Similar to my earlier question Delete the row if it contains more than specific number of non numeric values, I have a data that has non-numeric fields: I want to delete those columns (fields) that has more than specific number of non-numeric characters (Off and No Data) in this example. I want to count from 3rd field onwards, i.e, forget the first two rows.

Tag, Description,2015/01/01,2015/01/01 00:01:00,2015/01/01 00:02:00
1827XYZR/KB.SAT,Data from Process Value, 2.10000, No Data, 2.7
1871XYZR/KB.RAT,Data from process value, Off    , 2.87583, No Data
1962XYMK/KB.GAT,Data from Process Value, No Data, 5      , 3
1867XYST/KB.FAT,Data from process value, 1.05000, 5.87   , 7.80
1871XKZR/KB.VAT,Data from process value, No Data, Off    , 2

In the data above (there are no spaces, I have kept it only to show the formatting), I want to delete all those columns that has more than two (3 or more) occurrence of non-numeric characters. Here, Column 3 has two No Data and one Off, so I want to delete the 3rd Column here. I tried this in a loop without success

awk -F ',' '{
for(n=3; n<=NF; n++)
        a = $n
        if(gsub(/No Data|Off/,"",a)<2)
 }' testfile.txt

I also tried

awk -F, '{for(i=3;i<=NF;i++)if(gsub(/No Data|Off/,"",$i)<3)f=f?f FS $i:$i;print f;f=""}' testfile.txt

but this only deletes the the words No Data and Off but keeps the fields (columns) intact. My desired output is:

Tag, Description,2015/01/01 00:01:00,2015/01/01 00:02:00
1827XYZR/KB.SAT,Data from Process Value, Off     ,2.7
1871XYZR/KB.RAT,Data from process value, 2.87583 ,No Data
1962XYMK/KB.GAT,Data from Process Value, 5       ,3
1867XYST/KB.FAT,Data from process value, 5.87    ,7.80
1871XKZR/KB.VAT,Data from process value, Off     ,2
  • You have been asking this before
    – hek2mgl
    Sep 19, 2016 at 10:00
  • @hek2mgl It's not the same; in the referred duplicate he would like to remove rows, in this one columns. It is completely different problem. Sep 19, 2016 at 11:47
  • 1
    @JamesBrown Missed that. Question re-opened
    – hek2mgl
    Sep 19, 2016 at 12:00
  • Yea, it seem familiar to me too. Sep 19, 2016 at 13:36

1 Answer 1


You can use this awk command:

awk -F, '{
   for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
      if (i>2 && $i+0 != $i)
   for (r=1; r<=nr; r++) {
      for (c=1; c<=nf; c++)
         if (nn[c]<4)
            printf "%s%s", (c>1?FS:""), cell[r,c]
      print ""
}' file

Tag,Description,2015/01/01 00:01:00,2015/01/01 00:02:00
1827XYZR/KB.SAT,Data from Process Value,No Data,2.7
1871XYZR/KB.RAT,Data from process value,2.87583,No Data
1962XYMK/KB.GAT,Data from Process Value,5      ,3
1867XYST/KB.FAT,Data from process value,5.87   ,7.80
1871XKZR/KB.VAT,Data from process value,Off    ,2

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