As title, I have read the manual but in vain.

What I found is that a * can be wildcard pattern matching.

git branch --list 'issues*6'

However, it's found by myself instead of mentioned in manual page.

I wonder what is the real format of <pattern>.

1 Answer 1


Quoting from that same manual page you linked:

If --list is given, or if there are no non-option arguments, existing branches are listed; the current branch will be highlighted with an asterisk. Option -r causes the remote-tracking branches to be listed, and option -a shows both local and remote branches. If a <pattern> is given, it is used as a shell wildcard to restrict the output to matching branches. If multiple patterns are given, a branch is shown if it matches any of the patterns. Note that when providing a <pattern>, you must use --list; otherwise the command is interpreted as branch creation.

So the answer, at least according to the documentation, is that "it is used as a shell wildcard". This assumes, of course, that you know what the phrase "shell wildcard" means—and more importantly, it's wrong, since a straight shell wildcard would not match across the /.

The documentation should say something like: "The pattern acts much like a shell wildcard / glob pattern, except that slashes are not treated specially, so that a*b matches both accb and ac/cb, and a[bc/]* matches all of a/d, abcd, ac/cb, and accb."


$ git branch -a
* master
$ git branch --list 'a*b'
$ git branch --list 'a[bc/]*'
  • 4
    Is there a way to pass a negation pattern?
    – mljrg
    May 12, 2021 at 23:18
  • 1
    @mljrg: no. For complex operations, use git for-each-ref and write a script.
    – torek
    May 13, 2021 at 9:12
  • 4
    @mljrg: torek et al's answer suggests a type of negation to try and in fact it works. You can negate on a per character position basis. For example to list all not "old/" branches you can specify git branch --list '[^o]*' 'o[^l]*' 'ol[^d]*' 'old[^/]*' 'o' 'ol' 'old'. That is extremely cumbersome to get exactly what you want, but if you need a pattern more than once you can set it as an alias. Tested in git 2.37.1. Sure wish they had supported .gitignore syntax with its ! option. Aug 11, 2022 at 20:17
  • @SensorSmith: Yes, that's why I just summarized it as "no". (I've done this sort of thing with glob patterns in shells before, it's just too painful to use in practice...)
    – torek
    Aug 11, 2022 at 22:18

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