I would like to be able to use environment variables inside docker-compose.yml, with values passed in at the time of docker-compose up. This is the example.

I am doing this today with a basic docker run command, which is wrapped around my own script. Is there a way to achieve it with compose, without any such bash wrappers?

  hostname: $hostname
    - /mnt/data/logs/$hostname:/logs
    - /mnt/data/$hostname:/data

20 Answers 20


It seems that docker-compose has native support now for default environment variables in a file.

All you need to do is declare your variables in a file named .env and they will be available in docker-compose.yml.

For example, for a .env file with contents:


You could access your variable inside docker-compose.yml or forward them into the container:

  image: ${IMAGE_NAME}
  • 17
    This worked for me as well. I don't know why but the file name should be literally .env, for example config.env did not worked for me.
    – HBat
    Mar 9, 2019 at 22:21
  • 3
    The best solution. and We could add /etc/environment props and use those as an environment with using .env. That'll be more secure. Jun 26, 2019 at 9:30
  • 20
    @HBat, you can use env_file for that, e.g.: env_file: config.env
    – Islam
    Jun 2, 2021 at 23:13
  • 16
    .env is for variables that are parsed in to the docker-compose.yml interpreter, not for the container. For variables to be set in the container, you will need to specify a .env file in your docker-compose.yml using env_file: .env.vars or whatever your file name is that contains the variables. It's a confusing antipattern to use env_file: .env which works but basically uses the variables both for the interpreter and the container. Oct 5, 2022 at 22:56
  • 2
    @bkis It's an anti-pattern because despite appearing to be easier and/or adequate, proper use requires knowledge that is not obvious or well documented, and can lead to confusion (few people are aware that there are actually separate files for the yaml parse and the build part until they run into issues). There are also security concerns; it's generally poor practice to allow variables that are no longer needed to persist through to the final build image/containers. Apr 20, 2023 at 16:40

The Docker solution:

Docker-compose 1.5+ has enabled variables substitution: Releases · docker/compose

The latest Docker Compose allows you to access environment variables from your compose file. So you can source your environment variables, then run Compose like so:

set -a
source .my-env
docker-compose up -d

For example, assume we have the following .my-env file:


(or pass them via command-line arguments when calling docker-compose, like so: POSTGRES_VERSION=14 docker-compose up -d)

Then you can reference the variables in docker-compose.yml using a ${VARIABLE} syntax, like so:

  image: "postgres:${POSTGRES_VERSION}"

And here is more information from the documentation, taken from Compose file specification

When you run docker-compose up with this configuration, Compose looks for the POSTGRES_VERSION environment variable in the shell and substitutes its value in. For this example, Compose resolves the image to postgres:9.3 before running the configuration.

If an environment variable is not set, Compose substitutes with an empty string. In the example above, if POSTGRES_VERSION is not set, the value for the image option is postgres:.

Both $VARIABLE and ${VARIABLE} syntax are supported. Extended shell-style features, such as ${VARIABLE-default} and ${VARIABLE/foo/bar}, are not supported.

If you need to put a literal dollar sign in a configuration value, use a double dollar sign ($$).

The feature was added in this pull request.

Alternative Docker-based solution: Implicitly sourcing an environment variables file through the docker-compose command

If you want to avoid any Bash wrappers, or having to source a environment variables file explicitly (as demonstrated above), then you can pass a --env-file flag to the docker-compose command with the location of your environment variable file: Use an environment file

Then you can reference it within your docker-compose command without having to source it explicitly:

docker-compose --env-file .my-env  up -d

If you don't pass a --env-file flag, the default environment variable file will be .env.

Note the following caveat with this approach:

Values present in the environment at runtime always override those defined inside the .env file. Similarly, values passed via command-line arguments take precedence as well.

So be careful about any environment variables that may override the ones defined in the --env-file!

The Bash solution:

I notice that Docker's automated handling of environment variables can cause confusion. Instead of dealing with environment variables in Docker, let's go back to basics, like Bash! Here is a method using a Bash script and a .env file, with some extra flexibility to demonstrate the utility of environment variables:

# Note that the variable below is commented out and will not be used:

# You can even define the compose file in an environment variable like so:
# You can define other compose files, and just comment them out
# when not needed:
# COMPOSE_CONFIG=another-compose-file.yml

Then run this Bash script in the same directory, which should deploy everything properly:


docker rm -f `docker ps -aq -f name=myproject_*`
set -a
source .env
cat ${COMPOSE_CONFIG} | envsubst | docker-compose -f - -p "myproject" up -d

Just reference your environment variables in your compose file with the usual Bash syntax (ie ${POSTGRES_VERSION} to insert the POSTGRES_VERSION from the .env file).

While this solution involves Bash, some may prefer it because it has better separation of concerns.

Note the COMPOSE_CONFIG is defined in my .env file and used in my Bash script, but you can easily just replace {$COMPOSE_CONFIG} with the my-compose-file.yml in the Bash script.

Also note that I labeled this deployment by naming all of my containers with the "myproject" prefix. You can use any name you want, but it helps identify your containers so you can easily reference them later. Assuming that your containers are stateless, as they should be, this script will quickly remove and redeploy your containers according to your .env file parameters and your compose YAML file.

Since this answer seems pretty popular, I wrote a blog post that describes my Docker deployment workflow in more depth: Let's Deploy! (Part 1) This might be helpful when you add more complexity to a deployment configuration, like Nginx configurations, Let's Encrypt certificates, and linked containers.

  • 2
    You can simply grep foo file.text instead of cat file.text | grep foo. In my case I had to export $(grep "^[^#]" .config | xargs) && cat docker-compose.yml | envsubst.
    – J L
    Jan 27, 2016 at 9:25
  • 1
    "I notice folks have issues with Docker's environment variables support" -- do you have any details or a link to a ticket?
    – tleyden
    Feb 27, 2016 at 0:00
  • 13
    PSA: This only works with docker-compose up and not with docker-compose run.
    – halbgut
    Dec 9, 2016 at 9:22
  • 7
    There is this solution docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/#envfile that I use where you add environment variables from a .env under env_file. Then you can reference the variables in docker-compose.yml using ${VARIABLE}
    – musale
    Mar 29, 2017 at 5:39
  • 2
    This answer is out of date. You no longer have to SOURCE the environment script. docker-compose does it for you. docs.docker.com/compose/environment-variables/…
    – ndemarco
    May 21, 2021 at 18:19
  1. Create a template.yml, which is your docker-compose.yml with environment variable.
  2. Suppose your environment variables are in a file 'env.sh'
  3. Put the below piece of code in a sh file and run it.
source env.sh
rm -f docker-compose.yml
envsubst < "template.yml" > "docker-compose.yml"

A new file docker-compose.yml will be generated with the correct values of environment variables.

Sample template.yml file:

        image: ${ORACLE_DB_IMAGE}
        privileged: true
        cpuset: "0"
                - "${ORACLE_DB_PORT}:${ORACLE_DB_PORT}"
        command: /bin/sh -c "chmod 777 /tmp/start; /tmp/start"
        container_name: ${ORACLE_DB_CONTAINER_NAME}

Sample env.sh file:

export ORACLE_DB_IMAGE=<image-name> 
export ORACLE_DB_PORT=<port to be exposed> 
  • 13
    still no better solution at the moment?
    – lvthillo
    Jan 12, 2016 at 10:43
  • 27
    why would you recursively delete a file? (rm -rf docker-compose.yml) Aug 26, 2016 at 17:19
  • 22
    -1 this solution only complicates things and should be updated according to docker-compose new abilities docs.docker.com/compose/environment-variables/… Aug 1, 2019 at 7:20
  • 3
    I would recommend using the above command inside the parenthesis so that even the variable will not be set globally. Ex. (source env.sh; rm -rf docker-compose.yml; envsubst < "template.yml" > "docker-compose.yml";) May 16, 2020 at 22:22
  • 5
    This answer is out of date.
    – ndemarco
    May 21, 2021 at 18:17

Don't confuse the .env file and the env_file option!

They serve totally different purposes!

The .env file feeds those environment variables only to your Docker Compose file, which in turn, can be passed to the containers as well.

But the env_file option only passes those variables to the containers and not the Docker Compose file 😵‍💫

Important note on secrets

The example is using the environment variables to pass secret credentials to the Docker Compose file. There is a better encrypted and safe way to do this explained in detail in the official documentation: How to use secrets in Docker Compose


  1. OK, let's say we have this simple compose file:

        image: ubuntu
        hostname: suchHostname # <-------------- hard coded 'suchHostname'
          - /mnt/data/logs/muchLogs:/logs # <--- hard coded 'muchLogs'
          - /mnt/data/soBig:/data # <----------- hard coded 'soBig'
  2. We don't want to hard code these anymore! So, we can put them in the current terminal's environment variables and check if docker-compose understands them:

    $ export the_hostname="suchHostName"
    $ export dir_logs="muchLogs"
    $ export dir_data="soBig"
  3. and change the docker-compose.yml file to:

        image: ubuntu
        hostname: $the_hostname # <-------------- use $the_hostname
          - /mnt/data/logs/$dir_logs:/logs # <--- use $dir_logs
          - /mnt/data/$dir_data:/data # <-------- usr $dir_data
  4. Now let's check out if it worked with executing docker-compose config and inspecting the output:

    name: tmp
        hostname: suchHostName # <------------- $the_hostname
        image: ubuntu
          default: null
        - type: bind
          source: /mnt/data/logs/muchLogs # <-- $dir_logs
          target: /logs
            create_host_path: true
        - type: bind
          source: /mnt/data/soBig # <---------- $dir_data
          target: /data
            create_host_path: true
        name: tmp_default
  5. OK, it works! But let's use the .env file instead. Since Docker Compose understands the .env file, let's just create one and set it up:

    # .env file (in the same directory as 'docker-compose.yml')

    OK, you can test it with a new terminal (so that the older environment variables we set with export don't interfere and make sure everything works in a clean terminal) 🖥 Just follow step 4 again and see that it works!

So far so good 😃 However, when you stumble upon the env_file option, it gets confusing 🤔 Let's say that you want to pass a password to the Docker Compose file (not the container).

🙄 In the wrong approach, you might put a password in .secrets file:

# .secrets

and then update the Docker Compose file as follows:

    image: ubuntu
    hostname: $the_hostname
      - /mnt/data/logs/$dir_logs:/logs
      - /mnt/data/$dir_data:/data

    # 🔽 BAD:
      - .env
      - .secrets
    entrypoint: echo "Hush! This is a secret '$somepassword'"

Now checking it just like step 4 again would result in:

WARN[0000] The "somepassword" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
name: tmp                       #       ^
services:                       #       |
  foo:                          #       |
    entrypoint:                 #       |
    - echo                      #       |
    - Hush! This is a secret '' # <---- 😵‍💫 Oh no!
      dir_data: soBig
      dir_logs: muchLogs
      somepassword: 0P3N$$3$$@M! # <--- 🤔 Huh?!
      the_hostname: suchHostName
    hostname: suchHostName
    image: ubuntu
      default: null
    - type: bind
      source: /mnt/data/logs/muchLogs
      target: /logs
        create_host_path: true
    - type: bind
      source: /mnt/data/soBig
      target: /data
        create_host_path: true
    name: tmp_default

So as you can see, the $somepassord variable is only passed to the container, and not the Docker Compose file.

Wrapping up

You can pass environment variables to Docker Compose files in two ways:

  1. By exporting the variable to the terminal before running docker compose.
  2. By putting the variables inside .env file.

The env_file option only passes those extra variables to the containers 📦 and not the compose file 🐳

Useful links

  • 7
    Title is very explanatory and should be basic knowledge for every developer working with Docker. It wasn't for me until now 😳 🙏
    – Jos
    Dec 6, 2022 at 12:02
  • Yes I learned it the hard way as well 😅 Actually, I researched a bit more after reading answers in this page, and added what was missing
    – Pedram
    Dec 8, 2022 at 17:42
  • 1
    Use docker-compose config instead of docker-compose convert for more recent versions Feb 28, 2023 at 16:30
  • 1
    @ruslaniv Hey there. - You can specify the path with --env-file (more on docs.docker.com/compose/environment-variables/…). - If you are trying to keep different secret variables separate, please use the secrets approach explained here: docs.docker.com/compose/use-secrets - For different configs (so that you wouldn't need to rebuild the docker image), use: docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/08-configs
    – Pedram
    Jul 23, 2023 at 7:58
  • 1
    Thank you @Pedram. Note for others, if you want to pass variables to the compose file with a different file (not .env) you can do it like this: docker compose --env-file custom.env up. This is compatible with having another different env_file option inside the compose.yaml file. In other words, with the --env-file command you pass a file whose variables can be used inside the compose.yaml file. With the env_file option inside the compose.yaml file you can pass environment variables to the containers. Jan 26 at 11:19

The best way is to specify environment variables outside the docker-compose.yml file. You can use env_file setting, and define your environment file within the same line. Then doing a docker-compose up again should recreate the containers with the new environment variables.

Here is how my docker-compose.yml looks like:

    env_file: variables.env

Note: docker-compose expects each line in an env file to be in VAR=VAL format. Avoid using export inside the .env file. Also, the .env file should be placed in the folder where the docker-compose command is executed.

  • 8
    Best way indeed
    – Dany
    Mar 6, 2020 at 16:09
  • 10
    NO. It will not automatically make the environment variables available inside the docker container. You still need to explicitly mention these under environment section.
    – kta
    Jun 4, 2020 at 5:16
  • It worked smoothly in my case, maybe it has to do with the docker compose file version. I was using version 3
    – Zisis F
    Oct 8, 2021 at 12:18
  • Worked well for me. Docker compose 2.7.0 Jul 20, 2022 at 19:31

The following is applicable for docker-compose 3.x Set environment variables inside the container

method - 1 Straight method

      DEBUG: 1
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: 'postgres'
      POSTGRES_USER: 'postgres'

method - 2 The “.env” file

Create a .env file in the same location as the docker-compose.yml

$ cat .env

and your compose file will be like

$ cat docker-compose.yml
version: '3'
    image: "webapp:${TAG}"
    postgres_password: "${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}"


  • 5
    I'd like to see a complete example of method 1. I couldn't make this work, so ended up using .env file (which worked fine).
    – BobHy
    May 25, 2019 at 1:02
  • 2
    What is the difference between - DEBUG=1 and DEBUG: 1 methods of variable assignments ?
    – Gagik
    Aug 18, 2022 at 9:25
  • 3
    @Gagik they're different yaml structures. - DEBUG=1 is an array element, and DEBUG: 1 is a map. See docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/05-services/#environment
    – Kieran
    Jan 30 at 13:22

When using environment variables for volumes you need:

  1. create .env file in the same folder which contains docker-compose.yaml file

  2. declare variable in the .env file:

  3. Change $hostname to ${HOSTNAME} at docker-compose.yaml file

      hostname: ${HOSTNAME}
        - /mnt/data/logs/${HOSTNAME}:/logs
        - /mnt/data/${HOSTNAME}:/data

Of course you can do that dynamically on each build like:

echo "HOSTNAME=your_hostname" > .env && sudo docker-compose up
  • 17
    Note, according to the docs: The .env file feature only works when you use the docker-compose up command and does not work with docker stack deploy. Apr 5, 2018 at 0:33
  • 1
    This needs to be in the CONTEXT directory NOT the docker-compose.yaml directory
    – Joe
    Sep 24, 2020 at 3:07
  • 2
    @Joe, this comment saved my life so to speak. Couldn't figure out why .env file was being ignored.
    – yozniak
    Oct 17, 2020 at 14:58

Since 1.25.4, docker-compose supports the option --env-file that enables you to specify a file containing variables.

Yours should look like this:


And the command:

docker-compose --env-file /path/to/my-env-file config


env SOME_VAR="I am some var" OTHER_VAR="I am other var" docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml

Use version 3.6:

version: "3.6"
    image: "nginx:alpine"
      foo: "bar"
      baz: "${OTHER_VAR}"
      some-label: "$SOME_VAR"
    image: "nginx:alpine"
      hello: "world"
      world: "${SOME_VAR}"
      some-label: "$OTHER_VAR"

I got it from Feature request: Docker stack deploy pass environment variables via cli options #939.


To add an environment variable, you may define an env_file (let's call it var.env) as:


And add it to the docker compose manifest service. Moreover, you can define environment variables directly with environment.

For instance, in docker-compose.yaml:

version: '3.8'
      context: .
      dockerfile: ./docker/Dockerfile.myservice
    image: myself/myservice
     - ./var.env
     - VAR_C=C
     - VAR_D=D
     - $HOME/myfolder:/myfolder
     - "5000:5000"

Please check here for more/updated information: Manuals → Docker →Compose →Environment variables → Overview


You cannot ... yet. But this is an alternative, think like a docker-composer.yml generator:


Basically a shell script that will replace your variables. Also you can use Grunt task to build your docker compose file at the end of your CI process.


I have a simple bash script I created for this it just means running it on your file before use: https://github.com/antonosmond/subber

Basically just create your compose file using double curly braces to denote environment variables e.g:

    build: "{{APP_PATH}}"
    - "{{APP_PORT_MAP}}"

Anything in double curly braces will be replaced with the environment variable of the same name so if I had the following environment variables set:


on running subber docker-compose.yml the resulting file would look like:

    build: "~/my_app/build"
    - "5000:5000"

To focus solely on the issue of default and mandatory values for environment variables, and as an update to @modulito's answer:

Using default values and enforcing mandatory values within the docker-compose.yml file is now supported (from the docs):

Both $VARIABLE and ${VARIABLE} syntax are supported. Additionally when using the 2.1 file format, it is possible to provide inline default values using typical shell syntax:

${VARIABLE:-default} evaluates to default if VARIABLE is unset or empty in the environment. ${VARIABLE-default} evaluates to default only if VARIABLE is unset in the environment.

Similarly, the following syntax allows you to specify mandatory variables:

${VARIABLE:?err} exits with an error message containing err if VARIABLE is unset or empty in the environment. ${VARIABLE?err} exits with an error message containing err if VARIABLE is unset in the environment.

Other extended shell-style features, such as ${VARIABLE/foo/bar}, are not supported.


This was written for Docker v20, using the docker compose v2 commands.

I was having a similar roadblock and found that the --env-file parameter only works for docker compose config command. On top of that using the docker compose env_file variable, still forced me to repeat values for the variables, when wanting to reuse them in other places than the Dockerfile such as environment for docker-compose.yml. I just wanted one source of truth, my .env, with the ability to swap them per deployment stage. So here is how I got it to work, basically use docker compose config to generate a base docker-compose.yml file that will pass ARG into Dockerfile's.

.local.env This would be your .env, I have mine split for different deployments.


docker-compose.config.yml - This is my core docker compose file.

      context: .
      dockerfile: docker/apache2/Dockerfile

Now sadly I do need to pass in the variables twice, once for the Dockerfile, the other for environment. However, they are still coming from the single source .local.env so at least I do not need to repeat values.

I then use docker compose config to generate a semi-final docker-compose.yml. This lets me pass in my companion override docker-compose.local.yml for where the final deployment is happening.

docker compose --env-file=.local.env -f docker-compose.config.yml config > docker-compose.yml

This will now let my Dockerfile access the .env variables.

FROM php:5.6-apache

# Make sure to declare after FROM

# Access args in strings with $PLATFORM, and can wrap i.e ${PLATFORM}
RUN echo "SetEnv PLATFORM $PLATFORM" > /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/environment.conf
RUN echo "SetEnv DEVELOPMENT $DEVELOPMENT" > /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/environment.conf

This then passes the .env variables from the docker-compose.yml into Dockerfile which then passes it into my Apache HTTP server, which passes it to my final destination, the PHP code.

My next step to then to pass in my docker compose overrides from my deployment stage.

docker-compose.local.yml - This is my docker-compose override.

      - ./localhost+2.pem:/etc/ssl/certs/localhost+2.pem
      - ./localhost+2-key.pem:/etc/ssl/private/localhost+2-key.pem

Lastly, run the docker compose command.

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml up --build

Please note if you change anything in you .env file you will need to re-run the docker compose config and add --build for docker compose up. Since builds are cached it has little impact.

So for my final command I normally run:

docker compose --env-file=.local.env -f docker-compose.config.yml config > docker-compose.yml; docker compose --env-file=.local.env -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml up --build 

Add an environment variable to the .env file

Such as


Then save it to deploy.sh


prepare() {
        local inFile=$(pwd)/$INPUTFILE
        local outFile=$(pwd)/$RESULT_NAME
        cp $inFile $outFile
        while read -r line; do
               sed -i -e "s/\${${pair[0]}}/${pair[1]}/g" $outFile
            done <.env

deploy() {
        docker stack deploy -c $outFile $NAME


As far as I know, this is a work-in-progress. They want to do it, but it's not released yet. See 1377 (the "new" 495 that was mentioned by @Andy).

I ended up implementing the "generate .yml as part of CI" approach as proposed by @Thomas.


It's simple like this:

Using command line as mentioned in the documentation:

docker-compose --env-file ./config/.env.dev config

Or using a .env file, I think this is the easiest way:

    - web-variables.env

Documentation with a sample


Use .env file to define dynamic values in docker-compse.yml. Be it port or any other value.

Sample docker-compose:

       image: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.dkr.ecr.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com/testcore:latest
            - c:/logs:c:/logs
            - ${TEST_CORE_PORT}:80
            - CONSUL_URL=http://${CONSUL_IP}:8500 

Inside .env file you can define the value of these variables:


The solution I was seeking for a use case where I could use environment variable in command: of docker-compose.yml.

To access environment variable, use $$STREAM_VERSION.

version: '3.0'
      - $GOPATH/src/gitlab.protectv.local/ddx/:/go/Coverity/
    tty: true 
      context: .
    image: coverity
    restart: on-failure
      - "7777:7777"
    container_name: coverity-container
    # TODO: Dynamic value for build version in cov-commit-defects
    command: sh -c "echo $$STREAM_VERSION && cov-build --dir $GOPATH/cvbuild go install && cov-analyze --all --dir $GOPATH/cvbuild --strip-path $GOPATH && cd /go/Coverity/ddf.git && cov-commit-defects --url https://coverity-sj.thalesesec.com:8443 --stream $${STREAM_VERSION} --dir $GOPATH/cvbuild --auth-key-file /usr/local/cov-analysis-linux64-2022.3.0/bin/auth.file"
    #driver: local

I ended up using "sed" in my deploy.sh script to accomplish this, though my requirements were slightly different since docker-compose is being called by Terrafom: Passing Variables to Docker Compose via a Terraform script for an Azure App Service

eval "sed -i 's/MY_VERSION/$VERSION/' ../docker-compose.yaml"

cat ../docker-compose.yaml

terraform init 
terraform apply -auto-approve \
    -var "app_version=$VERSION" \
    -var "client_id=$ARM_CLIENT_ID" \
    -var "client_secret=$ARM_CLIENT_SECRET" \
    -var "tenant_id=$ARM_TENANT_ID" \
    -var "subscription_id=$ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID"

eval "sed -i 's/$VERSION/MY_VERSION/' ../docker-compose.yaml"

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