I wonder whether the following is possible:

echo -e "0@1 1@1 0@0\n0@0 1@1 0@1" | awk '{print gensub(/([01])@([01])/, "\\1" + "\\2", "g")}'

It doesn't work the way it is; is that because the evaluation of "+" happens before the substitutions of "\1" and "\2"?

As output, I would expect 1, the result of arithmetic on \1 and \2, so for \1=0 and \2=1, the output should be 1.

Also, as per answer below, I am not looking for a solution on how to add 1 and 0 in "1@0"; this is just an example, I just wondered whether it is possible to do arithmetic on \1 and \2, since this works: gensub(/blah blah/, 0 + 1, "g") gives 1.

  • better to advise what is the expected output. Is it 0+1 as a string, is it 0+1=1 as a number....? Jan 14, 2018 at 1:57
  • It will be good if you could show us the output which you are looking for, please add the expected output in code tags in your post. Jan 14, 2018 at 3:44

4 Answers 4


You can't use gensub() for this, because it returns the captured groups as literal strings as its result.

For such a trivial requirement use @ as the field separator and do the arithmetic computation as

echo "0@1" | awk -F@ '{print ($1 + $2)}'

Or if you are worried about string values in the input string, force the numeric conversion using int() casting, or just add +0 to each of the operands, i.e. use (int($1) + int($2)) or (($1+0) + ($2+0))

As per the updated question/comments in the answer below, doing constant numeric arithmetic is not something gensub() is intended for, which is supposed to do a regexp based pattern search and replacement. The replacement part on most cases involves dealing with the captured groups from the search string and apply some modifications over it.


I think I understand what you want, and you can do it in Perl using the e modifier on a substitution which means it evaluates the replacement. Here's an example:

echo "7@302" | perl -nle 's/(\d+)@(\d+)/$1+$2/e && print'

Or, slightly more fun:

echo "The 200@109 cats sat on the 7@302 mats" | perl -nle 's/(\d+)@(\d+)/$1+$2/ge && print'
The 309 cats sat on the 309 mats
  • I don't know any perl, but I thought anything perl can do, awk can do as well? No?
    – Arktik
    Jan 14, 2018 at 12:38
  • I may get shot down in flames for this, but my perceived order of capability going from lowest to highest is: sed, awk, Perl. Jan 14, 2018 at 12:43
  • @A.Blizzard Mark is correct. awk is a language for manipulating text that is all. perl can also manipulate text but additionally it can do the things you use other tools/languages for, e.g. manipulating files and processes like you'd use a shell for. The result is that awk is a very small, simple tool/language that does one thing and does it well while perl is something quite different (see zoitz.com/archives/13 :-) ).
    – Ed Morton
    Jan 14, 2018 at 14:17

You could use sed w/bc for calculating, in the manner Mark used perl:
echo "7@302" | sed -E 's/([0-9]+)@([0-9]+)/echo "\1+\2"|bc/e'

  • Nice, didn't know that you could run shell commands on the substitute bit! Good to know! Thanks.
    – Arktik
    Oct 24, 2019 at 9:52

When you write foo(bar()), you'll find that bar() is executed first whether it's a function or any expression so gensub(..., "\\1" + "\\2", ...) calls gensub() using the result of adding the 2 strings which is 0, i.e. gensub(..., 0, ...).

This isn't semantically identical to the code you wrote but the approach to do what you want is to use the 3rd arg to match():

$ echo "0@1" | awk 'match($0,/([01])@([01])/,a){print a[1] + a[2]}'

The above uses GNU awk for that 3rd arg to match() but you were already using that for gensub() anyway. If it's not clear how to use that on your real data then post a followup question that includes an example of your real data.

  • Thanks! This looks like it will get pretty cumbersome for more than one set of "0@1" in $0. The above Perl version with "ge" looks very neat though.
    – Arktik
    Jan 14, 2018 at 14:22
  • You're welcome. Why would you think it'd get cumbersome though?
    – Ed Morton
    Jan 14, 2018 at 14:23
  • I've never really used match, I know awk only superficially for basic things; say it was "0@1 1@1 0@0", wouldn't I need to write at least a loop over a?
    – Arktik
    Jan 14, 2018 at 14:26
  • $ echo "0@1 1@1 0@0" | awk -v RS='\\s+' 'match($0,/([01])@([01])/,a){print a[1] + a[2]}' outputs 1 2 0. Is that your desired output? If you want to know how to do whatever it is you're trying to do in awk and/or perl then take a few mins to figure out some truly representative sample input and expected output representing your real data and post a question using that so we can best help you. Going one brief snippet of isolated text at a time isn't useful.
    – Ed Morton
    Jan 14, 2018 at 14:28
  • Yes, I really should not have been lazy and put up a proper example. I have modified the sample code in the question. The numbers should replace the "\d@\d" strings.
    – Arktik
    Jan 14, 2018 at 14:46

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