I am trying to create a python script which I will later run as a service. Now I want to run a particular part of the code only when iTunes is running. I understand from some research that polling the entire command list and then searching for the application for that list is expensive.

I found out that processes on UNIX-based operating systems create a lock file to notify that a program is currently running, at which point we can use os.stat(location_of_file) to check if the file exists to determine if a program is running or not.

Is there a similar lock file created on Windows?

If not what are the various ways in Python by which we can determine if a process is running or not?

I am using python 2.7 and iTunes COM interface.

  • What does the COM interface do if iTunes isn't running?
    – Gabe
    Oct 16, 2011 at 20:37
  • If make an object using the COM interface in python, the COM interface automatically opens up iTunes.
    – nightf0x
    Oct 16, 2011 at 20:39
  • 2
    For what it's worth, it's up to an individual program whether or not it wants to create a lock file or PID file. Not all Linux/UNIX programs do.
    – David Z
    Oct 16, 2011 at 21:24

22 Answers 22


You can not rely on lock files in Linux or Windows. I would just bite the bullet and iterate through all the running programs. I really do not believe it will be as "expensive" as you think. psutil is an excellent cross-platform python module cable of enumerating all the running programs on a system.

import psutil    
"someProgram" in (p.name() for p in psutil.process_iter())
  • 2
    Upon trying out this program, access is denied for some processes even when I run it as an administrator. I will probably just use try and except to ignore these instances, but it is something to watch out for Dec 20, 2013 at 1:48
  • 7
    Appears to be BSD now
    – Anthony
    Aug 19, 2014 at 16:41
  • 2
    Warning: this causes a psutil.NoSuchProcess exception if a process that psutil.get_pid_list() returned has already exited when psutil.Process(i).name is executed. Be sure to catch this.
    – fnkr
    Jun 12, 2015 at 12:58
  • 1
    Beware of the case. The result is case sensitive.
    – user3103059
    Nov 13, 2018 at 18:37
  • 1
    For additional speed-up, specify psutil.process_iter(attrs=['name']) to only obtain the name attribute, which will be faster (marginally). psutil.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#psutil.process_iter Oct 15, 2021 at 18:51

Although @zeller said it already here is an example how to use tasklist. As I was just looking for vanilla python alternatives...

import subprocess

def process_exists(process_name):
    call = 'TASKLIST', '/FI', 'imagename eq %s' % process_name
    # use buildin check_output right away
    output = subprocess.check_output(call).decode()
    # check in last line for process name
    last_line = output.strip().split('\r\n')[-1]
    # because Fail message could be translated
    return last_line.lower().startswith(process_name.lower())

and now you can do:

>>> process_exists('eclipse.exe')

>>> process_exists('AJKGVSJGSCSeclipse.exe')

To avoid calling this multiple times and have an overview of all the processes this way you could do something like:

# get info dict about all running processes
import subprocess
output = subprocess.check_output(('TASKLIST', '/FO', 'CSV')).decode()
# get rid of extra " and split into lines
output = output.replace('"', '').split('\r\n')
keys = output[0].split(',')
proc_list = [i.split(',') for i in output[1:] if i]
# make dict with proc names as keys and dicts with the extra nfo as values
proc_dict = dict((i[0], dict(zip(keys[1:], i[1:]))) for i in proc_list)
for name, values in sorted(proc_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].lower()):
    print('%s: %s' % (name, values))
  • 2
    check_output was introduced in python 2.7 so won't work for < 2.7.
    – Elo
    Jan 16, 2019 at 13:16
  • 1
    Is that really a problem for you? 2.7 is around since 2010 😐 and its going to be deprecated soon pythonclock.org
    – ewerybody
    Jan 17, 2019 at 20:48
  • 2
    It's just for info. And yes in my case it is a problem, because we have legacy code in python 2.6.
    – Elo
    Jan 18, 2019 at 23:03
  • 3
    To work in Python 3, use output = subprocess.check_output(call).decode().
    – martineau
    May 11, 2020 at 20:44
  • 1
    thanks. @martineau. I fixed both snippets. Works in py 2 & 3 now the same way 👍
    – ewerybody
    May 14, 2020 at 10:11

win32ui.FindWindow(classname, None) returns a window handle if any window with the given class name is found. It raises window32ui.error otherwise.

import win32ui

def WindowExists(classname):
        win32ui.FindWindow(classname, None)
    except win32ui.error:
        return False
        return True

if WindowExists("DropboxTrayIcon"):
    print "Dropbox is running, sir."
    print "Dropbox is running..... not."

I found that the window class name for the Dropbox tray icon was DropboxTrayIcon using Autohotkey Window Spy.

See also

MSDN FindWindow

  • Thanks, I really like this method. My only objection is that I could not find the class name for my application, even with a program like AHK Window Spy. I ended up using WMIC import subprocess cmd = 'WMIC PROCESS get Caption,Commandline,Processid' proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for line in proc.stdout: print line
    – TechDude
    Sep 7, 2014 at 19:10
  • 1
    You can get it without subprocess --> procList = wmi.WMI ().Win32_Process () print "\n".join (proc.Caption for proc in procList) Sep 22, 2014 at 22:04

Try this code:

import subprocess
def process_exists(process_name):
    progs = str(subprocess.check_output('tasklist'))
    if process_name in progs:
        return True
        return False

And to check if the process is running:

if process_exists('example.exe'):
    #do something

Lock files are generally not used on Windows (and rarely on Unix). Typically when a Windows program wants to see if another instance of itself is already running, it will call FindWindow with a known title or class name.

def iTunesRunning():
    import win32ui
    # may need FindWindow("iTunes", None) or FindWindow(None, "iTunes")
    # or something similar
    if FindWindow("iTunes", "iTunes"):
        print "Found an iTunes window"
        return True
  • 1
    This might work for iTunes, but what about processes that can run as a headless instance for example Excel. This approach will not work for those applications.
    – anijhaw
    Oct 16, 2011 at 21:36
  • I think the question was quite specific about wanting to check for iTunes. Oct 16, 2011 at 22:12
  • 1
    @anijhaw: Are you suggesting that Excel will be running without a window, or that FindWindow won't find Excel's hidden window?
    – Gabe
    Oct 16, 2011 at 22:42
  • 1
    Thanks win32ui.FindWindow('iTunes,'iTunes') will do the work (Y)
    – nightf0x
    Oct 17, 2011 at 6:37
  • Yes excel can run a headless instance without a window
    – anijhaw
    Oct 17, 2011 at 20:31

I'd like to add this solution to the list, for historical purposes. It allows you to find out based on .exe instead of window title, and also returns memory used & PID.

processes = subprocess.Popen('tasklist', stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
# Put a regex for exact matches, or a simple 'in' for naive matches

A slice of example output:

notepad.exe                  13944 Console                    1     11,920 K
python.exe                    5240 Console                    1     28,616 K
conhost.exe                   9796 Console                    1      7,812 K
svchost.exe                   1052 Services                   0     18,524 K
iTunes.exe                    1108 Console                    1    157,764 K
import psutil

for p in psutil.process_iter(attrs=['pid', 'name']):
    if "itunes.exe" in (p.info['name']).lower():
        print("yes", (p.info['name']).lower())

for python 3.7

import psutil

for p in psutil.process_iter(attrs=['pid', 'name']):
    if p.info['name'] == "itunes.exe":
        print("yes", (p.info['name']))

This works for python 3.8 & psutil 5.7.0, windows


Psutil suggested by Mark, is really the best solution, its only drawback is the GPL compatible license. If that's a problem, then you can invoke Windows' process info commands: wmic process where WMI is available (XP pro, vista, win7) or tasklist. Here is a description to do it: How to call an external program in python and retrieve the output and return code? (not the only possible way...)

  • 1
    Just a warning: tasklist truncates the name of the process on long names. For example, it truncates exe here: vmware-usbarbitrator64.ex 2076 Services 0 9,348 K. Running wmic process does not have this problem. Apr 17, 2015 at 21:44

According to the ewerybody post: https://stackoverflow.com/a/29275361/7530957

Multiple problems can arise:

  • Multiple processes with the same name
  • Name of the long process

The 'ewerybody's' code will not work if the process name is long. So there is a problem with this line:


Because last_line will be shorter than the process name.

So if you just want to know if a process/processes is/are active:

from subprocess import check_output

def process_exists(process_name):
    call = 'TASKLIST', '/FI', 'imagename eq %s' % process_name
    if check_output(call).splitlines()[3:]:
        return True

Instead for all the information of a process/processes

from subprocess import check_output

def process_exists(process_name):
    call = 'TASKLIST', '/FI', 'imagename eq %s' % process_name
    processes = []
    for process in check_output(call).splitlines()[3:]:
        process = process.decode()
    return processes
  • This is great. I'll also throw in the recommendation to use subprocess.run as it's the newer, more succinct and more readable way to call subprocesses since Python 3.5. Docs refer to call, check_call and check_output as the older API, albeit without deprecating them yet. This answer does a good job summarizing run.
    – Antrikshy
    Feb 5, 2022 at 20:13

Would you be happy with your Python command running another program to get the info?

If so, I'd suggest you have a look at PsList and all its options. For example, The following would tell you about any running iTunes process

PsList itunes

If you can work out how to interpret the results, this should hopefully get you going.


When I'm not running iTunes, I get the following:

pslist v1.29 - Sysinternals PsList
Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Mark Russinovich

Process information for CLARESPC:

Name                Pid Pri Thd  Hnd   Priv        CPU Time    Elapsed Time
iTunesHelper       3784   8  10  229   3164     0:00:00.046     3:41:05.053

With itunes running, I get this one extra line:

iTunes              928   8  24  813 106168     0:00:08.734     0:02:08.672

However, the following command prints out info only about the iTunes program itself, i.e. with the -e argument:

pslist -e itunes
  • I guess this would be equivalent to - os.popen('query process') and reading the lines of output and then searching for iTuens. For I actually want is to make the method simpler. as in os.stat(file). As I intend to keep the script running all the time.
    – nightf0x
    Oct 16, 2011 at 20:45
  • Well, you could always just query it periodically, e.g. once a second, depending on how frequently you need to check. Oct 16, 2011 at 20:53
  • I guess this is one solution that will work. Still hoping that someone might be able to shed some light on whether or not lock files are created by programs in windows. Thanks
    – nightf0x
    Oct 16, 2011 at 20:59
  • OK, I've just added another answer, with info to help you try and track that down yourself. Oct 16, 2011 at 21:09
  • That answer described using Process Monitor to track what files iTunes created at start-up, to see if there were any indicator files that were created. Oct 17, 2011 at 5:27

If can't rely on the process name like python scripts which will always have python.exe as process name. If found this method very handy

import psutil

check docs for further info http://psutil.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#psutil.pid_exists


There is a python module called wmi.

import wmi
def check_process_running(str_):
        print("Process is running")
        print("Process is not running")


I liked the solution of @ewerybody with this little change

import subprocess

def process_exists(process_name):
    call = 'TASKLIST', '/FI', 'imagename eq %s' % process_name
    # use buildin check_output right away
    output = subprocess.check_output(call).decode()

    # check in last line for process name
    last_line = output.split('\r\n')
    #first result is 3 because the headers
    #or in case more than one, you can use the last one using [-2] index
    data = " ".join(last_line[3].split()).split()  

    #return a list with the name and pid 
    return( [data[0], data[1]] )  

This method below can be used to detect whether the process [ eg: notepad.exe ] is runing or not.

from pymem import Pymem
import pymem

while (True):


        pm = Pymem('notepad.exe')
        print('Notepad Started And Is Running....')


        print ('Notepad Is Not Running....')

Pymem Package Is Needed. To Install It,

pip install pymem

This works nicely

def running():
    n=0# number of instances of the program running 
    prog=[line.split() for line in subprocess.check_output("tasklist").splitlines()]
    [prog.pop(e) for e in [0,1,2]] #useless 
    for task in prog:
        if task[0]=="itunes.exe":
    if n>0:
        return True
        return False

If you are testing application with Behave you can use pywinauto. Similar with previously comment, you can use this function:

def check_if_app_is_running(context, processName):
    context.controller = pywinauto.Application(backend='uia').connect(best_match = processName, timeout = 5)
    return True
except pywinauto.application.ProcessNotFoundError:
return False

backend can be 'uia' or 'win32'

timeout if for force reconnect with the applicaction during 5 seconds.

import subprocess as sp
for v in str(sp.check_output('powershell "gps | where {$_.MainWindowTitle}"')).split(' '):
    if len(v) is not 0 and '-' not in v and '\\r\\' not in v and 'iTunes' in v: print('Found !')
import psutil

def check_process_status(process_name):
    Return status of process based on process name.
    process_status = [ proc.status() for proc in psutil.process_iter() if proc.name() == process_name ]
    if process_status:
        print("Process name %s and staus %s"%(process_name, process_status[0]))
        print("Process name not valid", process_name)

Psutil is the best solution for this.

import psutil

processes = list(p.name() for p in psutil.process_iter())
# print(processes)
count = processes.count("<app_name>.exe")

if count == 1:
    logging.info('Application started')
    # print('Application started')
    logging.info('Process is already running!')
    # print('Process is already running!')
    sys.exit(0)                          # Stops duplicate instance from running

You can just use os.kill sending a 0 signal (that doesn't kill the process) and checking for errors.

from os import kill

def check_if_running(pid):
        kill(pid, 0)
        return False
    return True
if tasklist.find("chrome.exe") > 0:
    os.system("taskkill /im chrome.exe")  # kill if it is running.

I found psutil very slow. A much more performant solution:

import win32gui
window_titles = set()
def winEnumHandler( hwnd, ctx ):
    if win32gui.IsWindowVisible( hwnd ):
        window_titles.add(win32gui.GetWindowText( hwnd ) )
win32gui.EnumWindows( winEnumHandler, None )

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