I have the following directory structure:


application/main.py contains some functions.

tests/main.py will contain my tests for these functions but I can't import the top level main.py. I get the following error:

ImportError: Import by filename is not supported.

I am attempting to import using the following syntax:

import main

What am I doing wrong?

  • 1
    I'd read the documentation first: docs.python.org/2/tutorial/modules.html#packages
    – Blender
    May 27, 2013 at 20:19
  • Well you can't import the same file name you are working on.
    – squiguy
    May 27, 2013 at 20:19
  • In which file are you doing import main ?
    – Aivar
    May 27, 2013 at 20:20
  • 8
    The fact that a simple task is so complicated in such a supported language is just frustrating. This post has been viewed 141k times and yet some of the answers don't work well.
    – vmemmap
    May 30, 2022 at 12:30
  • Does this answer your question? Importing modules from parent folder Sep 6, 2022 at 9:43

8 Answers 8


If you'd like your script to be more portable, consider finding the parent directory automatically:

import os, sys
# import ../db.py
import db
  • 7
    PEP 8: E402 module level import not at top of file
    – madladzen
    Aug 10, 2020 at 18:47
  • There is a more serious issue here than the PEP8 one mentioned in the comment above - modifying the sys.path is rarely the solution and more often than not a bad hack - see my answer below stackoverflow.com/a/68299898/281545 Dec 17, 2022 at 18:43

You must add the application dir to your path:

import sys
from app import object

Or from shell:

setenv PATH $PATH:"path/to/dir"

In case you use windows: Adding variable to path in windows.

Or from the command line:

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\path\to\dir

Please mind the diff between PYTHONPATH, PATH, sys.path.

  • the only solution to the question title at least
    – user12582392
    Jan 15, 2021 at 9:03
  • 1
    sys.path and environment variable PATH are two completely different things, they are not equivalent as may your answer suggest. If you do the latter that may work for one machine and not work on the other without the exact same PATH setting. modifying sys.path from inside a python script isn't as intrusive as modifying PATH on the OS or OS user level. Diff between os.path, PythonPATH and PATH: stackoverflow.com/questions/25344841/sys-path-vs-path/…
    – Ola
    Jul 11, 2022 at 8:22

8 years after - still most other answers here are still not correct unfortunately - apart LennartRegebro's (and BrenBarn's) which is incomplete. For the benefit of future readers - the OP should, first of all, add the __init__.py files as in



$ cd root
$ python -m application.tests.main # note no .py


$ cd application
$ python -m tests.main

Running a script directly from inside its package is an antipattern - the correct way is running with the -m switch from the parent directory of the root package - this way all packages are detected and relative/absolute imports work as expected.

  • 3
    Finally the correct answer. Thanks a lot! Aug 31, 2021 at 15:06
  • Finally I find this answer. A lot of thanks.
    – dudung
    Apr 17, 2022 at 15:00
  • I agree with init.py, but what if you're running from a web hosting environment and not from the terminal?
    – toddmo
    Sep 15, 2022 at 15:48
  • @toddmo in that case the environment should be configured to launch the interpreter using the -m switch Sep 19, 2022 at 8:38
  • Only true working good answer on all the question posts about this. Thank you
    – sglbl
    Oct 16, 2023 at 14:32

First of all you need to make your directories into packages, by adding __init__.py files:


Then you should make sure that the directory above application is on sys.path. There are many ways to do that, like making the application infto a package and installing it, or just executing things in the right folder etc.

Then your imports will work.

  • 11
    Adding __init__.py you make your directories into packages not modules.
    – raben
    Feb 6, 2014 at 22:57
  • 5
    As it is written this allows to import code from subfolders, nor parent folders, and it's not an answer. Though it's helpful anyways.
    – user12582392
    Jan 15, 2021 at 9:08

You cannot import things from parent/sibling directories as such. You can only import things from directories on the system path, or the current directory, or subdirectories within a package. Since you have no __init__.py files, your files do not form a package, and you can only import them by placing them on the system path.

  • 4
    Saying without qualification that you cannot is a little strong. You can't do it without a little extra effort, but all you have to do is put the parent directory on the path and you can do it. May 27, 2013 at 20:48
  • 3
    @BryanOakley: That falls under what I said about "placing them on the system path".
    – BrenBarn
    May 27, 2013 at 20:49
  • 2
    + after going through lot of SOQ I realized that python is blind to look up in parent directories.
    – sakhunzai
    Feb 13, 2018 at 10:23
  • 1
    @sakhunzai: This is by design, for code portability.
    – Forest
    Nov 8, 2020 at 14:44

To import a file in a different subdirectory of the parent directory, try something like this:

import filename_without_py_extension

Edit: Missing closing bracket.


All answers are slightly confusing for a python newbie like me who isn't making a package and is using pylint. Let me clear it up.

If the directory structure is:


Here is how you import one method from main.py into test.py

Here is application/main.py

def add_nums(a, b):
    print(a + b)

def subtract_nums(a, b):
    print(a - b)

Here is application/tests/test.py

import sys

# or sys.path.append("/Users/full/path/to/file")

# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
from main import add_nums
# pylint: enable=wrong-import-position

in python . exists for same directory, .. for parent directory to import a file from parent directory you can use ..

from .. import filename (without .py extension)

  • 6
    This didn't work for me, ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package
    – jigglypuff
    Sep 19, 2017 at 3:29
  • 10
    This is actually close, but not quite right: you can use from ..helper import something, that works with a file helper.py in the parent dir.
    – niels
    Jan 7, 2019 at 15:22

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