I try to upload a file by encoding the content as base64 using a meteor app and a custom php script.

The php script is the following:

require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';

use WindowsAzure\Common\ServicesBuilder;
use MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\ServiceException;
use MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Blob\Models\ListBlobsOptions;

  header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
  header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST');
  header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, Content-Type, X-Auth-Token , Authorization');
  error_log("Options Called",0);
} else {
  error_log("Post Called",0);

  function create_storage_connection()
      return "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=".getenv('AZURE_ACCOUNT').";AccountKey=".getenv('AZURE_KEY');

  $blobRestProxy= ServicesBuilder::getInstance()->createBlobService($connectionString);

    //Upload data
    $blob = $blobRestProxy->getBlob($container_name, $data['name']);

    //Download url info
    $listBlobsOptions = new ListBlobsOptions();
    $blob_list = $blobRestProxy->listBlobs($container_name, $listBlobsOptions);
    $blobs = $blob_list->getBlobs();

    foreach($blobs as $blob)
    error_log("Urls:\n".implode(" , ",$urls),0);
    header("Content-type: application/json");
    error_log("Result: ".$result,0);
    echo $result;
  } catch(ServiceException $e) {
    $code = $e->getCode();
    $error_message = $e->getMessage();

    header("Content-type: application/json");
    echo json_encode(['code'=>$code,'message'=>$error_message]);



And on my meteor script I created a file named "imports/ui/File.jsx" having the following content:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {FileUpload} from '../api/FileUpload.js';

class File extends Component {

  changeFile(e) {
    let files = document.getElementById('fileUpload');
    var file = files.files[0];

    var reader=new FileReader();

    reader.onloadend = function() {


  render() {
    return (
      <form onSubmit={ this.changeFile.bind(this) }>
          <input id="fileUpload" type="file" name="file" />

        <button type="submit">UploadFile</button>


export default File;

And I also have a file named imports/api/FileUpload.js that handles the http call to the server:

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { HTTP } from 'meteor/http'

export default Meteor.methods({
  'fileStorage.uploadFile'(base64Data,name,mime) {
      // this.unblock();
      let http_obj={


The problem is even though I get I successfull response from my server the:


Does not print the returned json response from my server script to the console. Instead I get the following message (in my browser console):

Response: undefined

I cannot uinderstand why I get undefined on response even though the php script returns a response. Also if I console.log the err I get the following:

Error Error: network Καταγραφή στοίβας: httpcall_client.js/HTTP.call/xhr.onreadystatechange@http://localhost:3000/packages/http.js?hash=d7408e6ea3934d8d6dd9f1b49eab82ac9f6d8340:244:20

And I cannot figure out why does it happen.

Edit 1:

The meteor App does 2 Http calls 1 using OPTIONS method and one that uses POST

As requested when replaced the die() with:

  var_dump($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']); exit;

I get the response:

/home/pcmagas/Kwdikas/php/apps/base64Upload/src/public/index.php:14:string 'OPTIONS' (length=7)

Also on my network tab of the browser it says:

The http calls on network tab

Please keep in mind that the meteor performs 2 http calls to the script one using http OPTIONS method and one that uses the http POST one. What I want to get is the one that uses the http POST one.

Edit 2:

I also tried to put a timeout of 2 seconds by changing the http_obj into:

let http_obj={

But I get the following error:

Error Error: Can't set timers inside simulations

  • Have you've check the [Preview] tab on your [Network] option when you've check your given response? Jun 10, 2017 at 12:34
  • yes for some reason I do not get response either in the response tab. Jun 10, 2017 at 12:36
  • Do you think its because you've called die() in your if condition? What value did you get when you var_dump($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']); exit;? Jun 10, 2017 at 12:39
  • I edited the question. Jun 10, 2017 at 13:09

1 Answer 1


In the end I needed to make the method to run on server:

I did it by changing the imports/api/FileUpload.js into this: (I also removed unwanted code)

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { HTTP } from 'meteor/http'

export const UploadedFile=null;

    'fileStorage.uploadFile'(base64Data,name,mime) {
        // this.unblock();
        let http_obj={
          // 'timeout':2000,
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'

        return HTTP.call("POST","http://localhost/base64Upload/",http_obj);

And putting this require into server/main.js resulting into this:

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import {FileUpload} from '../imports/api/FileUpload.js';

Meteor.startup(() => {
  // code to run on server at startup

Also on imports/ui/File.jsx I call the method like that:


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