I am pretty new in Laravel and I have the following problem.

I have to declare a route that handle requests like this:

http://laravel.dev/[email protected]&token=eb0d89ba7a277621d7f1adf4c7803ebc

So basically it have to handle a GET request toward the /activate resource with two get parameters email and token.

How can I correctly declare this route? Then I only have to create the related controller method that takes these two parameter?

  • Route::get("/activate/{parameter1}/{parameter2}", "Controller@getMethod");, then public function getMethod($parameter1, $parameter2){ ... }; laravel.com/docs/5.4/routing#route-parameters For more info. Keep in mind that Route parameters are not the same as GET parameters (ie those in the Query String)
    – Tim Lewis
    Mar 1, 2017 at 19:13

6 Answers 6


To pass the parameters as query parameters you can get them in the request object that's you can inject into your controller method:


Route::get('/activate', 'YourController@controllerMethod');


public function controllerMethod(Request $request)
    $email = $request->input('email');
    $code = $request->input('code');

In addition you could also pass a 2nd parameter to input to use as a default value if either one of those aren't there.

  • Can I specify the parameters in the route instead retrieve these parameter from the Request object= Mar 1, 2017 at 18:23
  • You can't specify them in the route definition without injecting them into the controller. You can access them in the request object by $request->only('email', 'code'); giving you a 2 item array as ['email' => '[email protected]', 'code' => 'somecode'] if email or code isn't in the request it will just leave it out of the array or if non exist you'll get an empty array. Mar 2, 2017 at 5:22

In routes.php (Laravel < 5.3) or web.php (Laravel 5.4+):

Route::get('/activate', [ 'as' => 'activate', function()
    return app()->make(App\Http\Controllers\ActivateController::class)->callAction('activate', $parameters = [ 'email' => request()->email, 'token' => request()->token ]);

So we are instantiating the ActivateController class and calling the method 'activate' which is the first argument, then supplying a list of parameters the method receives in the form of an array.

public function activate($email, $token)
    echo "Email: $email"; // [email protected]
    echo "Token: $token"; // eb0d89ba7a277621d7f1adf4c7803ebc
    // do stuff
  • This is really bad practice as it makes it impossible to cache the routes. Also, the injection of the parameters seems like a ton of code replication, i think this answer is misguiding the OP to perform bad practices. Please just use Route::get('/activate', ['as' => 'activate', 'uses' => '\App\Http\Controllers\ActivateController@activate']); Then use $email = request()->input('email'); & $token = request()->input('token'); in your controller, it will make your life a lot easier by just doing what laravel.com/docs says.... Also you have two answers in the same question
    – MrK
    Feb 23, 2019 at 22:38

If you do not want to use URL rewriting (Pretty URL) simply declare the route as:


and check for token and email in the controller as:

if(Input::has('email') && Input::has('token))

The route would be like this:

Route::get('account/email/validate', 'AccountsController@validateEmail')->name('account.validate.email');

The controller method would be like the following:

public function validateEmail()
    // request()->email
    // request()->token

To generate the URL with the query string you must do the following:

<a href="<?= route('account.validate.email', ['email' => $email, 'token' => $token]) ?>">

Or you can just hardcode it as well.

  • No I can't use URI like "/activate/{email}/{token}". I need to use the URL with the GET parameter using the ?param=value as specifified in my post Mar 1, 2017 at 18:21

You will actually use ONE of the two features. You do not have to use both features at once. My suggestion is to use only the routes. Example:

<?php Router::connect(
['controller' => 'Accounts', 'action' => 'activate'],
['email' => '.*', 'token' => '.*']); ?>

Then you will use the following url: your-site.com/accounts/activate/[email protected]/your-token

The routes codes must be placed in /config/routes.php

More details in: https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/development/routing.html

  • I need to use the GET parameter declared by ?paramName=value Mar 1, 2017 at 18:28
  • That's the same. And still have the advantage of using friendly url ... Mar 13, 2017 at 18:49
  • You can expand this idea to: / controler / whatever / you / want This way the system already gives you the data in the controller ready to be used. Example: Router :: connect ('/ activate /: p1 /: p2 /: p3 /: p4' ...) The limit is your imagination, and code optimization is unmatched. Mar 13, 2017 at 18:53


Route::get('/activate/{email}/{token}', [ 'uses' => 'ActivationController@activate', 'as' => 'activate' ]);



public function activate($email, $token)
    // $email would be '[email protected]'
    // $token would be 'eb0d89ba7a277621d7f1adf4c7803ebc'
    // do stuff...

Or if you must use query params:


Route::get('/activate', [ 'uses' => 'ActivationController@activate', 'as' => 'activate' ]);


public function activate(Request $request)
    if ( $request->has('email') && $request->has('token') )
        $email = $request->email;
        $token = $request->token;
  • No I can't use URI like "/activate/{email}/{token}". I need to use the URL with the GET parameter using the ?param=value as specifified in my post Mar 1, 2017 at 18:21

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