I would like to print out the number of votes that each choice got. I have this code in a template:

{% for choice in choices %}
    {{choice.choice}} - {{votes[choice.id]}} <br />
{% endfor %}

votes is just a dictionary while choices is a model object.

It raises an exception with this message:

"Could not parse the remainder"

9 Answers 9

choices = {'key1':'val1', 'key2':'val2'}

Here's the template:

{% for key, value in choices.items %} 
  <li>{{key}} - {{value}}</li>
{% endfor %}

Basically, .items is a Django keyword that splits a dictionary into a list of (key, value) pairs, much like the Python method .items(). This enables iteration over a dictionary in a Django template.

  • @anacarolinats (and others) just make sure you iterate over both the key,value for choices.items. It should still work.
    – OldTinfoil
    Jan 4, 2013 at 11:52
  • so in the template engine can't use ( ). BTW Thanks wotks for me.
    – BlaShadow
    Nov 4, 2013 at 18:40
  • 7
    Nice concise solution to the question. To clarify, items is a Python method call on the dictionary, not a Django keyword. As Alex Martelli points out it's basically the same as iteritems. As Wilhelm answered, the dictionary lookup is 3rd in precedence for dot lookups. If you have an item in your dictionary named 'items', you'll get that value back instead of a list of tuples. To test: add {'items':'oops'} to your dictionary and you'll get a bulleted list of letters from the word 'oops'
    – cod3monk3y
    Nov 8, 2013 at 1:53
  • 1
    Use collections.OrderedDict to control the order of the iteration
    – dnalow
    Jan 7, 2015 at 11:35
  • 1
    This should be the accepted answer. Simple and straightforward! Oct 28, 2015 at 13:16

you can use the dot notation:

Dot lookups can be summarized like this: when the template system encounters a dot in a variable name, it tries the following lookups, in this order:

  • Dictionary lookup (e.g., foo["bar"])
  • Attribute lookup (e.g., foo.bar)
  • Method call (e.g., foo.bar())
  • List-index lookup (e.g., foo[2])

The system uses the first lookup type that works. It’s short-circuit logic.

  • 51
    In his case choice is a variable. Doing .choice will look up the value for the key "choice" rather the value for the key choice.
    – ibz
    Jan 30, 2011 at 9:35
  • 1
    +1 for the info, even though the question was kind of a "guess what I'm thinking" question. Thanks Wilhelm.
    – eficker
    Oct 25, 2011 at 1:31
  • 4
    This even works with nested dictionaries. Python code: my_dict[1][2] Template code: my_dict.1.2
    – djsmith
    Jan 26, 2012 at 20:39
  • 2
    @J.C.Leitão Because the correct version is d.key.1 - note the second .
    – Izkata
    Apr 19, 2013 at 19:42
  • 3
    Check the docs on this though... from "1.6 docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/topics/templates/#variables" : Note that “bar” in a template expression like {{ foo.bar }} will be interpreted as a literal string and not using the value of the variable “bar”, if one exists in the template context.
    – jamesc
    Dec 13, 2013 at 18:00

To echo / extend upon Jeff's comment, what I think you should aim for is simply a property in your Choice class that calculates the number of votes associated with that object:

class Choice(models.Model):
    text = models.CharField(max_length=200)

    def calculateVotes(self):
        return Vote.objects.filter(choice=self).count()

    votes = property(calculateVotes)

And then in your template, you can do:

{% for choice in choices %}
    {{choice.choice}} - {{choice.votes}} <br />
{% endfor %}

The template tag, is IMHO a bit overkill for this solution, but it's not a terrible solution either. The goal of templates in Django is to insulate you from code in your templates and vice-versa.

I'd try the above method and see what SQL the ORM generates as I'm not sure off the top of my head if it will pre-cache the properties and just create a subselect for the property or if it will iteratively / on-demand run the query to calculate vote count. But if it generates atrocious queries, you could always populate the property in your view with data you've collected yourself.

  • thanks @john ewart, your solution worked for me. I am newbie to django and python and can't figureout how to get the sql that ORM generated.
    – Mohamed
    Aug 14, 2009 at 8:27
  • You can find the answer to that bit over here: docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/faq/models/… It's quite simple, actually and can be displayed in your template, or logged with a logging facility, but you have to remember to turn DEBUG on for this to work.
    – John Ewart
    Aug 14, 2009 at 14:04
  • this solution is perfect for a problem I've been having with django templating + google app engine models. I wish I could vote you up twice. May 7, 2011 at 16:32
  • 6
    While it does work, it's not very efficient. It is doing sql queries in a loop (something you should avoid). Creating your own tag to do dict lookups is easy: @register.filter def lookup(d, key): if d and isinstance(d, dict): return d.get(key)
    – dalore
    Oct 30, 2012 at 14:10
  • Creating a class is way too much overhead; a better structured dictionary, combined with the .items call (as illustrated in one of the other answers) is a far simpler solution.
    – Zags
    Feb 7, 2014 at 23:08

You need to find (or define) a 'get' template tag, for example, here.

The tag definition:

def hash(h, key):
    return h[key]

And it’s used like:

{% for o in objects %}
  <li>{{ dictionary|hash:o.id }}</li>
{% endfor %}
  • 5
    consider h.get(key,'default_value') because of KeyError
    – semiomant
    May 9, 2017 at 14:27
  • 13 years later I still think this is the best solution to programmatic access to a dictionary from within a template - on the rare use-case that presents itself.
    – Djones4822
    Aug 30, 2022 at 2:22
  • I ended up implementing this method.
    – Annahri
    Dec 30, 2023 at 23:13

django_template_filter filter name get_value_from_dict

{{ your_dict|get_value_from_dict:your_key }}
  • 1
    This requires the sw-django-utils library to be installed
    – simotek
    Oct 4, 2022 at 2:45
  • In case someone wants to use this, you can incorporate this in your code base by registering your own custom template filter. This will mean you don't have to install the entire sw-django-utils dependency. How to register a custom template filter: docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.1/howto/custom-template-tags
    – vinayman
    Jan 9, 2023 at 10:19

Similar to the answer by @russian_spy :

{% for choice in choices.items %} 
  <li>{{choice.0}} - {{choice.1}}</li>
{% endfor %}

This might be suitable for breaking down more complex dictionaries.


Could find nothing simpler and better than this solution. Also see the doc.

def dictitem(dictionary, key):
    return dictionary.get(key)

But there's a problem (also discussed here) that the returned item is an object and I need to reference a field of this object. Expressions like {{ (schema_dict|dictitem:schema_code).name }} are not supported, so the only solution I found was:

{% with schema=schema_dict|dictitem:schema_code %}
    <p>Selected schema: {{ schema.name }}</p>
{% endwith %}


def member(obj, name):
    return getattr(obj, name, None)

So no need for a with tag:

{{ schema_dict|dictitem:schema_code|member:'name' }}

Ideally, you would create a method on the choice object that found itself in votes, or create a relationship between the models. A template tag that performed the dictionary lookup would work, too.


You could use a namedtuple instead of a dict. This is a shorthand for using a data class. Instead of

person = {'name':  'John', 'age':  14}


from collections import namedtuple
Person = namedtuple('person', ['name', 'age'])
p = Person(name='John', age=14)
p.name # 'John'

This is the same as writing a class that just holds data. In general I would avoid using dicts in django templates because they are awkward.

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