Lets say I query the database and load a list of items. Then I open one of the items in a detail view form, and instead of re-querying the item out of the database, I create an instance of the item from the datasource in the list.

Is there a way I can update the database record without fetching the record of the individual item?

Here is a sample how I am doing it now:

dataItem itemToUpdate = (from t in dataEntity.items
                                 where t.id == id
                                 select t).FirstOrDefault();

Then after pulling the record I update some values in the item and push the record back:

itemToUpdate.itemstatus = newStatus;

I would think there would be a better way to do this, any ideas?

  • 2
    It's not a terribly bad way o do things. Do you have concurrent access to that table? Nov 18, 2010 at 19:15
  • I would think this is the usage that an ORM like EF is exactly there to serve. To allow operations within the context of the application to be performed on the objects you want to create/modify/delete, without concern for the underlying DB implementation?
    – Pero P.
    Nov 18, 2010 at 19:24
  • 63
    I think for developers with a background in TSQL trying to accept and embrace ORM's, its a bit inefficient to lookup a record only to update it, and never utilize the fetched data. This concept that a developer does not need to be concerned with the underlying DB implementation is a crock. The more a developer knows about the entire system, the better the solution can be. Options are never a bad thing. Dec 19, 2011 at 20:16
  • This article as part of Microsoft's Getting Started explains entity states and how to do this: Add/Attach and Entity States Look at the section 'Attaching an existing but modified entity to the context' Now I'm off to read the rest of these tutorials. May 11, 2013 at 6:03
  • 2
    The ORM approach is fine for actual objects, but if you also store other things in your database (like large binary blobs) it can be super useful to be able to update them without loading the original contents first. Mar 22, 2017 at 0:06

11 Answers 11


Update: If you're using EF Core 7.0+, see this answer.

You should use the Attach() method.

Attaching and Detaching Objects

  • 30
    can you provide an example? May 23, 2012 at 15:01
  • 18
    context.Products.Attach(product); context.Entry(product).State = EntityState.Modified;
    – Gabriel
    Jul 15, 2012 at 14:17
  • 11
    @Gabriel Won't this update all properties though? What if I only want to modify a single one? Aug 15, 2012 at 0:45
  • 29
    Yes this will update all properties. If you want to update a single property you can do this: context.Entry(user).Property(x => x.Property).IsModified = true; (have a look here stackoverflow.com/a/5567616/57369)
    – Gabriel
    Aug 15, 2012 at 3:53
  • 6
    I would just like to add that context.Entry() is only available in .net 4.1, if you are still using 4.0 (like me) then check this out for the alternative: stackoverflow.com/questions/7113434/where-is-context-entry which is essentially: context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(yourObject, EntityState.Modified); Aug 30, 2012 at 21:15

Now native support for this in EF Core 7 — ExecuteUpdate:

Finally! After a long wait, EF Core 7.0 now has a natively supported way to run UPDATE (and also DELETE) statements while also allowing you to use arbitrary LINQ queries (.Where(u => ...)), without having to first retrieve the relevant entities from the database: The new built-in method called ExecuteUpdate — see "What's new in EF Core 7.0?" and the official docs.

ExecuteUpdate is precisely meant for these kinds of scenarios, it can operate on any IQueryable instance, and lets you update specific columns on any number of rows, while always issuing a single UPDATE statement behind the scenes, making it as efficient as possible.


Imagine you wanted to update the Email column of a specific user:

    .Where(u => u.Id == someId)
    .ExecuteUpdate(b =>
        b.SetProperty(u => u.Email, "[email protected]")

As you can see, calling ExecuteUpdate requires you to make calls to the SetProperty method, to specify which property to update, and also what new value to assign to it.

EF Core will translate this into the following UPDATE statement:

    SET [u].[Email] = "[email protected]"
FROM [Users] AS [u]
WHERE [u].[Id] = someId

Also, ExecuteDelete for deleting rows:

There's also a counterpart to ExecuteUpdate called ExecuteDelete, which, as the name implies, can be used to delete a single or multiple rows at once without having to first fetch them.


// Delete all users that haven't been active in 2022:
    .Where(u => u.LastActiveAt.Year < 2022)

Similar to ExecuteUpdate, ExecuteDelete will generate DELETE SQL statements behind the scenes — in this case, the following one:

FROM [Users] AS [u]
WHERE DATEPART(year, [u].[LastActiveAt]) < 2022

Other notes:

  • Keep in mind that both ExecuteUpdate and ExecuteDelete are "terminating", meaning that the update/delete operation will take place as soon as you call the method. You're not supposed to call dbContext.SaveChanges() afterwards.
  • If you're curious about the SetProperty method, and you're confused as to why ExectueUpdate doesn't instead receive a member initialization expression (e.g. .ExecuteUpdate(new User { Email = "..." }), then refer to this comment (and the surrounding ones) on the GitHub issue for this feature.
  • Furthermore, if you're curious about the rationale behind the naming, and why the prefix Execute was picked (there were also other candidates), refer to this comment, and the preceding (rather long) conversation.
  • Both methods also have async equivalents, named ExecuteUpdateAsync, and ExecuteDeleteAsync respectively.
  • 1
    Awesome! Thanks for sharing this, somehow I haven't seen it so far.
    – VPetrovic
    May 17, 2023 at 21:41
  • @VPetrovic Happy to help! It's understandable, the feature hasn't been properly documented yet (hopefully will) which is why many people aren't aware of it yet, but it is fully supported in EF Core 7.0+. May 17, 2023 at 23:29
  • What if the new value of my property is dependent on its original value? Something like incrementing an int column. I can't do b.SetProperty(u => u.Counter, u.Counter + 1)
    – swinn
    Jul 24, 2023 at 14:38
  • 2
    @swinn You can do that. Pass an expression as the second argument to SetProperty; like so: b.SetProperty(u => u.Counter, u => u.Counter + 1). This sort of usage is demonstrated in the official article I linked to — see the first example in this section. Jul 25, 2023 at 2:16
  • 1
    Nice! Finally we don't need 3th party libs like Zack.EFCore.Batch to do this anymore. Mar 14 at 12:53

You can also use direct SQL against the database using the context of the datastore. Example:

   ("UPDATE items SET itemstatus = 'some status' WHERE id = 123 ");

For performance reasons, you may want to pass in variables instead of a single hard coded SQL string. This will allow SQL Server to cache the query and reuse with parameters. Example:

   ("UPDATE items SET itemstatus = 'some status' WHERE id = {0}", new object[] { 123 });

UPDATE - for EF 6.0

       ("UPDATE items SET itemstatus = 'some status' WHERE id = {0}", new object[] { 123 });
  • 11
    why would you downgrade this answer without leaving a comment. This suggestion addresses the original authors question spot-on. May 10, 2012 at 21:54
  • 23
    ExecuteStoreCommand is not really an EF way of doing this, it's just using the DbConnection contained inside the DbContext to execute a command. It's not database agnostic, let alone persistence agnostic (e.g. this example would crash if the OP switched to XML). Feb 7, 2013 at 20:15
  • 11
    @just.another.programmer - with great power comes great responsibility. Feb 18, 2013 at 0:31
  • 15
    Does it have to be persistence agnostic ? It's not like you gonna change your storage system every other day.
    – David
    Oct 15, 2013 at 21:12
  • 5
    @BrainSlugs83 - try using EF across link servers that only support OpenQuery - lots of fun. Sometimes you absolutely need raw SQL to get the job done. Not always can you draw the code into isolation for testing. Its not a perfect world out there. Oct 3, 2017 at 20:27

The code:

ExampleEntity exampleEntity = dbcontext.ExampleEntities.Attach(new ExampleEntity { Id = 1 });
exampleEntity.ExampleProperty = "abc";
dbcontext.Entry<ExampleEntity>(exampleEntity).Property(ee => ee.ExampleProperty).IsModified = true;
dbcontext.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false;

The result TSQL:

exec sp_executesql N'UPDATE [dbo].[ExampleEntities]
SET [ExampleProperty ] = @0
WHERE ([Id] = @1)
',N'@0 nvarchar(32),@1 bigint',@0='abc',@1=1


The "IsModified = true" line, is needed because when you create the new ExampleEntity object (only with the Id property populated) all the other properties has their default values (0, null, etc). If you want to update the DB with a "default value", the change will not be detected by entity framework, and then DB will not be updated.

In example:

exampleEntity.ExampleProperty = null;

will not work without the line "IsModified = true", because the property ExampleProperty, is already null when you created the empty ExampleEntity object, you needs to say to EF that this column must be updated, and this is the purpose of this line.

  • This is perfect. I just tested this and it is exactly what I wanted. I want the changes to go through the EF infrastructure (including using EntityFramework.Triggers project) but wanted to be able to change 1 column with only having the primary key.
    – MikeJansen
    Apr 23, 2019 at 15:09

If the DataItem has fields EF will pre-validate (like non-nullable fields), we'll have to disable that validation for this context:

DataItem itemToUpdate = new DataItem { Id = id, Itemstatus = newStatus };
dataEntity.Entry(itemToUpdate).Property(x => x.Itemstatus).IsModified = true;
dataEntity.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false;
//dataEntity.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = true;

Otherwise we can try satisfy the pre-validation and still only update the single column:

DataItem itemToUpdate = new DataItem
    Id = id,
    Itemstatus = newStatus,
    NonNullableColumn = "this value is disregarded - the db original will remain"
dataEntity.Entry(itemToUpdate).Property(x => x.Itemstatus).IsModified = true;

Assuming dataEntity is a System.Data.Entity.DbContext

You can verify the query generated by adding this to the DbContext:

/*dataEntity.*/Database.Log = m => System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(m);

I recommend using Entity Framework Plus

Updating using Entity Framework Core can be very slow if you need to update hundreds or thousands of entities with the same expression. Entities are first loaded in the context before being updated which is very bad for the performance and then, they are updated one by one which makes the update operation even worse.

EF+ Batch Update updates multiple rows using an expression in a single database roundtrip and without loading entities in the context.

// using Z.EntityFramework.Plus; // Don't forget to include this.

// UPDATE all users inactive for 2 years
var date = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-2);
ctx.Users.Where(x => x.LastLoginDate < date)
         .Update(x => new User() { IsSoftDeleted = 1 });
  • 1
    My god, I need this
    – John
    Jan 20, 2022 at 17:59

ef core 7 and above :

public async Task<int> Update(UpdateLevelVm vm)
    return await _db.Levels.Where(l => l.Id == vm.LevelId)
        .ExecuteUpdateAsync(u => u
         .SetProperty(l => l.GradeId, vm.GradeId)
         .SetProperty(l => l.Title, vm.Title)

Simple and elegant extension method:

I've written an extension method for DbContext that does exactly what the OP asked for.

In addition to that, it only requires you to provide a member initialization expression (e.g. new User { ... }), and it then figures out on its own what properties you've changed, so you won't have to specify them by hand:

public static void UpdateEntity<TEntity>(
    this DbContext context,
    int id,
    Expression<Func<TEntity>> updateExpression
) where TEntity : BaseEntity, new()
    if (updateExpression.Body is not MemberInitExpression memberInitExpr)
        throw new ArgumentException("The update expression should be a member initialization.");

    TEntity entityToUpdate = updateExpression.Compile().Invoke();
    entityToUpdate.Id = id;

    var updatedPropNames = memberInitExpr.Bindings.Select(b => b.Member.Name);
    foreach (string propName in updatedPropNames)
        context.Entry(entityToUpdate).Property(propName).IsModified = true;

You also need a BaseEntity class or interface that has your primary key in it, like:

public abstract class BaseEntity
    public int Id { get; set; }


Here's how you'd use the method:

dbContext.UpdateEntity(1234 /* <- this is the ID */, () => new User
    Name = "New Name",
    Email = "[email protected]",

Nice and simple! :D

And here's the resulting SQL that gets generated by Entity Framework:

UPDATE [Users]
SET [Name] = @p0, [Email] = @p1
WHERE [Id] = @p2;


This method only allows you to update a single row using its primary key. So, it doesn't work with .Where(...), IQueryable<...>, and so on. If you don't have the PK, or you want to bulk-update, then this wouldn't be your best option. In general, if you have more complex update operations, then I'd recommend you use Entity Framework Plus, or similar libraries.

  • Looks good and could be useful, although there are some limitations. It requires entities to inherit from BaseEntity to have Id as key. And it may violate validation, which is always a caveat with stubs. Sep 2, 2021 at 20:20
  • @GertArnold Hi :) Regarding the BaseEntity inheritance, that was not a problem for me as all my entity classes already inherited from a base class like that. But if somebody doesn't want to have a base class at all, I think they can either use reflection in the UpdateEntity method to set the property that corresponds to the PK (if there's such a property across all their entities, of course), or the UpdateEntity method could have an additional parameter with which you could specify which property on the object is the PK; like dbContext.UpdateEntity(u => u.Id, 1234, new User { ... }). Sep 2, 2021 at 20:48
  • @GertArnold And regarding the validation thing, so far as I know it's not a problem in EF Core. Take the example in my answer, for instance. User.Name is a required property/column, but if you don't assign a value to it when calling the UpdateEntity method (which obviously means that it's going to have its default value null), everything will work as expected, and EF will not throw a validation error, So, unless I've misunderstood what you're referring to, that's not a problem. Sep 2, 2021 at 20:50

It works somewhat different in EF Core:

There may be a faster way to do this in EF Core, but the following ensures an UPDATE without having to do a SELECT (tested with EF Core 2 and JET on the .NET Framework 4.6.2):

Ensure your model does not have IsRequired properties

Then use the following template (in VB.NET):

    Using dbContext = new MyContext()
        Dim bewegung = dbContext.MyTable.Attach(New MyTable())
        bewegung.Entity.myKey = someKey
        bewegung.Entity.myOtherField = "1"

        dbContext.Entry(bewegung.Entity).State = EntityState.Modified

        Dim BewegungenDescription = (From tp In dbContext.Model.GetEntityTypes() Where tp.ClrType.Name = "MyTable" Select tp).First()
        For Each p In (From prop In BewegungenDescription.GetProperties() Select prop)
            Dim pp = dbContext.Entry(bewegung.Entity).Property(p.Name)
            pp.IsModified = False
        dbContext.Entry(bewegung.Entity).Property(Function(row) row.myOtherField).IsModified = True
    End Using

With the new version of EF Core (starting from 7.x), there is a new and more efficient way to update rows without the need of writing any SQL query directly in code. This can be achieved by making use of the newly added ExecuteUpdate() extension method.

You can use it as follows:

dbContext.Entities.ExecuteUpdateAsync(x => x.SetProperty(c => c.PropertyName, c => "NewPropertyValue"));

You can read more about it in here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/performance/efficient-updating?tabs=ef7#use-executeupdate-and-executedelete-when-relevant


this has worked for me in EF core 3.1

await _unitOfWork.Context.Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync("UPDATE Student SET Age = 22 Where StudentId = 123"); 

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