubuntu. My mocha debugging process (which I use infrequently) is the same.


11 Answers 11


Edit, years later: the shortest path in Node 6+ is: mocha --debug-brk --inspect ./test.js coupled with the Node Inspector Manager plugin.

Many weeks later, no answers. Here's the quickest path that I found.

  1. write mocha tests
  2. install node-inspector
  3. start node-inspector -- it will now be listening on 5858
  4. start the mocha test with --debug-brk
  5. at this point the mocha test is paused on the first line
  6. open a web browser and go to localhost:5858
  7. (optional: add a debugger line at the top of your test file, set breakpoints after it stops in that file)
  8. hit F10 to get the code to go
  9. node-inspector will stop on any line that has debugger on it. Occasionally it won't move the code file's window to the right place, so you'll have to hit F10 to get it to step to the next line and show where it's at in the file.

Command line:

node-inspector & mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script/register ./test/appTests.coffee --ui bdd -d -g "should X then Y" --debug-brk

  • 2
    this is the best I've found too. If you ever find a better way please update this answer :)
    – Simon Lang
    Jul 4, 2013 at 3:16
  • 2
    @DmitryMatveev sometimes mocha doesn't fail, it just sits there. Debugging is helpful for that. You're assuming a lot about my code based on my question.
    – jcollum
    Jan 24, 2014 at 20:50
  • 7
    @DmitryMatveev You're describing a unit test. There are several other types of tests where debugging is very handy. May 1, 2014 at 15:24
  • 1
    @Dmitry - even small and easy tests can be misinterpreted - debugger can confirm one's expectations. Oct 28, 2015 at 12:07
  • 3
    @DmitryMatveev - so if I'm reading this correctly, in a perfect world, no one needs debuggers because everyone always TDDs everything, and they do it all "correctly". I completely agree. Well, time to go back to the real world where I try to spend a few hours each day!
    – max
    Dec 16, 2015 at 14:26

In addition to @jcollum's answer above, I have found instead of using the --debug-brk flag, it is better to just use the --debug flag with -w (watch)

That way, when you add and remove debugger lines from your code, mocha will reload the tests automatically and your node-inspector will pause on the appropriate line.

This saves having to revisit the terminal constantly restarting the tests, then needlessly hitting "continue" in the debugger to get past the first line of the source.

  • I was having trouble getting jcollums solution working in OS X. The source and spec files didn't seem to load in node-inspector. This worked for me. Mar 24, 2015 at 1:04
  • I get Error: Injection failed: no require in current frame. with --debug. Even tried it with --no-preload, but still have to press Pause and Play.
    – user2486953
    Apr 10, 2016 at 0:00

With the latest versions of Mocha and node-inspector, this has been working great for me:

$ node-debug ./node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha

It loads up the local Mocha executable as the debugged process, stopping on the first line for you to set up your breakpoints.


Heads up on http://s-a.github.io/iron-node/. This is most efficient software to debug anything Node.js related.

$ iron-node ./node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • Could you elaborate? What's better with this vs. node-inspector?
    – jcollum
    Mar 23, 2016 at 17:35
  • 1
    just a few things... ironNode does support themes. ironNode does not use WebSockets or something like this. (No connection lost messages or something like that). ironNode works independent of local node installation because it has its own. No too fast scripts to attach the debugger problems. No --debug-brk or other preperation necessary to start a debug session. No UI in a weird states behavior. NO UI doesn't load or doesn't work and refresh didn't help behavior No debugger takes a long time to start up behavior. :) just try it. I use exclusively Mar 23, 2016 at 18:47
  • This is so much faster for me than node-inspector. Thanks for posting this. Apr 16, 2016 at 1:21

The alternative way using WebStorm node debugger.

In short:

  1. You need WebStorm
  2. Create new Node debug profile in WebStorm
  3. Set path to your mocha binary into Path to Node App JS File
  4. Add breakpoints and start the session from WebStorm

Detailed instruction with screenshots by Glenn Block.

  • I tried this when I first got Webstorm. Couldn't get it to work, gave up. I found that blog post a long time ago.
    – jcollum
    Oct 7, 2013 at 15:54
  • Odd, guess bad luck. Worked like a charm for me lately, and I really liked how easy it was to setup. Consider giving it one more try :)
    – Brock
    Oct 14, 2013 at 18:27
  • The blog post it outdated. I had more success watching this example setup: youtube.com/watch?v=4mKiGkokyx8&feature=youtu.be
    – k0pernikus
    Aug 10, 2017 at 16:19

If it's a Node application, then using the integrated Node debugger from the command line is the quickest path to stardom:

$ mocha $args -- debug

In Webstorm now you can just set up using a mocha configuration. Worked pretty much out of the box for me:

Node interpreter: /usr/local/bin/node
Working directory: /Users/me/sites/mysite
Mocha Package: /Users/me/sites/mysite/node_modules/mocha

and then

All in directory
Test directory: /Users/me/sites/mysite/test

It also shows you the parameters it runs with so you can probably copy them to another environment if you need to.

  • Yes! @Tree it will stop there
    – timhc22
    Sep 17, 2018 at 15:23

In regards to either Webstorm or PhpStorm, you can add a specific mocha debug configuration:

Debug configuration

You'll have to add via the green, you might give it a name.

If the already installed mocha in the project via:

 npm install mocha --save


 yarn add mocha

it will find the according module in your project.

I had to provide the correct path to my unit tests, and hit the mark for Include subdirectories/

Since my project is a typescript one I had to add:

yarn add ts-node

For a pure js project it should not be necessary.

Now you can run the entire test suit, and you can then pick single test cases from the list and run them on and debug them on their own.


None of the existing answers mention the path of least resistance: When you need to debug Mocha tests, you can simply add another assert that checks the value you'd like to debug.


I find this is often all I need. And I just remove the extra assert(s) I used for debugging when I'm done.


A modern way to do this is to use nodejs's inspector integration feature. It's fairly simple to use. I've already written a detailed explanation of how to use it in this post

  • 1
    Updated the question.
    – jcollum
    Nov 26, 2016 at 18:40

In addition to the other answers you can also

  1. add the debugger keyword where you want to stop in your program
  2. Run mocha like: npx ts-mocha inspect my.test.ts
  3. At the command line debugger that starts type 'c' and 'enter'
  4. You will be at your breakpoint (type 'l' and 'enter' to confirm this)

Note: the critical part of this answer is the inspect , other aspects might need to be changed for i.e. javascript, running without npx, etc. I just wrote the version I have tested (node v16.15.0, mocha ts-mocha 10.2.0)

  • I highly recommend the chrome debugger instead of the command line debugger. Also worth noting that the answer marked as the answer includes --inspect.
    – jcollum
    May 12, 2023 at 17:49

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