I am using MAC and trying to install TypeScript. I install typescript using

sudo npm install -g typescript

following is the result

/Users/<myuserid>/node/bin/tsc -> /Users/<myuserid>/node/lib/node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc
/Users/<myuserid>/node/bin/tsserver -> /Users/<myuserid>/node/lib/node_modules/typescript/bin/tsserver
└── [email protected] 

Now when i try to use tsc i get error

venu-mac:~ myuserid$ tsc
-bash: tsc: command not found
venu-mac:~ myuserid$

I do see tsc and tsserver exe files and following is tsc content

$!/usr/bin/env node

when I use following command from home it works

~ myuserid$ node/bin/tsc -v
Version 2.5.2

Same with Angular CLI installation. I use the following command to install Angualr via CLI:

sudo npm install -g @angular/cli

There are no errors or warnings while installing Angular CLI, but whenever I use ng commands I get the following:

-bash: ng: command not found

I tried removing/uninstalling all typescript and ng then reinstalling, upgrade but it's been of no use...

1 Answer 1


Add ~/node/bin folder to the PATH variable

Advice: do not use that manuall nodejs install. Have a look at nvm.

  • 1
    I new i messed up something while installing node. Mac is new to me. Following is what i did and it worked. Thank you @Lazyexper. PATH=$PATH:/Users/myuserid/node/bin and it worked.
    – venu
    Sep 14, 2017 at 15:51

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