Basically the result i need is price change ranges for each item, i need to extract an item price and the date of the transaction with an end date set to the next time that item price is changed.

Given this table

create table myTable(id int, Price decimal(10,6), StartDate datetime)
insert into myTable
select 1, 92.576842, '2018-04-06 23:00:00.000' union all
select 1, 92.700000, '2018-04-12 21:39:00.000' union all
select 1, 92.700000, '2018-04-26 00:01:00.000' union all
select 1, 92.700000, '2018-06-04 23:20:00.000' union all
select 1, 116.700000, '2018-07-04 21:38:00.000' union all
select 1, 116.700000, '2018-08-01 22:31:31.000' union all
select 1, 118.610597, '2018-08-13 23:34:22.000' union all
select 1, 116.700000, '2018-09-05 23:52:28.000'

And this query

select id, Price, StartDate, LEAD(StartDate) over (partition by id order by id, StartDate) endDate
from myTable
order by id, StartDate

Query Results:

id  Price       StartDate               endDate
1   92.576842   2018-04-06 23:00:00.000 2018-04-12 21:39:00.000
1   92.700000   2018-04-12 21:39:00.000 2018-04-26 00:01:00.000
1   92.700000   2018-04-26 00:01:00.000 2018-06-04 23:20:00.000
1   92.700000   2018-06-04 23:20:00.000 2018-07-04 21:38:00.000
1   116.700000  2018-07-04 21:38:00.000 2018-08-01 22:31:31.000
1   116.700000  2018-08-01 22:31:31.000 2018-08-13 23:34:22.000
1   118.610597  2018-08-13 23:34:22.000 2018-09-05 23:52:28.000
1   116.700000  2018-09-05 23:52:28.000 NULL

how to get only the earliest date for consecutive Price instance

the result should be as below - note that last row is a duplicated Price yet it is required

id  Price       StartDate               EndDate
1   92.576842   2018-04-06 23:00:00.000 2018-04-12 21:39:00.000
1   92.700000   2018-04-12 21:39:00.000 2018-07-04 21:38:00.000
1   116.700000  2018-07-04 21:38:00.000 2018-08-13 23:34:22.000
1   118.610597  2018-08-13 23:34:22.000 2018-09-05 23:52:28.000
1   116.700000  2018-09-05 23:52:28.000 NULL
  • sticking to LEAD function is recommendation not requirement
    – mhDuke
    Sep 10, 2018 at 21:59

1 Answer 1


This an approach for "islands" that employs 2 row_number() calculations that give all rows in an "island" a shared id, then it is possible to group by that id:

    id, Price, group_id, min(StartDate) StartDate, max(enddate) enddate
from (
        select id, Price, StartDate
            , LEAD(StartDate,1,DATEADD(YEAR,1,StartDate)) over (partition by id order by id,StartDate) endDate
            , row_number() over(partition by id order by StartDate ASC) 
              - row_number() over(partition by id, price order by StartDate ASC) AS group_id
        from myTable
      ) d
group by
    id, Price, group_id
order by

| id |      Price | group_id |            StartDate |              enddate |
|  1 |  92.576842 |        0 | 2018-04-06T23:00:00Z | 2018-04-12T21:39:00Z |
|  1 |       92.7 |        1 | 2018-04-12T21:39:00Z | 2018-07-04T21:38:00Z |
|  1 |      116.7 |        4 | 2018-07-04T21:38:00Z | 2018-08-13T23:34:22Z |
|  1 | 118.610597 |        6 | 2018-08-13T23:34:22Z | 2018-09-05T23:52:28Z |
|  1 |      116.7 |        5 | 2018-09-05T23:52:28Z | 2019-09-05T23:52:28Z |


If you want NULL as the last enddate, change the lead() so it does not supply a default value

LEAD(StartDate,1)) over (partition by id order by id,StartDate) endDate
  • while ranges are correct, still the last record when price went back to previous value of 116.70 gets grouped and not displayed.
    – mhDuke
    Sep 10, 2018 at 22:22
  • sorry, revised answer for "islands" now provided. Sep 10, 2018 at 22:50
  • thanks pal. flawless. also the group_id helped in further queries
    – mhDuke
    Sep 11, 2018 at 16:53

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