I'm using Laravel 5.0 Facades Storage

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;

and I can use it like


In the Laravel 5.0 Docs,there's nothing like rename a file or folder from the storage.

Any help, ideas, clues, suggestions, recommendations on how to rename a file or folder using the Storage?

3 Answers 3


Laravel Docs

The move method may be used to rename or move an existing file to a new location:

Storage::move('hodor/file1.jpg', 'holdthedoor/file2.jpg');

this way, you can rename without moving

Storage::move('hodor/oldfile-name.jpg', 'hodor/newfile-name.jpg'); // keep the same folder to just rename 


  • i see, in php it could be like 'rename(oldname,newname,context)' so I'm looking for Laravel's way, anyway, thanks for the answer, how can I rename the file without moving it? Jun 1, 2016 at 1:18
  • i will edit answer,, actualy its easy check edit (i just tested the answer and it works 100% ) Jun 1, 2016 at 1:19

You can rename directories using

Storage::rename('oldFolder/', 'newFolder/');
  • Was looking for an answer to this question. Both using rename and move for renaming a folder doesn't work. Any ideas?
    – eskimo
    Dec 16, 2020 at 18:44

Well, I had almost the same issue but i solved it like this: rename($path, $newPath) using the built-in php function rename(),and guess what, everything worked like a charm!

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