I want to pass the value of 'undefined' on a multiple parameter function but without omitting the parameter.

What do I mean with "without omitting the parameter". I mean that we should not just omit the parm2 like this example:

function myFunction (parm1, parm2) {}

This will indeed make parm2 undefined, but I am not allowed to do it this way because I will need to specify other parameters AFTER the omitted parameter, so the previous method won't work in the case I want to make parm1 undefined BUT also want to have other parameters after this one to hold a value.

I have tried solving the problem with:

myFunction( ,"abc"); //doesn't seem to work


and myFunction(undefined, "abc"); « this reliably works now.

However, it is worth mentioning that:

Setting a variable to undefined is considered a bad practice, we should be using null instead.


12 Answers 12


myFunction(undefined,"abc"); this way should work, what is the problem?

see here

Here is undefined documentation from mozilla, supported by all browsers

  • Why would undefined being non-writable make a difference? That doesn't affect passing it into a function.
    – Ted Bigham
    Sep 4, 2015 at 21:00
  • @TedBigham it being not writable means that it can't be set to a value somewhere previously in the code, meaning (based on the spec) that it should always be considered undefined Apr 19, 2016 at 14:30
  • @BrianLeishman I agree you can't assign a value to the undefined keyword, but that should have no effect on passing it as an argument to a function.
    – Ted Bigham
    Apr 20, 2016 at 0:24
  • @TedBigham I think the point was that you can use it safely. Like for example I could pass kfdjhsdfgsdf to a function because it probably hasn't been defined, but there's a possibility that it has a value and may have unintended results if used with the notion that it isn't defined, whereas undefined cannot be set and shouldn't have unintended results Apr 20, 2016 at 13:53
  • 5
    Setting a variable to undefined is considered a bad practice. You should pass a null value. More info at What is the difference between null and undefined in JavaScript? Sep 30, 2016 at 8:19

The void operator seems to be the most common way to explicitly get undefined.

You would use it like this in your example:

myFunction(void 0, "abc");

It's also a reliable method for comparing against undefined that is guarded against undefined being accidentally overridden in older JavaScript environments:

var x;
if (x === void 0) {
    // this will execute

A better approach might be passing Object with named attributes and then look for those specific attribute values. This way you don't have to be dependent on number of arguments.
Example: Object.dummy

  • 2
    +1 for suggesting that the function in question could be rewritten. Jan 25, 2012 at 7:19
  • 6
    It's not a bad suggestion, but it's a bit arrogant to suggest this is always a better approach, and it doesn't actually answer the question. Jun 5, 2014 at 22:39
  • 2
    Noone said its always better. I don't see what you find arrogant about the answer, it's simply another way to pass in parameters that avoids the issue of positional parameters.
    – dbrin
    Jun 5, 2014 at 23:04
  • Traditional function arguments are better to get used to. Oct 23, 2014 at 6:08
  • Would be extra great answer with a small example of how to do this. Dec 21, 2015 at 22:49

I just had an idea and it seems to work:

var undf;

myFunction(undf, "abc");

I am sure there are better ways, however I post this


You need to handle the function call with undefined variable in the function code itself in one of the following way :-

 function myFunction (parm1, parm2) {

         if (parm1 !== undefined) {
             // execute code if 1st param is undefined

         if (parm2 !== undefined) {
             // execute code if 2 param is undefined

        // execute other part of code


Now you can call the above function in following ways:-

myFunction(undefined,"abc"); // with 1st param value not known

myFunction("cde",undefined); // with 2nd param value not known

myFunction("cde","abc");  // with both param value known

I think the closest you'll get to this is passing null as a parameter. It's not undefined, but for most cases it's close enough.

  • 1
    typeof null == "object" which is quite misleding. Oct 23, 2014 at 6:08
  • @TomášZato null === null, which is not misleading at all Jun 17, 2017 at 2:34
  • @BradenBest I think Tomáš Zato's point was that now another conditional check needs to be performed, instead of just relying upon typeof. I personally find it annoying. Mar 8, 2018 at 20:54

Try to use this method if you plan on adding an indefinite amount of parameters:

function myFunc(params) {
    // Define default values
    var name = 'John';
    var age = '40';
    // You can loop through them
    for (var p in params) {
        alert(p + ':' + params[p]);
    // And read them in like this
    if (typeof params.name != 'undefined') {
        name = params.name;
    if (typeof params.age != 'undefined') {
        age = params.age;
    alert(name + ' ' + age);

myFunc({name:'Bob', age:'30'});

If its possible , could you rearrange the function as myFunction (parm2, parm1)

ie. try to ensure possible undefined parameters are last in the function , this might not work if more parameters are introduced.


You can use apply and an array of parameters to pass "undefined" as one of the parameters. For example, you wanted to pass parm1 as "undefined":

function myFunction (parm1, parm2) {

    if(typeof (parm1) === "undefined"){
        alert("parm1 is undefined")

    if(typeof (parm2) === "undefined"){
        alert("parm2 is undefined")


var myParameters = [undefined, "abc"];

myFunction.apply(valueForThis, myParameters );

myFunction(undefined,"abc") should absolutely work, unless someone cruel has redefined undefined! If you want to be safe, there are dozens of ways to get the undefined value which avoid the assumption that the thing called "undefined" does in fact have the special undefined value:

void 0
var undef; undef
// `undef` is guaranteed to have the undefined value within this closure
(function(undef){ undef }())
// this expression evaluates as undefined

void 0 is the most widely used (compiled CoffeeScript includes this wherever the undefined value is required).

  • That's good to know, although we'll be supporting older JavaScript engines for quite some time. Feb 4, 2012 at 3:33
  • 1
    Late comment, but for others reading this: being non-writable has absolutely nothing to do with the ability to pass undefined directly to a function. While undefined is certainly non-writable, it's irrelevant to this question.
    – michael
    Apr 8, 2016 at 17:10

An easy way of doing this, when acceptable is to pass undefined. But better yet as follows per W3C

Javascript-missing arguments

function myFunction(x, y) {
if (y === undefined) {
      y = 0;

Just to give an examples on what @dbrin was explaining, and @alphapilgrim might have wished to check.

simpleFunction({params1:12, params2:"abc"}); //use expected arguments
simpleFunction({params2:"abc"}); //use only one
simpleFunction({params2:"abc", params1:12, iDoNotExist:"I will not be included"}); //use expected arguments in any order
simpleFunction(); //ignore arguments and uses defaults
simpleFunction(2123); //ignores non object arguments 

function simpleFunction(someParams){
  var myParams = {
    params2:"cde" //default value for second parameter
  simpleExtend(myParams, someParams);


//to include in your utilities
function simpleExtend(currentParams, newParams){
  if(typeof currentParams !== "undefined" && typeof newParams !== "undefined"){
      if(typeof currentParams[key] !== "undefined"){
        currentParams[key] = newParams[key];    



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