How do we change emulator screen orientation to landscape or portrait?


28 Answers 28


Ctrl+F12 is the keyboard shortcut.

  • 21
  • 20
    Numpad 7 is what I use, just make sure you have NumLock turned off so you're basically pressing the "Home" key on the Numpad.
    – Mark B
    Jan 4, 2010 at 16:23
  • 3
    Numpad 7 is nice, but if you're using a laptop, you're screwed, so this is the definite +1 Jun 20, 2011 at 11:49
  • on some linux distros the right Ctrl key may not functioning I use left Ctrl-F12 on archlinux Jan 15, 2012 at 13:17
  • 31
    On Mac it's CTRL + FN + F11
    – Gal Bracha
    May 17, 2013 at 9:33

Android Emulator Shortcuts

Ctrl+F11 Switch layout orientation portrait/landscape backwards

Ctrl+F12 Switch layout orientation portrait/landscape forwards

1. Main Device Keys

Home Home Button

F2 Left Softkey / Menu / Settings button (or Page up)

Shift+f2 Right Softkey / Star button (or Page down)

Esc Back Button

F3 Call/ dial Button

F4 Hang up / end call button

F5 Search Button

2. Other Device Keys

Ctrl+F5 Volume up (or + on numeric keyboard with Num Lock off) Ctrl+F6 Volume down (or + on numeric keyboard with Num Lock off) F7 Power Button Ctrl+F3 Camera Button

Ctrl+F11 Switch layout orientation portrait/landscape backwards

Ctrl+F12 Switch layout orientation portrait/landscape forwards

F8 Toggle cell network

F9 Toggle code profiling

Alt+Enter Toggle fullscreen mode

F6 Toggle trackball mode


For those pesky Apple MacBook keyboard layouts that otherwise adjust the volume, use Ctrl + fn + F12.


Num 7 on keypad does it for me. Remember it works only when Num Lock is off.


ctrl+fn+F11 on Mac to change the landscape to portrait and vice versa.

left-ctrl+F11on Windows 7.

ctrl+F11on Linux.


Ctrl + F11 and Ctrl + F12 both work.


Additionally, you must verify the autorotate setting on the emulator. Because of if this setting is off, you can't change the orientation besides press the rotate buttons. In the following picture, I will show how you can do this.

Activate Autorotate Setting

  • You just saved my life. I totally forgot about that. Thank you so much. Jan 28, 2020 at 14:30
  • I'm happy can help you, greetings Vinicius
    – martosfre
    Sep 18, 2020 at 23:51

On Ubuntu none of the keys (Ctrl+F11/F12 or numpad 7/numpad 9) worked for me. But I can rotate the emulator sending the keys with xdotool.

For example for a VM named "Galaxy_Nexus" I can rotate the emulator with:

xdotool search --name "Galaxy" key "ctrl_L+F11"
  • 2
    Thanks. This worked in my case, without the L. xdotool search --name "Nexus" key "ctrl+F11" Feb 11, 2014 at 15:55
  • All other methods failed on Linux Mint 17.3, this works. I also had to modify the key to "ctrl+F11"
    – JNissi
    Mar 7, 2016 at 9:32

Ctrl + F11, numpad 7 and numpad 9 don't work on my Ubuntu box, but Ctrl + F12 does.


For Mac, use:

Ctrl + FN + F11



You no longer need to remember the shortcuts. The latest Android AVD interface contains a sidebar with various functional shortcuts. I've circled in blue the buttons that rotate the screen clockwise and counter-clockwise.

enter image description here

  • 1
    Unfortunately, although this rotates the emulator depiction, it doesn't signal the applications to rotate.
    – Oscar
    Jul 17, 2020 at 23:22
  • @Oscar I'm using Flutter's MediaQuery and my app rotates. There's a short lag but then the mode has changed.
    – Banana
    Dec 5, 2021 at 10:51
  • @Oscar it is signaling but you need to swipe "a finger" from the top of the display and click on the enable rotation icon. I guess the emulator comes with Android system that has the icon disabled by default. Imagine how you would enable/disable rotation on your android phone. See the answer by martosfre above.
    – timmi4sa
    Apr 25, 2022 at 16:13

Ubuntu Release 12.04 (precise) 64-bit
DELL Latitude E6320

CTRL + (double tap on F12)


Fn + 7 is a solution for keyboards where the num keypad is merged with the main keypad. Here the key with 7 (and &) is the key that has the blue-coloured 7.


Android Emulator Shortcuts

Ctrl+F11 Switch layout orientation portrait/landscape backwards

Ctrl+F12 Switch layout orientation portrait/landscape forwards

  1. Main Device Keys

Home Home Button

F2 Left Softkey / Menu / Settings button (or Page up)

Shift+F2 Right Softkey / Star button (or Page down)

Esc Back Button

F3 Call/ dial Button

F4 Hang up / end call button

F5 Search Button

  1. Other Device Keys

Ctrl+F5 Volume up (or + on numeric keyboard with Num Lock off) Ctrl+F6 Volume down (or + on numeric keyboard with Num Lock off) F7 Power Button Ctrl+F3 Camera Button

Ctrl+F11 Switch layout orientation portrait/landscape backwards

Ctrl+F12 Switch layout orientation portrait/landscape forwards

F8 Toggle cell network

F9 Toggle code profiling

Alt+Enter Toggle fullscreen mode

F6 Toggle trackball mode


On Android Studio 4.0.1, the emulator includes buttons for rotation.

In the image below, the Rotate Left (shortcut: Ctrl + Left) button is outlined in blue and the Rotate Right (shortcut: Ctrl + Right) button is outlined in red.

Android Emulator

After pressing one of the buttons to rotate, the orientation of the application itself will not change. For instance, if we pressed Rotate Left, the application would look this:

Android Emulator Rotated Left

To change the orientation of the running application, it is necessary to click the icon outlined in red above. Note that this icon may take a few seconds to show up and will disappear shortly. Also, when rotating back to portrait orientation, one must press the opposite rotate button for the icon to appear. This means that if we pressed Rotate Left, we need to press Rotate Right to return to the original orientation, and vice versa.

Android Emulator Landscape


In my notebook, Dell Latitude E4310, the Ctrl+F12 keys do the job.


My virtual device could not be rotated. Go to the device list, click settings and change the predefined resolution.


Use function + 9 for HP laptops. Others keys specified in previous answers didn't work for me.


Left Ctrl+F12 = For Windows 8


To do this on the Surface



With Android Studio:

Windows: Ctrl+Left-Arrow and Ctrl+Right-Arrow


Super->Ctrl_L->F12 works for me on Fedora 23


All of the above methods didn't work for me. Using Left Ctrl + <Windows Key> + F11 worked on Linux Mint 17.


In the updated emulator you don't have to remember the keyboard shortcuts -- they have added a side panel to the right side of the window. You can change the screen orientation by clicking either of the "rotate" buttons in that side panel.

enter image description here

Just click on Rotate button to change the landscape to portrait and vice versa.

  • Unfortunately, although this rotates the emulator depiction, it doesn't signal the applications to rotate. Bizarre.
    – Oscar
    Jul 17, 2020 at 23:20

On Mac to see the help: ⌘/ then you will see Keyboard shortcuts.

Rotate right: ⌘→ , Rotate left: ⌘←


For Linux use: Right_Ctrl + left_Arrow or Right_Ctrl + right_Arrow.

  1. Make sure Auto-rotate is ON


  1. Rotate Right/Left.




See documentation here: https://developer.android.com/studio/run/emulator.html#tasks

enter image description here

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