I'm trying to run a script using sqlplus. My script is a simple delete statement. I execute it by putting the following in my ksh terminal:

sqlplus username/'password' @../sql/delete_societes.sql

../sql/delete_societes.sql is


For some reason, it runs twice, causing the output "0 lines deteleted" to be printed twice and causing errors when I try to do an insert instead of a delete.

2 Answers 2


Make your script do either;




without the slash.

From the documentation:


Executes the most recently executed SQL command or PL/SQL block which is stored in the SQL buffer.

and in the example further down:

Enter a slash (/) to re-execute the command in the buffer

... which is exactly what you are seeing.

Elsewhere in those docs:

The semicolon (;) means that this is the end of the command. Press Return or click Execute. SQL*Plus processes the command and displays the results

Like many clients SQL*Plus treats the semicolon at the end of your SQL statement as a statement separator - it is not part of the statement itself (which causes some confusion for e.g. dynamic SQL and JDBC calls) - and when it sees it it executes the command. The executed statement stays in the command buffer; and if you list to see the current command buffer, it will not show that semicolon. When you issue a slash it executes the buffer again.

Things are slightly different for PL/SQL; there the PL/SQL block has to be terminated with a semicolon, which is part of the block, and appears in the buffer. You have to use a slash to execute a PL/SQL block.

  • Which then begs the question: why doesn't SQL Developer do this? (I found this question when confused why a script that worked fine in SQL Developer failed in SQL*Plus.) Commented Oct 5, 2021 at 17:13
  • @MarkRaymond - good question, and oddly I thought it did. I imagine it's because it doesn't have the same concept of a command buffer that SQL*Plus has. There the slash runs whatever is in the buffer, implicitly terminating the current input if that's active; if you've already terminated (and executed) the statement with a semicolon, or just ended the input with a blank line (depending on sqlblanklines setting) then it just re-executes the buffer. That doesn't map to how SQL Developer works though. It doesn't make much sense when running SQL*Plus non-interacitvely either, I suppose.
    – Alex Poole
    Commented Oct 5, 2021 at 17:31

An example where you can see the sqlplus buffer content for SQL and PLSQL.

me@XEPDB1> help run


 Lists and executes the most recently executed SQL command or
 PL/SQL block which is stored in the SQL buffer. The buffer has
 no command history list and does not record SQL*Plus commands.


me@XEPDB1> help /

 / (slash)

 Executes the most recently executed SQL command or PL/SQL block
 which is stored in the SQL buffer. Use slash (/) at the command
 prompt or line number prompt in SQL*Plus command line. The buffer
 has no command history and does not record SQL*Plus commands.


me@XEPDB1> clear buffer                                                                                                                                           [1/651]
buffer cleared
me@XEPDB1> l
SP2-0223: No lines in SQL buffer.
me@XEPDB1> select * from dual
  2  /


me@XEPDB1> l
  1* select * from dual                 
me@XEPDB1> select * from dual;


me@XEPDB1> l
  1* select * from dual
me@XEPDB1> /         


me@XEPDB1> r
  1* select * from dual


me@XEPDB1> begin null; end;
  2  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

me@XEPDB1> l
  1* begin null; end;
me@XEPDB1> /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

me@XEPDB1> r
  1* begin null; end;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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