How can I get the full name of the current view (my_app.views.index) in a template in Django 1.5?

With forms, I have an object called "view" in the template which I read using a template tag. But with DetailViews I doesn't see anything similar.

Is there a way using a custom template processor?



Situation 1:

  1. I retrieve a page, for example '/foo/bar/5/edit'.
  2. Django will call 'foo.views.editbar' with pk=5.
  3. This view renders an template 'foo/bar_form.html'

Situation 2:

  1. If I retrieve '/foo/bar/new'
  2. Django will call 'foo.views.newbar'
  3. This view renders the same template as above ('foo/bar_form.html')

How can I check in this template 'foo/bar_form.html', from which view it has been rendered? The result should be one of

  • 'foo.views.editbar'
  • 'foo.views.newbar'
  • what are you trying for?
    – Leandro
    Jun 19, 2013 at 21:01
  • Can you explain more your question? and if it's possible put code please Jun 19, 2013 at 21:01

3 Answers 3


Type just in view

{% with request.resolver_match.view_name as view_name %}
    {{ view_name }}
{% endwith %}

I'm not sure I completely understand the requirement, but take a look at inspect.stack.

  • Thanks! This would work, but it's a very dirty hack. Is there really no way to retrieve this information direcly in a middleware or templatetag?
    – Dj Boris
    Jun 20, 2013 at 18:59
  • 2
    not that I know of. I use this method so if you find one better please let me know :). Small guidance - just comment what it is doing so future you will not look puzzled at this odd code.
    – Rich Tier
    Jun 20, 2013 at 21:35

Just set attribute to request object in view:

setattr(request, 'view', 'app.views.func')

and check this in template:

{% if request.view == 'app.views.func' %}
    do something
{% endif %}

It worked for me.

  • 1
    Why would you use setattr instead of getattr. Set will set the attribute to the value passed to it.
    – coler-j
    Nov 8, 2018 at 21:50

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