Using React functional components, I have not been able to find a way to animate my chart with dynamic data received asynchronously. The sandbox below illustrates the problem with a timer simulating the asynchronous read.


When running the example code, you should see 5 vertical bars of increasing heights animate. Then, after 5 seconds, it switches immediately to 4 bars of descending heights. I am looking to have that update animate.

Here is some reference information I've reviewed: CanvasJS React Demos: many of which animate on initial draw, but I couldn't find one that animates with dynamic data loaded after the initial render.

Chart using JSON Data is an demo that has dynamic data, but doesn't animate.

Reviewing the CanvasJS forum, I found a couple links, but none that address React functional components

Vishwas from Team Canvas said:

To update dataPoints dynamically and to animate chart, you can instantiate the chart, update dataPoints via chart-options and then call chart.render as shown in this updated JSFiddle.

var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", {
  title: {
    text: "Animation test"
  animationEnabled: true,  
  data: [{
    type: "column",
    dataPoints: []

chart.options.data[0].dataPoints =  [{ label: "Apple", y: 658 },
                                     { label: "Orange", y: 200 },
                                     { label: "Banana", y: 900 }];

This sample is pure JS, but I tried to adapt the principle to my React functional component. To better comport with React best practices, I incorporated the useState hook for storing the data and the useEffect hook to handle the fetch. But, alas, I couldn't get my sandbox to animate with the dynamic data.

I think the problem is that CanvasJS expects to animate only on the first render, as stated by Sanjoy in the CanvasJS forum on 7/19/2016.

I found this SO question from Jan 2015 that suggests:

My current ugly workaround is to reinstantiate the chart every time I update just to achieve that animation effect.

I'm hopeful that the situation has improved in the last four years, but if this hack is still the best/only way to go, I need some guidance on how to reinstantiate the chart every time using a React functional component.

  • You need to dispose (destroy) react chart component and they re create it. To do that you will need one root App class then created child component (chrts). This is only way (with react) not for this case but for manu others.In your case example i see procedural way of using react. Look at github.com/zlatnaspirala/react-vs-typescript-starter Jan 3, 2020 at 22:18

3 Answers 3


To force a remount of a component pass a different key when you want to remount the component

  key={dataPoints.toString()} // force a remount when `dataPoints` change
  onRef={ref => (chart.current = ref)}

Working example


Both examples works fine.

You can always animate chars with some kind of calling. I use in this case setInterval.

<script src="https://canvasjs.com/assets/script/canvasjs.min.js"></script>
 var chart;
window.onload = function () {

  chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", {
   title: {
     text: "Animation test"
   animationEnabled: true,  
   data: [{
     type: "column",
     dataPoints: []

 chart.options.data[0].dataPoints =  [{ label: "Apple", y: 0 },
                                     { label: "Orange", y: 0 },
                                     { label: "Banana", y: 0 }];


var max = 0;
var s = {c: 0, i: 0};
function ANIMATE() {
    if (typeof chart === 'undefined') return;
    chart.options.data[0].dataPoints.forEach(function(item, index, array) {
      if (index == s.i) {
         array[index].y += 3;
      if (s.c > 12) {
        s.c = 0;
        if (s.i == 15) { s.i = 0}
    if (max < 12) {
    chart.options.data[0].dataPoints.push({label: "apple" + Math.random(), y: 1 + Math.random() * 10});

}, 1)


<div id="chartContainer" style="height: 370px; width: 100%;"></div>

  • My question was about leveraging the animation capabilities built into CanvasJS via the animationEnabled property within a React functional component. This answer does not address the question. Please refer to this sandbox: codesandbox.io/s/… Dec 18, 2019 at 23:31

I found a partial answer. Full executing code is in this code sandbox, but the critical bit is to delay the initial render of the chart until a state variable indicates that the data is available:

  return (
<div className="App">
  {!initialized ? (
    <h1> Loading...</h1>
  ) : (
    <CanvasJSChart containerProps={containerProps} options={options} />


This is only a partial solution because subsequent data updates still do not animate.

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