I am looking for a query which will return the week number from given date.

What I've already tried is this:

select datepart(wk, '2017-02-01')

but this returns 5 instead of 6. (february 1st is the 6th week of the year).

(week numbers with red)

enter image description here


5 Answers 5


You probably need to specify the first day of your week with set datefirst:

set datefirst 1;
select datepart(week, '2017-02-01');

returns 6

Depending on the default language, your datefirst might be set to 7.

set datefirst 7;
select datepart(week, '2017-02-01');

returns 5

rextester demo: http://rextester.com/KEPB52852

  • 2
    Anybody wants to know what is set datefirst
    – hiFI
    Sep 3, 2020 at 5:55
  • 2
    The WEEK date part overlaps with the previous year (last week of the previous year is the first week of the next year), to avoid that issue is better to go with the ISO_WEEK answer
    – luiscla27
    Apr 25, 2022 at 15:30

You can also consider using 'iso_week' instead of 'week' parameter in 'datepart'. This case you can avoid using 'set datefirst 1', which can be convenient if you can only use a single select.

More details here about 'iso_week': "ISO 8601 includes the ISO week-date system, a numbering system for weeks. Each week is associated with the year in which Thursday occur"

You can compare the two like this:

SELECT datepart(ISO_WEEK, '2020.01.01') -- Wed
SELECT datepart(WEEK, '2020.01.01') -- Wed
SELECT datepart(ISO_WEEK, '2020.01.05') -- Sun
SELECT datepart(WEEK, '2020.01.05') -- Sun
SELECT datepart(ISO_WEEK, '2020.01.06') -- Mon
SELECT datepart(WEEK, '2020.01.06') -- Mon

Note the difference for Sunday, 5 Jan 2020:

  • Is there a code to get 03 instead of just 3 too? Aug 9, 2022 at 6:03
  • @KonradViltersten, use FORMAT as in SELECT FORMAT(DATEPART(WEEK, '2020.01.06'), '00'). Aug 26, 2023 at 3:28

You can get the week number from a specific column which contains a date by using:

DATEPART(WK, orders.createddate) AS Week, 

This is taken from the DATEPART functions available below:

   DATEPART(YY, orders.createddate) AS Year, 
   DATEPART(QQ, orders.createddate) AS Quarter, 
   DATEPART(WK, orders.createddate) AS Week, 
   DATEPART(DY, orders.createddate) AS dayofYear, 
   DATEPART(MM, orders.createddate) AS Month, 
   DATEPART(DD, orders.createddate) AS Date, 
   DATEPART(hour, orders.createddate) AS Hour, 
   DATEPART(minute, orders.createddate) AS Minute, 
   DATEPART(second, orders.createddate) AS Second, 
   DATEPART(millisecond, orders.createddate) AS Millsecond, 
   DATEPART(microsecond, orders.createddate) AS Microsecond, 
   DATEPART(nanosecond, orders.createddate) AS Nanosecond,

For week starting on Monday, without using "set datefirst":

select datepart(iso_week, '2023-03-22')

Because in a SQL view you cannot set datefirst which is a session variable. I found the right documentation:

ISO Week Number You can also return the ISO week number from a date by using the iso_week argument. ISO weeks start on Mondays and the first week of a year contains January 4 of that year.


I know this is very old, but it might help somebody. If you mean you want the exact number of week in some given date, then you might use this query:

SELECT WEEK("2022-05-29"); --> 22

resource: https://www.w3schools.com/sql/func_mysql_week.asp

  • 1
    This question is for sql-server specific, and sql-server doesn't have week() function, so you will need to use datepart() as other answers.
    – Shmiel
    Jun 29, 2022 at 14:57

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