I have the following problem. I want to make some graphics in bitmap image like bond form

i can write a text in image
but i will write more text in various positions

Bitmap a = new Bitmap(@"path\picture.bmp");

using(Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(a))
    g.DrawString(....); // requires font, brush etc

How can I write text and save it, and write another text in saved image.

  • 6
    What is your question? What problem are you having?
    – Oded
    Jul 26, 2011 at 7:55
  • 2
    You have added a question, but didn't describe the actual problem you are having with doing this.
    – Oded
    Jul 26, 2011 at 8:03

5 Answers 5


To draw multiple strings, call graphics.DrawString multiple times. You can specify the location of the drawn string. This example we will draw two strings "Hello", "Word" ("Hello" in blue color upfront "Word" in red color):

string firstText = "Hello";
string secondText = "World";

PointF firstLocation = new PointF(10f, 10f);
PointF secondLocation = new PointF(10f, 50f);

string imageFilePath = @"path\picture.bmp"
Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(imageFilePath);//load the image file

using(Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
    using (Font arialFont =  new Font("Arial", 10))
        graphics.DrawString(firstText, arialFont, Brushes.Blue, firstLocation);
        graphics.DrawString(secondText, arialFont, Brushes.Red, secondLocation);

bitmap.Save(imageFilePath);//save the image file

Edit: "I Add a load and save code".

You can open the bitmap file any time Image.FromFile, and draw a new text on it using the above code. and then save the image file bitmap.Save

  • @wahab: check the answer edits. is that what you are asking for?
    – Jalal Said
    Jul 26, 2011 at 8:33
  • @wahab: This is usually a problem in the file path. check your file path, a correct path looks like: `string path = @"C:\my image.bmp";
    – Jalal Said
    Jul 27, 2011 at 5:12
  • 1
    using(Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { using (Font arialFont = new Font("Arial", 10) { graphics.DrawString(firstText, arialFont, Brushes.Blue, firstLocation); bitmap.Save(newpath);//save the image file graphics.DrawString(secondText, arialFont, Brushes.Red, secondLocation); bitmap.Save(newpath);//save the image file } } it worked
    – Mr Alemi
    Jul 27, 2011 at 8:40
  • 1
    @LocustHorde To draw multiple strings in which each string need to be located at different place or Point within a given Image, you need to call the graphics.DrawString function multiple times and specify the location for each of those strings.
    – Jalal Said
    Feb 14, 2018 at 11:25
  • 1
    Thanks! much better now Feb 14, 2018 at 17:21

Here's an example of a call to Graphics.DrawString, taken from here:

g.DrawString("My\nText", new Font("Tahoma", 40), Brushes.White, new PointF(0, 0));

It obviously relys on having a font called Tahoma installed.

The Brushes class has many built-in brushes.

See also, the MSDN page for Graphics.DrawString.


To save changes to the same file, I had to combine Jalal Said's answer and NSGaga's answer on this question. You need to create a new Bitmap object based on the old one, dispose old Bitmap object, then save using the new object:

string firstText = "Hello";
string secondText = "World";

PointF firstLocation = new PointF(10f, 10f);
PointF secondLocation = new PointF(10f, 50f);

string imageFilePath = @"path\picture.bmp";

Bitmap newBitmap;
using (var bitmap = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(imageFilePath))//load the image file
    using(Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
        using (Font arialFont =  new Font("Arial", 10))
            graphics.DrawString(firstText, arialFont, Brushes.Blue, firstLocation);
            graphics.DrawString(secondText, arialFont, Brushes.Red, secondLocation);
    newBitmap = new Bitmap(bitmap);

newBitmap.Save(imageFilePath);//save the image file
    public string imageFilePath = null;
    public string textOnImage = null;

    public Image baseImage;
    public Image modifiedImage;

    public int xcoOrdinate = 0;
    public int ycoOrdinate = 0;

    public Form1()

    private void buttonLoadImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog uploadfileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
            uploadfileDialog.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*";
            uploadfileDialog.Multiselect = false;

            if (uploadfileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                imageFilePath = uploadfileDialog.FileName;

            baseImage = Image.FromFile(imageFilePath);
            modifiedImage = (Image)baseImage.Clone();
            pictureBoxToShowPic.Image = baseImage;
        catch (Exception ex)
            MessageBox.Show(ex.Source + " : " + ex.Message);

    public void paint()
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(modifiedImage);
            using (Font myfont = new Font("Arial", 14))
                var format = new StringFormat
                    Alignment = StringAlignment.Center,
                    LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center

                g.DrawString(textOnImage, myfont, Brushes.Black, new Point(xcoOrdinate, ycoOrdinate), format);
        catch (Exception ex)
            MessageBox.Show(ex.Source + " : " + ex.Message);

    private void buttonAddText_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            textOnImage = textBoxWriteText.Text;
            pictureBoxToShowPic.Image = modifiedImage;
        catch (Exception ex)
            MessageBox.Show(ex.Source + " : " + ex.Message);

    private void pictureBoxToShowPic_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            xcoOrdinate = e.X;
            ycoOrdinate = e.Y;
        catch (Exception ex)
            MessageBox.Show(ex.Source + " : " + ex.Message);

    private void buttonSaveImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SaveFileDialog savefileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();

            savefileDialog.Filter = "Images|*.jpg ; *.png ; *.bmp";

            if (savefileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                imageFilePath = savefileDialog.FileName;

        catch (Exception ex)
            MessageBox.Show(ex.Source + " : " + ex.Message);
  • I found a more suitable solution and this one works for me. By this one, we can add text dynamically in various positions. Double Click on the image, where you want to add text. Remember that keep your picture size property normal, otherwise, with the mouse position, the original position where you want to add text is not detected. And by this solution, you can save the modified image properly. Oct 6, 2019 at 13:53

If Someone has trouble with this code lines:

using(Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))

The solution is :

Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap)**System.Drawing.Image.FromFile**(@"C:\Documents and Settings\", true);
  • 1
    What problem is this supposed to solve? The original line of code is simple and clear and should work. The new line of code... I'm not even clear on what it does, and I certainly can't tell why. Jan 18, 2016 at 2:31

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