i have this MySQL query:

SELECT * FROM forex_pair_signals AS SENALES 
JOIN forex_pair_price AS PRECIO 
ON SENALES.forex_pair_price_id = PRECIO.forex_pair_price_id 
JOIN forex_pair AS PARES 
ON PRECIO.forex_pair_id = PARES.forex_pair_id
PRECIO.forex_pair_price_time >= '2019-02-01 00:00' AND
PRECIO.forex_pair_price_time <= '2019-02-07 01:00' AND 
TIME (PRECIO.forex_pair_price_time) BETWEEN '06:00' AND '13:00' AND 
PARES.forex_pair_id = 13 AND SENALES.forex_pair_signals_result = 1 AND
PRECIO.forex_pair_price_rsi >= '80.00' 
OR PRECIO.forex_pair_price_rsi <= '20.00' 
ORDER BY SENALES.forex_pair_signals_id DESC

This query works fine except when add the following filter:

AND PRECIO.forex_pair_price_rsi >= '80.00' OR 
PRECIO.forex_pair_price_rsi <= '20.00'

The problem is that the last filter do ignores all other filters and the result is get all data that does comply with the last filter.

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4 Answers 4


AND is evaluated before OR because AND has a higher precedence. Use parentheses to override the operator precendence:

    PRECIO.forex_pair_price_time >= '2019-02-01 00:00' AND
    PRECIO.forex_pair_price_time <= '2019-02-07 01:00' AND 
    TIME (PRECIO.forex_pair_price_time) BETWEEN '06:00' AND '13:00' AND 
    PARES.forex_pair_id = 13 AND SENALES.forex_pair_signals_result = 1 AND
        PRECIO.forex_pair_price_rsi >= '80.00' 
        PRECIO.forex_pair_price_rsi <= '20.00'

Or you could rewrite your condition so it's just one expression:

    PRECIO.forex_pair_price_rsi not between '20.01' and '79.99'

Operator precedence When you use more than one logical operator in an expression, MySQL evaluates the OR operators after the AND operators. This is called operator precedence.1

SELECT true OR false AND false;


true OR false AND false

SELECT (true OR false) AND false;


(true OR false) AND false

thus you need parantheses for such case

PRECIO.forex_pair_price_time >= '2019-02-01 00:00' AND
PRECIO.forex_pair_price_time <= '2019-02-07 01:00' AND 
TIME (PRECIO.forex_pair_price_time) BETWEEN '06:00' AND '13:00' AND 
PARES.forex_pair_id = 13 AND SENALES.forex_pair_signals_result = 1 AND
    PRECIO.forex_pair_price_rsi >= '80.00' OR
    PRECIO.forex_pair_price_rsi <= '20.00' 

I think I would try to tidy up the query by consolidating the ranged logic in the WHERE clause.

FROM forex_pair_signals AS senales
INNER JOIN forex_pair_price AS precio ON senales.forex_pair_price_id = precio.forex_pair_price_id 
INNER JOIN forex_pair AS pares ON precio.forex_pair_id = pares.forex_pair_id
WHERE pares.forex_pair_id = 13
  AND senales.forex_pair_signals_result = 1
  AND precio.forex_pair_price_time BETWEEN '2019-02-01 00:00' AND '2019-02-07 01:00' 
  AND precio.forex_pair_price_rsi NOT BETWEEN '20.00' AND '80.00'
  AND TIME(precio.forex_pair_price_time) BETWEEN '06:00' AND '13:00'
ORDER BY senales.forex_pair_signals_id DESC

Your final WHERE clause condition can be rewritten as NOT BETWEEN which totally avoids the issue.

I also took the liberty to make your table aliases lowercase and I rearranged the WHERE clause conditions to position the simpler/lighter conditions first.

I think this query is much tidier now.

(p.s. Try to avoid using * in your SELECT claues; you should only ask for data that you intend to use.)


You should use parenthesis while using OR function, as it corresponds to either one or two WHERE Clause defined within it by differentiating in brackets.

SELECT * FROM forex_pair_signals AS SENALES 
JOIN forex_pair_price AS PRECIO 
ON SENALES.forex_pair_price_id = PRECIO.forex_pair_price_id 
JOIN forex_pair AS PARES 
ON PRECIO.forex_pair_id = PARES.forex_pair_id
PRECIO.forex_pair_price_time >= '2019-02-01 00:00' AND
PRECIO.forex_pair_price_time <= '2019-02-07 01:00' AND 
TIME (PRECIO.forex_pair_price_time) BETWEEN '06:00' AND '13:00' AND 
PARES.forex_pair_id = 13 AND SENALES.forex_pair_signals_result = 1 AND
(PRECIO.forex_pair_price_rsi >= '80.00' 
OR PRECIO.forex_pair_price_rsi <= '20.00') 
ORDER BY SENALES.forex_pair_signals_id DESC;

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