I have a file which contain

[[ abstraction, verb.cognition:abstract,+ ]] 

I want to remove the square bracket and want to keep the word abstraction from this bracket. So the output should be -


I have tried -

import re

with open('test.txt','r') as f:
    for line in f:
        rx = re.compile(r'\[[^][]*]')  string
        while rx.search(line):
            line = rx.sub('',line)                     
            s = line.strip()

which shows [] only square bracket.Is there ay way to do this? please help .

  • 2
    If the format doesn't change, simple string formatting would do: s.split(',')[0].lstrip('[ '). Apr 24, 2018 at 6:07

3 Answers 3


using re.search


s = "[[ abstraction, verb.cognition:abstract,+ ]]"
m = re.search("\[\[(.*?)\,.*", s)
if m:


  • It works but In my file there are more lines like - entity , [[ abstraction, verb.cognition:abstract,+ ]] , physical_entity . I also want to print these lines entity abstraction physical_entity . I have tried your code,it shows abstraction which is correct . But when I want to print others line how can i do that?
    – jan
    Apr 24, 2018 at 7:43
  • @jahan. That would mean a totally different requirement and regex.
    – Rakesh
    Apr 24, 2018 at 7:50

You don't even need to worry about the brackets, if your file only contains that, you only need to match the first word.

import re
t = "[[ abstraction, verb.cognition:abstract,+ ]] "

match = re.search(r"\b([^,]+)\b", t)
# prints False when no match is found
print(match is not None and match.group(0))
# abstraction

You can try this too,

line="""[[ abstraction, verb.cognition:abstract,+ ]] rewq [[ abs, verb.cognition:abstract,+ ]] fdsaf [[ abstraction, verb.cfdsa,+ ]] """
rx = re.compile(r'\[\[[^][]*]]')
line = rx.sub(lambda m: '' if m.group(0).find("abstraction")== -1 else "abstraction", line)                     
s = line.strip()

Output is

abstraction rewq  fdsaf abstraction

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