In Apache camel Hystrix EIP, how can we prevent the call to fallback method for bad request exception. I tried throwing "HystrixBadRequestException" from my request dispatcher processor, but I still see that fallback is getting triggered. Is there any way to solve this problem?

 /* in route builder class */
public void configure() throws Exception {
            .log(LoggingLevel.INFO, "Fallback:")
            .bean("responsehandler", "getFallbackResponse")
    /* in dispatcher class */
private Exchange dispatchRequest(Exchange exchange) {
    if (exception instanceof HttpOperationFailedException) {
        Integer statusCode = ((HttpOperationFailedException) exception).getStatusCode();
        if(statusCode == 400) {
            throw new HystrixBadRequestException("Hystrix bad request");

1 Answer 1


This is currently not implemented in camel-hystrix. I have logged a ticket to get this added in upcoming releases: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-13066

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