I have the following DataFrame from a SQL query:

(Pdb) pp total_rows
     ColumnID  RespondentCount
0          -1                2
1  3030096843                1
2  3030096845                1

and I pivot it like this:

total_data = total_rows.pivot_table(cols=['ColumnID'])

which produces

(Pdb) pp total_data
ColumnID         -1            3030096843   3030096845
RespondentCount            2            1            1

[1 rows x 3 columns]

When I convert this dataframe into a dictionary (using total_data.to_dict('records')[0]), I get

{3030096843: 1, 3030096845: 1, -1: 2}

but I want to make sure the 303 columns are cast as strings instead of integers so that I get this:

{'3030096843': 1, '3030096845': 1, -1: 2}

10 Answers 10


One way to convert to string is to use astype:

total_rows['ColumnID'] = total_rows['ColumnID'].astype(str)

However, perhaps you are looking for the to_json function, which will convert keys to valid json (and therefore your keys to strings):

In [11]: df = pd.DataFrame([['A', 2], ['A', 4], ['B', 6]])

In [12]: df.to_json()
Out[12]: '{"0":{"0":"A","1":"A","2":"B"},"1":{"0":2,"1":4,"2":6}}'

In [13]: df[0].to_json()
Out[13]: '{"0":"A","1":"A","2":"B"}'

Note: you can pass in a buffer/file to save this to, along with some other options...

  • 8
    I think to_string() is preferable due to the preservation of NULLs stackoverflow.com/a/44008334/3647167
    – Keith
    May 16, 2017 at 17:51
  • 2
    @Keith null preservation is attractive. but the doc says its purpose is to 'Render a DataFrame to a console-friendly tabular output'. i'd like someone authoritative to weigh in
    – 3pitt
    Feb 21, 2018 at 16:58
  • to_json() probably does not call astype(str) as it leaves datetime64 and its subclasses as milliseconds since epoch.
    – Sussch
    Jul 10, 2019 at 5:41
  • 1
    @Sussch I suspect that's because json doesn't have an explicit datetime format, so you're kinda forced to use epoch. Which is to say, I think that's the standard. Jul 10, 2019 at 6:05
  • @webNoob13: this is desired/intended behaviour - those are Pandas strings, essentially. See here: stackoverflow.com/questions/34881079/…
    – rocksteady
    Oct 21, 2020 at 14:18

If you need to convert ALL columns to strings, you can simply use:

df = df.astype(str)

This is useful if you need everything except a few columns to be strings/objects, then go back and convert the other ones to whatever you need (integer in this case):

 df[["D", "E"]] = df[["D", "E"]].astype(int) 
  • 3
    I would prefer your answer - because the OP asked for 'all' columns, not individual columns. Nov 18, 2021 at 16:40
  • 1
    Doesn't this throw SettingWithCopyWarning: in latest pandas?
    – taiyodayo
    Sep 9, 2022 at 4:19

pandas >= 1.0: It's time to stop using astype(str)!

Prior to pandas 1.0 (well, 0.25 actually) this was the defacto way of declaring a Series/column as as string:

# pandas <= 0.25
# Note to pedants: specifying the type is unnecessary since pandas will 
# automagically infer the type as object
s = pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype=str)
# dtype('O')

From pandas 1.0 onwards, consider using "string" type instead.

# pandas >= 1.0
s = pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype="string")
# StringDtype

Here's why, as quoted by the docs:

  1. You can accidentally store a mixture of strings and non-strings in an object dtype array. It’s better to have a dedicated dtype.

  2. object dtype breaks dtype-specific operations like DataFrame.select_dtypes(). There isn’t a clear way to select just text while excluding non-text but still object-dtype columns.

  3. When reading code, the contents of an object dtype array is less clear than 'string'.

See also the section on Behavioral Differences between "string" and object.

Extension types (introduced in 0.24 and formalized in 1.0) are closer to pandas than numpy, which is good because numpy types are not powerful enough. For example NumPy does not have any way of representing missing data in integer data (since type(NaN) == float). But pandas can using Nullable Integer columns.

Why should I stop using it?

Accidentally mixing dtypes

The first reason, as outlined in the docs is that you can accidentally store non-text data in object columns.

# pandas <= 0.25
pd.Series(['a', 'b', 1.23])   # whoops, this should have been "1.23"

0       a
1       b
2    1.23
dtype: object

pd.Series(['a', 'b', 1.23]).tolist()
# ['a', 'b', 1.23]   # oops, pandas was storing this as float all the time.
# pandas >= 1.0
pd.Series(['a', 'b', 1.23], dtype="string")

0       a
1       b
2    1.23
dtype: string

pd.Series(['a', 'b', 1.23], dtype="string").tolist()
# ['a', 'b', '1.23']   # it's a string and we just averted some potentially nasty bugs.

Challenging to differentiate strings and other python objects

Another obvious example example is that it's harder to distinguish between "strings" and "objects". Objects are essentially the blanket type for any type that does not support vectorizable operations.


# Setup
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'B': [{}, [1, 2, 3], 123]})
   A          B
0  a         {}
1  b  [1, 2, 3]
2  c        123

Upto pandas 0.25, there was virtually no way to distinguish that "A" and "B" do not have the same type of data.

# pandas <= 0.25  

A    object
B    object
dtype: object


   A          B
0  a         {}
1  b  [1, 2, 3]
2  c        123

From pandas 1.0, this becomes a lot simpler:

# pandas >= 1.0
# Convenience function I call to help illustrate my point.
df = df.convert_dtypes()

A    string
B    object
dtype: object


0  a
1  b
2  c


This is self-explanatory ;-)

OK, so should I stop using it right now?

...No. As of writing this answer (version 1.1), there are no performance benefits but the docs expect future enhancements to significantly improve performance and reduce memory usage for "string" columns as opposed to objects. With that said, however, it's never too early to form good habits!

  • This works if source is a,b,c and fails if source is 1,2,3 etc.
    – Nages
    Jul 29, 2020 at 23:59
  • @Nages I hope so, it generally doesn't make sense to represent numeric data as text.
    – cs95
    Jul 30, 2020 at 0:34
  • 3
    That is right. But some times like it happens if you are trying to solve Kaggle titanic competition where Pclass is represented as 1,2 and 3. Here it should be categorical like string format instead of numeric. To solve this problem str has helped instead of string in that case. Any way thanks it works for characters. Thanks for sharing this documentation details.
    – Nages
    Aug 1, 2020 at 2:22
  • As of version 1.4.3, Pandas "string" dtype is still considered experimental.
    – wojciech
    Aug 1, 2022 at 11:53

Here's the other one, particularly useful to convert the multiple columns to string instead of just single column:

In [76]: import numpy as np
In [77]: import pandas as pd
In [78]: df = pd.DataFrame({
    ...:     'A': [20, 30.0, np.nan],
    ...:     'B': ["a45a", "a3", "b1"],
    ...:     'C': [10, 5, np.nan]})

In [79]: df.dtypes ## Current datatype
A    float64
B     object
C    float64
dtype: object

## Multiple columns string conversion
In [80]: df[["A", "C"]] = df[["A", "C"]].astype(str) 

In [81]: df.dtypes ## Updated datatype after string conversion
A    object
B    object
C    object
dtype: object

There are four ways to convert columns to string

1. astype(str)
df['column_name'] = df['column_name'].astype(str)

2. values.astype(str)
df['column_name'] = df['column_name'].values.astype(str)

3. map(str)
df['column_name'] = df['column_name'].map(str)

4. apply(str)
df['column_name'] = df['column_name'].apply(str)

Lets see the performance of each type

#importing libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time

#creating four sample dataframes using dummy data
df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1, 1000, size =(10000000, 1)), columns =['A'])
df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1, 1000, size =(10000000, 1)), columns =['A'])
df3 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1, 1000, size =(10000000, 1)), columns =['A'])
df4 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1, 1000, size =(10000000, 1)), columns =['A'])

#applying astype(str)
time1 = time.time()
df1['A'] = df1['A'].astype(str)
print('time taken for astype(str) : ' + str(time.time()-time1) + ' seconds')

#applying values.astype(str)
time2 = time.time()
df2['A'] = df2['A'].values.astype(str)
print('time taken for values.astype(str) : ' + str(time.time()-time2) + ' seconds')

#applying map(str)
time3 = time.time()
df3['A'] = df3['A'].map(str)
print('time taken for map(str) : ' + str(time.time()-time3) + ' seconds')

#applying apply(str)
time4 = time.time()
df4['A'] = df4['A'].apply(str)
print('time taken for apply(str) : ' + str(time.time()-time4) + ' seconds')


time taken for astype(str): 5.472359895706177 seconds
time taken for values.astype(str): 6.5844292640686035 seconds
time taken for map(str): 2.3686647415161133 seconds
time taken for apply(str): 2.39758563041687 seconds

map(str) and apply(str) are takes less time compare with remaining two techniques

  • 7
    your results are suspicious. .astype(str) should definitely be fastest. use %timeit to get more reliable results (gives you the average over many trials). %timeit gives me 654ms for .astype(str), 1.4s for .values.astype(str), 2.11s for .map(str), and 1.74s for for .apply(str).
    – tdy
    Jul 30, 2021 at 19:40
  • 1
    Even though these tests use wall time (time.time()), which isn't precise and shouldn't be used to test performance, it turns out timeit test agrees with these results.
    – cottontail
    Feb 22, 2023 at 5:30
  • 1
    Huh, I wonder if I had hastily timed a smaller Series. Anyway it's good that you took the time to time it rigorously, plus introducing the faster map(repr).
    – tdy
    Feb 22, 2023 at 19:00
  • You can add df4['A'] = np.array2string(df4['A'].to_numpy()). This tested 8x as fast as the fastest answer!
    – ChaimG
    May 16, 2023 at 18:31

I usually use this one:


currently i do it like this

df_pg['store_id'] = df_pg['store_id'].astype('string')

1. .map(repr) is very fast

If you want to convert values to strings in a column, consider .map(repr). For multiple columns, consider .applymap(str).

df['col_as_str'] = df['col'].map(repr)

# multiple columns
df[['col1', 'col2']] = df[['col1', 'col2']].applymap(str)
# or
df[['col1', 'col2']] = df[['col1', 'col2']].apply(lambda col: col.map(repr))

In fact, a timeit test shows that map(repr) is 3 times faster than astype(str) (and is faster than any other method mentioned on this page). Even for multiple columns, this runtime difference still holds. The following is the runtime plot of various methods mentioned here.


astype(str) has very little overhead but for larger frames/columns, map/applymap outperforms it.

2. Don't convert to strings in the first place

There's very little reason to convert a numeric column into strings given pandas string methods are not optimized and often get outperformed by vanilla Python string methods. If not numeric, there are dedicated methods for those dtypes. For example, datetime columns should be converted to strings using pd.Series.dt.strftime().

One way numeric->string seems to be used is in a machine learning context where a numeric column needs to be treated as categorical. In that case, instead of converting to strings, consider other dedicated methods such as pd.get_dummies or sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder or sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder to process your data instead.

3. Use rename to convert column names to specific types

The specific question in the OP is about converting column names to strings, which can be done by rename method:

df = total_rows.pivot_table(columns=['ColumnID'])
# [{'-1': 2, '3030096843': 1, '3030096845': 1}]

The code used to produce the above plots:

import numpy as np
from perfplot import plot
    setup=lambda n: pd.Series(np.random.default_rng().integers(0, 100, size=n)),
    kernels=[lambda s: s.astype(str), lambda s: s.astype("string"), lambda s: s.apply(str), lambda s: s.map(str), lambda s: s.map(repr)],
    labels= ['col.astype(str)', 'col.astype("string")', 'col.apply(str)', 'col.map(str)', 'col.map(repr)'],
    n_range=[2**k for k in range(4, 22)],
    xlabel='Number of rows',
    title='Converting a single column into string dtype',
    equality_check=lambda x,y: np.all(x.eq(y)));
    setup=lambda n: pd.DataFrame(np.random.default_rng().integers(0, 100, size=(n, 100))),
    kernels=[lambda df: df.astype(str), lambda df: df.astype("string"), lambda df: df.applymap(str), lambda df: df.apply(lambda col: col.map(repr))],
    labels= ['df.astype(str)', 'df.astype("string")', 'df.applymap(str)', 'df.apply(lambda col: col.map(repr))'],
    n_range=[2**k for k in range(4, 18)],
    xlabel='Number of rows in dataframe',
    title='Converting every column of a 100-column dataframe to string dtype',
    equality_check=lambda x,y: np.all(x.eq(y)));

pandas version: 1.3.5

Updated answer

df['colname'] = df['colname'].astype(str) => this should work by default. But if you create str variable like str = "myString" before using astype(str), this won't work. In this case, you might want to use the below line.

df['colname'] = df['colname'].astype('str')


(Note: incorrect old explanation)

df['colname'] = df['colname'].astype('str') => converts dataframe column into a string type

df['colname'] = df['colname'].astype(str) => gives an error

  • I'm using pandas version 1.4.0 and do not get an error for astype(str)
    – DaveFar
    Nov 1, 2022 at 7:43
  • You're right. it worked for me as well. I tried to do astype(str) right after reading the file and it worked. I guess previously it gave me an error because I tried to use astype(str) after other operations. Nov 3, 2022 at 2:28
  • Okay, I found out why astype(str) didn't work for me before. it's because I created str = "value" variable before using astype(str). Nov 3, 2022 at 2:40

Using .apply() with a lambda conversion function also works in this case:

total_rows['ColumnID'] = total_rows['ColumnID'].apply(lambda x: str(x))

For entire dataframes you can use .applymap(). (but in any case probably .astype() is faster)

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