I have a VPS sever where I deploy frequently releases and the dir structure is that I have a current dir, what is a symlink to an actual release under a releases dir. How can I achieve, that only X ( in my case 3) releases stay in the releases dir, the rest can be deleted, to spare free HDD and because I don't need them any more. This setup is what capifony uses.

3 Answers 3


Something along this lines should work, where bin would be your symlinked directory :

- name: Set timestamp
  set_fact: release_timestamp="{{ansible_date_time.epoch}}"

- name: Deploy code from repository
  action: git repo={{repo_url}} dest={{app_dir}}/releases/{{release_timestamp}} remote={{repo_remote}} version={{branch}}

- name: Create symlink to bin folder
  file: src={{app_dir}}/releases/{{release_timestamp}}  dest={{app_dir}}/bin state=link

- name: List old releases and clean them up
  shell: "ls -t {{app_dir}}/releases | tail -n +{{releases_to_keep + 1}}"
  register: ls_output

- file: name={{app_dir}}/releases/{{ item }} state=absent
  with_items: ls_output.stdout_lines

If you want to do rollback:

- name: Find the previous release
    shell: "ls -t {{app_dir}}/releases | head -2 | tail -1"
    register: ls_output

- name: Create symlink to previous release folder
    file: src={{app_dir}}/releases/{{item}}  dest={{app_dir}}/bin state=link
    with_items: ls_output.stdout_lines
  • I came across your suggestion. Thank you for that one. One thing to add: Variables in with_items should be surrounded by brackets {{}}. with_items: {{ ls_output.stdout_lines }}
    – Phillip
    May 3, 2018 at 6:49

This is an old topic but I think this answer will be helpful.

- name: Find all directories in releases folder
    paths="{{ app_dir }}/{{ releases }}"
  register: dirs

- name: Only last three releases
    path="{{ item.path }}"
    - "{{ (dirs.files | sort(attribute='ctime'))[:-3] }}"

Perhaps a bit off-topic, but it will give you a place to start:

There is an Ansible role in the galaxy specifically pointed at replacing Capistrano/Capifony. With an example for a Symfony2 project even :-)

Example usage:

To answer your question more specifically:

The loop required to clean the releases folder would be either a shell script or a composition of Ansible tasks (saving ls output, sorting and removing). To make this a smoother process, we decided to place this logic in an Ansible module. This module is used in the project_deploy role linked above. But if you prefer to wrote your own role, the module was extracted and placed in ot's own galaxy role:

Finally, if you're interested in a deeper look at why we came to the current construction:

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