I need to make a cross-compiled OpenSSL for a MIPS device. I've tried following the documentation. Set OPENSSL_USE_STATIC_LIBS to true and set target_link_libraries to the library files you need.



if(NOT ${use_http})
    message(FATAL_ERROR "program being generated without HTTP support")




add_executable(program ${program_c_files} ${program_h_files})

#target_link_libraries(program OpenSSL::Crypto)
target_link_libraries(program /home/program/mips/lib/libssl.so.1.1)
target_link_libraries(program /home/program/mips/lib/libcrypto.so.1.1)

It compiles fine without warnings, but checking the resulting binary tells me that it's still shared library.

readelf -d program:

Dynamic section at offset 0x1bc contains 35 entries:
  Tag        Type                         Name/Value
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: [libssl.so.1.1]
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: [libcrypto.so.1.1]
 0x0000000f (RPATH)                      Library rpath: [/home/program/mips/lib]

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.

EDIT: Already looked at Linking statically OpenSSL crypto library in CMake but it didn't tell me anything new.

EDIT 2: Updated the CMakeLists.txt file according to the reply: CMakeLists.txt:


if(NOT ${use_http})
    message(FATAL_ERROR "program being generated without HTTP support")




add_executable(program ${program_c_files} ${program_h_files})

find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
message("OPENSSL FOUND!")
target_link_libraries(program OpenSSL::Crypto)


-- IoT Client SDK Version = 1.2.11
-- Provisioning client OFF
-- target architecture: GENERIC
-- Cross compiling not using pkg-config
-- Found CURL: /home/program/mips/lib/libcurl.a (found version "7.63.0")
-- Found CURL: /home/program/mips/lib/libcurl.a
-- target architecture: GENERIC
-- target architecture: GENERIC
-- target architecture: GENERIC
-- target architecture: GENERIC
-- iothub architecture: GENERIC
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done

EDIT PROSPERITY: If you, future people, run into the undefined reference to dlopen, I added the following to my CMakeLists.txt file

target_link_libraries(program ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS})

1 Answer 1


Setting to TRUE, variable OPENSSL_USE_STATIC_LIBS forces find_package(OpenSSL) to search the static library. So this variable works only with that call, and if you use its results:

find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(program OpenSSL::Crypto)

If you have already executed cmake without setting of OPENSSL_USE_STATIC_LIBS, then you need to remove CMake cache (CMakeCache.txt under build directory) before new attempt. Otherwise, already found (shared!) libraries will be used and no re-search will be performed.

  • Still doesn't work. It seems to find the correct ssl and crypto library files according to the build log, but readelfstill reports that those are shared. Tried deleting the ´cmake` folder entirely and rebuilding everything without any change. Is there another flag somewhere that needs to be set somewhere perhaps? Mar 14, 2019 at 15:39
  • "It seems to find the correct ssl and crypto library files according to the build log" - please, show that part of log, where one can find whether libraries are static or shared. Also, as you have in your code target_link_libraries(program OpenSSL::Crypto), you don't use target_link_libraries(program /home/program/mips/lib/libssl.so.1.1), do you?
    – Tsyvarev
    Mar 14, 2019 at 16:32
  • Updated my post with output and revised CMakeLists.txt. Mar 15, 2019 at 8:05
  • 1
    The output contains static library for libcurl, but your problem is with libssl and libcrypto. Note, that in your updated code you use that answer on related question, not mine. I have added comments for that answer why it is suspicious.
    – Tsyvarev
    Mar 15, 2019 at 8:26
  • 1
    Linking is always performed with target_link_libraries. But for searching the libraries (instead of hardcoding paths to them) you may use any available way. If the library supports find_package(XXX), then use that command. If the library can be found with pkg-config command-line utility, then use pkg_check_modules. If the library supports none mechanism for search it, then resort to find_library.
    – Tsyvarev
    Mar 15, 2019 at 10:56

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