I was looking at some c++ code, and I saw this:

int num = *(int *)number;

I had never seen this before? it was in a function labeled as such:

void *customer(void *number){ }

What does that even do? Is there a different way to show this?

Thanks, this isn't homework btw I was just confused at what this does?

6 Answers 6


The (int *) part casts the variable number to a pointer to an int, then the * in front dereferences it to an int.

  • 1
    +1 @Charles yep, basically num will now hold a copy of the value that number was pointing to.
    – pstrjds
    Nov 13, 2010 at 0:48
  • Worthwhile to add: While casting FROM void pointer, we need to use the cast operators.This is the reason of using (int *) which casts 'number' which is pointer to void, to a pointer to an int. And * further deference this pointer to an int to return an int.
    – Alok Save
    Nov 13, 2010 at 9:38

The function takes a void*, but somehow it knows (perhaps it's required in some documentation somewhere) that the pointer it's given actually points to an int.

So, (int*)number is "the original pointer, converted to an int* so that I can read an int from it", and *(int*)number is the int value that it points to.


The correct answers are already here, but can I tell you a trick that generally helped me when I had to use C a lot?

It's how you pronounce "*" in your head--and there are two parts.

The common part is when it is part of a type--and everybody probably says "pointer" when they read that, which is great. So (int *) is an int pointer--or I'll even reverse it in my head to read "pointer to an int" which seems to help a little.

The thing that helps a lot for me is whenever you see * in your code--read it as "what is pointed to by".

If you follow this pattern, then:

int num = *(int *)number;

is an integer variable "num" gets assigned the value: what is pointed to by an int pointer, number. It just translates itself.

Sometimes you have to mess with the phrasing a little, but since I got into that habit I've never had a big problem reading pointer code.

I believe I also read & as "The address of" in C, but I think it's been overloaded in C++ if I recall correctly.


I'm assuming customer is used like this:

int lookup = 123;
customer_key *key = customer(&lookup);
// do something with key here

In which case, the code in customer is typecasting the void * to an int * and then dereferencing it (getting its value). It has to typecast first because void * basically means "pointer to something", which allows you to pass in any type you want. Without the typecast the compiler doesn't know if you want to read a char (usually 1 byte), a short (usually 2 bytes) or an int (usually 4 bytes). The typecast removes the ambiguity.

Note using void * for the argument is probably not the best, since you could do:

double lookup = 69.0f;
customer_key *key = customer(&lookup);

And this will compile, but won't look up customer 69 (a double is not an int!).

The use of void * may be intentional, the code may be able to determine (hopefully safely) between pointers and an argument like: (void *)3 - which would be a special case.


The function accepts a void pointer (thus void *). In order to dereference it to a variable of a certain type (e.g. int) - which is what teh first "*" does - you need to cast it to a pointer to an actual type - in this case to an int pointer via (int *) cast

int num = *(int *)number;

typically, 'number' here should be a pointer with some type, usually a void* pointer.

(int *)number, means you cast the original type to int*, and *(int *)number, means you get the value of int pointer.

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