I have a nested dictionary. Is there only one way to get values out safely?

except KeyError:

Or maybe python has a method like get() for nested dictionary ?

  • 2
    See also: stackoverflow.com/questions/14692690/…
    – dreftymac
    Jan 18, 2019 at 3:36
  • 1
    The code in your question is, in my view, already the best way to get nested values out of the dictionary. You can always specify a default value in the except keyerror: clause. Feb 16, 2020 at 7:40
  • Note that this won't handle the special case example_dict = {'key1': None} (would result in TypeError, or, in case get('key1', {}) was used, AttributeError). See this answer for more.
    – at54321
    Oct 4, 2023 at 16:10

35 Answers 35


You could use get twice:

example_dict.get('key1', {}).get('key2')

This will return None if either key1 or key2 does not exist.

Note that this could still raise an AttributeError if example_dict['key1'] exists but is not a dict (or a dict-like object with a get method). The try..except code you posted would raise a TypeError instead if example_dict['key1'] is unsubscriptable.

Another difference is that the try...except short-circuits immediately after the first missing key. The chain of get calls does not.

If you wish to preserve the syntax, example_dict['key1']['key2'] but do not want it to ever raise KeyErrors, then you could use the Hasher recipe:

class Hasher(dict):
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/3405143/190597
    def __missing__(self, key):
        value = self[key] = type(self)()
        return value

example_dict = Hasher()
# {}
# {}
# <class '__main__.Hasher'>

Note that this returns an empty Hasher when a key is missing.

Since Hasher is a subclass of dict you can use a Hasher in much the same way you could use a dict. All the same methods and syntax is available, Hashers just treat missing keys differently.

You can convert a regular dict into a Hasher like this:

hasher = Hasher(example_dict)

and convert a Hasher to a regular dict just as easily:

regular_dict = dict(hasher)

Another alternative is to hide the ugliness in a helper function:

def safeget(dct, *keys):
    for key in keys:
            dct = dct[key]
        except KeyError:
            return None
    return dct

So the rest of your code can stay relatively readable:

safeget(example_dict, 'key1', 'key2')
  • 100
    so, python does not have beautiful solution for this case ?:(
    – Arti
    Sep 14, 2014 at 13:29
  • 3
    The safeget method is in a lot of ways not very safe since it overwrites the original dictionary, meaning you can't safely do things like safeget(dct, 'a', 'b') or safeget(dct, 'a').
    – neverfox
    Apr 11, 2018 at 15:45
  • 8
    @KurtBourbaki: dct = dct[key] reassigns a new value to the local variable dct. This doesn't mutate the original dict (so the original dict is unaffected by safeget.) If, on the other hand, dct[key] = ... had been used, then the original dict would have been modified. In other words, in Python names are bound to values. Assignment of a new value to a name does not affect the old value (unless there are no more references to the old value, in which case (in CPython) it will get garbage collected.)
    – unutbu
    Jun 8, 2018 at 15:02
  • 3
    The safeget method will also fail in case the key of a nested dict exists, but the value is null. It will throw TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable in the next iteration
    – Stanley F.
    Jul 2, 2020 at 7:23
  • 4
    Starting with Python 3.4 you may use with suppress(KeyError):. See this answer: stackoverflow.com/a/45874251/1189659
    – IODEV
    Apr 14, 2021 at 17:09

By combining all of these answer here and small changes that I made, I think this function would be useful. its safe, quick, easily maintainable.

def deep_get(dictionary, keys, default=None):
    return reduce(lambda d, key: d.get(key, default) if isinstance(d, dict) else default, keys.split("."), dictionary)

Example :

from functools import reduce
def deep_get(dictionary, keys, default=None):
    return reduce(lambda d, key: d.get(key, default) if isinstance(d, dict) else default, keys.split("."), dictionary)

person = {'person':{'name':{'first':'John'}}}
print(deep_get(person, "person.name.first"))    # John

print(deep_get(person, "person.name.lastname")) # None

print(deep_get(person, "person.name.lastname", default="No lastname"))  # No lastname
  • 1
    Perfect for Jinja2 templates
    – Thomas
    Mar 9, 2018 at 12:30
  • This is a good solution though there also is a disadvantage: even if the first key is not available, or the value passed as the dictionary argument to the function is not a dictionary, the function will go from first element to the last one. Basically, it does this in all cases.
    – Arseny
    Jan 28, 2019 at 12:04
  • 1
    deep_get({'a': 1}, "a.b") gives None but I would expect an exception like KeyError or something else. Feb 27, 2019 at 8:37
  • 3
    @edityouprofile. then you just need to do small modify to change return value from None to Raise KeyError Aug 15, 2019 at 20:41
  • Just FYI, doesn't handle nested lists. I.e. this won't work deep_get(person, 'lastNames.0.name')
    – blisstdev
    Jun 22, 2023 at 22:55

You could also use python reduce:

def deep_get(dictionary, *keys):
    return reduce(lambda d, key: d.get(key) if d else None, keys, dictionary)
  • 11
    Just wanted to mention that functools is no longer a builtin in Python3 and needs to be imported from functools, which makes this approach slightly less elegant.
    – yoniLavi
    Apr 12, 2018 at 0:06
  • 11
    Slight correction to this comment: reduce is no longer a built-in in Py3. But I don't see why this makes this any less elegant. It does make it less suitable for a one-liner, but being a one-liner does not automatically qualify or disqualify something as being "elegant".
    – PaulMcG
    Jan 24, 2020 at 13:36
  • 1
    Note that using try/except is usually better since it does not involve additional computational burden for checking the validity of the key. So if most of the time the keys exist, then I would recommend try/except paradigm for efficiency.
    – duburcqa
    Nov 12, 2020 at 13:53

You can .get an empty dictionary, in the first stage.


Building up on Yoav's answer, an even safer approach:

def deep_get(dictionary, *keys):
    return reduce(lambda d, key: d.get(key, None) if isinstance(d, dict) else None, keys, dictionary)

A recursive solution. It's not the most efficient but I find it a bit more readable than the other examples and it doesn't rely on functools.

def deep_get(d, keys):
    if not keys or d is None:
        return d
    return deep_get(d.get(keys[0]), keys[1:])


d = {'meta': {'status': 'OK', 'status_code': 200}}
deep_get(d, ['meta', 'status_code'])     # => 200
deep_get(d, ['garbage', 'status_code'])  # => None

A more polished version

def deep_get(d, keys, default=None):
        d = {'meta': {'status': 'OK', 'status_code': 200}}
        deep_get(d, ['meta', 'status_code'])          # => 200
        deep_get(d, ['garbage', 'status_code'])       # => None
        deep_get(d, ['meta', 'garbage'], default='-') # => '-'
    assert type(keys) is list
    if d is None:
        return default
    if not keys:
        return d
    return deep_get(d.get(keys[0]), keys[1:], default)

I suggest you to try python-benedict.

It is a dict subclass that provides keypath support and much more.

Installation: pip install python-benedict

from benedict import benedict

example_dict = benedict(example_dict, keypath_separator='.')

now you can access nested values using keypath:

val = example_dict['key1.key2']

# using 'get' method to avoid a possible KeyError:
val = example_dict.get('key1.key2')

or access nested values using keys list:

val = example_dict['key1', 'key2']

# using get to avoid a possible KeyError:
val = example_dict.get(['key1', 'key2'])

It is well tested and open-source on GitHub:


Note: I am the author of this project

  • @perfecto25 thank you! I will release new features soon, stay tuned 😉 Jan 18, 2020 at 15:31
  • @perfecto25 I added support to list indexes, eg. d.get('a.b[0].c[-1]') Jan 31, 2020 at 12:05
  • The from_toml function doesn't seem to be implemented. And it can be difficult to import BeneDict.
    – DLyons
    Jul 30, 2020 at 14:48
  • @DLyons you are wrong, in any case feel free to open an issue on GitHub. Jul 30, 2020 at 16:17
  • 1
    Yes, it's there all right. Pity I missed it - would have save me some time. Benedict seems to have some very useful functionality.
    – DLyons
    Jul 31, 2020 at 5:59

While the reduce approach is neat and short, I think a simple loop is easier to grok. I've also included a default parameter.

def deep_get(_dict, keys, default=None):
    for key in keys:
        if isinstance(_dict, dict):
            _dict = _dict.get(key, default)
            return default
    return _dict

As an exercise to understand how the reduce one-liner worked, I did the following. But ultimately the loop approach seems more intuitive to me.

def deep_get(_dict, keys, default=None):

    def _reducer(d, key):
        if isinstance(d, dict):
            return d.get(key, default)
        return default

    return reduce(_reducer, keys, _dict)


nested = {'a': {'b': {'c': 42}}}

print deep_get(nested, ['a', 'b'])
print deep_get(nested, ['a', 'b', 'z', 'z'], default='missing')
  • I like the loop because it is way more flexible. For example, it is possible to use it to apply some lambda on the nested field, rather than getting it.
    – duburcqa
    Nov 12, 2020 at 14:25

glom is a nice library that can into dotted queries too:

In [1]: from glom import glom

In [2]: data = {'a': {'b': {'c': 'd'}}}

In [3]: glom(data, "a.b.c")
Out[3]: 'd'

A query failure has a nice stack trace, indicating the exact failure spot:

In [4]: glom(data, "a.b.foo")
PathAccessError                           Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-2a3467493ac4> in <module>
----> 1 glom(data, "a.b.foo")

~/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/neural-knapsack-dE7ihQtM-py3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/glom/core.py in glom(target, spec, **kwargs)
   2180     if err:
-> 2181         raise err
   2182     return ret

PathAccessError: error raised while processing, details below.
 Target-spec trace (most recent last):
 - Target: {'a': {'b': {'c': 'd'}}}
 - Spec: 'a.b.foo'
glom.core.PathAccessError: could not access 'foo', part 2 of Path('a', 'b', 'foo'), got error: KeyError('foo')

Safeguard with default:

In [5]: glom(data, "a.b.foo", default="spam")
Out[5]: 'spam'

The beauty of glom is in the versatile spec parameter. For example, one can easily extract all first names from the following data:

In [8]: data = {
   ...:     "people": [
   ...:         {"first_name": "Alice", "last_name": "Adams"},
   ...:         {"first_name": "Bob", "last_name": "Barker"}
   ...:     ]
   ...: }

In [9]: glom(data, ("people", ["first_name"]))
Out[9]: ['Alice', 'Bob']

Read the glom docs for more examples.

  • This is fantastic, exactly what I needed for dynamic XML parsing.
    – Oras
    Apr 3, 2022 at 21:53

You can use pydash:

import pydash as _  #NOTE require `pip install pydash`

_.get(example_dict, 'key1.key2', default='Default')


  • 2
    This must be the accepted answer in my view!
    – Nam G VU
    Dec 21, 2021 at 7:22

Starting with Python 3.4 you may use with suppress (KeyError) to access nested json objects without worrying of Keyerror

from contextlib import suppress

with suppress(KeyError):
    a1 = json_obj['key1']['key2']['key3']
    a2 = json_obj['key4']['key5']['key6']
    a3 = json_obj['key7']['key8']['key9']

Courtesy of Techdragon. Have a look at his answer for further details: https://stackoverflow.com/a/45874251/1189659

  • 1
    Note that if key1 is missing, a1 variable will not be set at all, leading to NameError when you attempt to use it
    – kolypto
    Jul 19, 2021 at 14:48

One-liner solutions

A popular (but potentially risky) solution

The accepted answer, as well as many others, suggest using get() with a second parameter an empty dict, like this:

example_dict.get('key1', {}).get('key2')

That will work fine in the case where example_dict doesn't have a key named key1. However, in this case:

example_dict = {'key1': None}

we would get an error:

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

The reason for that is the expression example_dict.get('key1', {}) would return None, because key1 does exist (and so the get() method would not return the default value that we passed).

An alternative with or (probably safer)

To address the problem described above, a potentially safer alternative would be to do this:

(example_dict.get('key1') or {}).get('key2')

If key1 doesn't exist, the expression (example_dict.get('key1') or {}) would still evaluate to an empty dict. But the same would happen when key1 does exist and is None.

Here we are using the fact that in Python the expression a or b would evaluate to b whenever a is a falsy value (None is one of those). That means that the above trick would work not only when key1 is None, but also when it's equal to False, [], 0, '', etc. Perhaps those special cases won't be expected at all, but in my practice None is a lot more likely to be a valid case that should be considered.


Here is a comparison of three one-liner expressions:

  1. example_dict['key1']['key2']
  2. example_dict.get('key1', {}).get('key2')
  3. (example_dict.get('key1') or {}).get('key2')
Value of example_dict Expression 1 Expression 2 Expression 3
{} KeyError: 'key1' ✔️ OK (None) ✔️ OK (None)
{'key1': {}} KeyError: 'key2' ✔️ OK (None) ✔️ OK (None)
{'key1': {'key2': 123}} ✔️ OK (123) ✔️ OK (123) ✔️ OK (123)
{'key1': None} TypeError1 AttributeError2 ✔️ OK (None)

1 TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable;
2 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'.

A word of caution

All those one-liner solutions can be convenient for occasional usage. But if one finds such functionality is needed often or a stricter validation is desired, I'd recommend using a special function.


for a second level key retrieving, you can do this:

key2_value = (example_dict.get('key1') or {}).get('key2')

A simple class that can wrap a dict, and retrieve based on a key:

class FindKey(dict):
    def get(self, path, default=None):
        keys = path.split(".")
        val = None

        for key in keys:
            if val:
                if isinstance(val, list):
                    val = [v.get(key, default) if v else None for v in val]
                    val = val.get(key, default)
                val = dict.get(self, key, default)

            if not val:

        return val

For example:

person = {'person':{'name':{'first':'John'}}}
FindDict(person).get('person.name.first') # == 'John'

If the key doesn't exist, it returns None by default. You can override that using a default= key in the FindDict wrapper -- for example`:

FindDict(person, default='').get('person.name.last') # == doesn't exist, so ''

I adapted GenesRus and unutbu's answer in this very simple:

class new_dict(dict):
    def deep_get(self, *args, default=None):
        _empty_dict = {}
        out = self
        for key in args:
            out = out.get(key, _empty_dict)
        return out if out else default

it works with:

d = new_dict(some_data)
d.deep_get("key1", "key2", "key3", ..., default=some_value)

After seeing this for deeply getting attributes, I made the following to safely get nested dict values using dot notation. This works for me because my dicts are deserialized MongoDB objects, so I know the key names don't contain .s. Also, in my context, I can specify a falsy fallback value (None) that I don't have in my data, so I can avoid the try/except pattern when calling the function.

from functools import reduce # Python 3
def deepgetitem(obj, item, fallback=None):
    """Steps through an item chain to get the ultimate value.

    If ultimate value or path to value does not exist, does not raise
    an exception and instead returns `fallback`.

    >>> d = {'snl_final': {'about': {'_icsd': {'icsd_id': 1}}}}
    >>> deepgetitem(d, 'snl_final.about._icsd.icsd_id')
    >>> deepgetitem(d, 'snl_final.about._sandbox.sbx_id')
    def getitem(obj, name):
            return obj[name]
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
            return fallback
    return reduce(getitem, item.split('.'), obj)
  • 8
    fallback is not actually used in the function.
    – 153957
    Sep 27, 2016 at 13:25
  • Note that this does not work for keys that contain a .
    – JW.
    Jul 7, 2017 at 22:11
  • When we call obj[name] why not obj.get(name, fallback) and avoid the try-catch (if you do want the try-catch, then return fallback, not None) Dec 15, 2017 at 20:59
  • Thanks @153957. I fixed it. And yes @JW, this works for my use case. You could add a sep=',' keyword arg to generalize for given (sep, fallback) conditions. And @denvar, if obj is say of type int after a sequence of the reduce, then obj[name] raises a TypeError, which I catch. If I used obj.get(name) or obj.get(name, fallback) instead, it would raise an AttributeError, so either way I'd need to catch. Dec 17, 2017 at 7:50

The simplest way to do it without using libraries or writing functions and for a small number quick uses, the simplest way to do it is to use the get(..., {}) pattern as many times as needed, for example:

example_dict.get('key1', {}).get('key2', {}).get('key3', {}).get('key4', {})
  • for one-time use it's simple, concise, and fairly readable. If this is a regular use, a function makes more sense
    – Sigmatics
    Jun 27, 2023 at 7:55

An adaptation of unutbu's answer that I found useful in my own code:

example_dict.setdefaut('key1', {}).get('key2')

It generates a dictionary entry for key1 if it does not have that key already so that you avoid the KeyError. If you want to end up a nested dictionary that includes that key pairing anyway like I did, this seems like the easiest solution.


Yet another function for the same thing, also returns a boolean to represent whether the key was found or not and handles some unexpected errors.

json : json to extract value from if exists
path : details.detail.first_name
            empty path represents root

returns a tuple (boolean, object)
        boolean : True if path exists, otherwise False
        object : the object if path exists otherwise None

def get_json_value_at_path(json, path=None, default=None):

    if not bool(path):
        return True, json
    if type(json) is not dict :
        raise ValueError(f'json={json}, path={path} not supported, json must be a dict')
    if type(path) is not str and type(path) is not list:
        raise ValueError(f'path format {path} not supported, path can be a list of strings like [x,y,z] or a string like x.y.z')

    if type(path) is str:
        path = path.strip('.').split('.')
    key = path[0]
    if key in json.keys():
        return get_json_value_at_path(json[key], path[1:], default)
        return False, default

example usage:

my_json = {'details' : {'first_name' : 'holla', 'last_name' : 'holla'}}
print(get_json_value_at_path(my_json, 'details.first_name', ''))
print(get_json_value_at_path(my_json, 'details.phone', ''))

(True, 'holla')

(False, '')


There are already lots of good answers but I have come up with a function called get similar to lodash get in JavaScript land that also supports reaching into lists by index:

def get(value, keys, default_value = None):
    Useful for reaching into nested JSON like data
    Inspired by JavaScript lodash get and Clojure get-in etc.
  if value is None or keys is None:
      return None
  path = keys.split('.') if isinstance(keys, str) else keys
  result = value
  def valid_index(key):
      return re.match('^([1-9][0-9]*|[0-9])$', key) and int(key) >= 0
  def is_dict_like(v):
      return hasattr(v, '__getitem__') and hasattr(v, '__contains__')
  for key in path:
      if isinstance(result, list) and valid_index(key) and int(key) < len(result):
          result = result[int(key)] if int(key) < len(result) else None
      elif is_dict_like(result) and key in result:
          result = result[key]
          result = default_value
  return result

def test_get():
  assert get(None, ['foo']) == None
  assert get({'foo': 1}, None) == None
  assert get(None, None) == None
  assert get({'foo': 1}, []) == {'foo': 1}
  assert get({'foo': 1}, ['foo']) == 1
  assert get({'foo': 1}, ['bar']) == None
  assert get({'foo': 1}, ['bar'], 'the default') == 'the default'
  assert get({'foo': {'bar': 'hello'}}, ['foo', 'bar']) == 'hello'
  assert get({'foo': {'bar': 'hello'}}, 'foo.bar') == 'hello'
  assert get({'foo': [{'bar': 'hello'}]}, 'foo.0.bar') == 'hello'
  assert get({'foo': [{'bar': 'hello'}]}, 'foo.1') == None
  assert get({'foo': [{'bar': 'hello'}]}, 'foo.1.bar') == None
  assert get(['foo', 'bar'], '1') == 'bar'
  assert get(['foo', 'bar'], '2') == None
  • the only one that passes my tests with lists :)
    – Igor L.
    Oct 29, 2020 at 16:26

Here is a solution based on the unutbu's function answer plus:

  1. python naming guidelines
  2. default value as a parameter
  3. not using try but just checking if key is on object
def safe_get(dictionary, *keys, default=None):
    for key in keys:
        if key not in dictionary:
            return default
        dictionary = dictionary[key]
    return dictionary

My version:

def get_nested(dictionary: dict, key: str, default=None, sep: str = '.'):
    if sep in key:
        first_key, other_keys = key.split(sep, 1)
        return get_nested(dictionary.get(first_key, {}), other_keys, default)
    return dictionary.get(key, default)

Example of usage:

    {'nest': {'nest2': 777}},
# returns: 777

    {'abc': {}},
# returns: None   # 'cause defaut=None

# returns: {}

Since raising an key error if one of keys is missing is a reasonable thing to do, we can even not check for it and get it as single as that:

def get_dict(d, kl):
  cur = d[kl[0]]
  return get_dict(cur, kl[1:]) if len(kl) > 1 else cur

Little improvement to reduce approach to make it work with list. Also using data path as string divided by dots instead of array.

def deep_get(dictionary, path):
    keys = path.split('.')
    return reduce(lambda d, key: d[int(key)] if isinstance(d, list) else d.get(key) if d else None, keys, dictionary)

A solution I've used that is similar to the double get but with the additional ability to avoid a TypeError using if else logic:

    value = example_dict['key1']['key2'] if example_dict.get('key1') and example_dict['key1'].get('key2') else default_value

However, the more nested the dictionary the more cumbersome this becomes.


For nested dictionary/JSON lookups, you can use dictor

pip install dictor

dict object

    "characters": {
        "Lonestar": {
            "id": 55923,
            "role": "renegade",
            "items": [
                "space winnebago",
                "leather jacket"
        "Barfolomew": {
            "id": 55924,
            "role": "mawg",
            "items": [
                "peanut butter jar",
                "waggy tail"
        "Dark Helmet": {
            "id": 99999,
            "role": "Good is dumb",
            "items": [
        "Skroob": {
            "id": 12345,
            "role": "Spaceballs CEO",
            "items": [

to get Lonestar's items, simply provide a dot-separated path, ie

import json
from dictor import dictor

with open('test.json') as data: 
    data = json.load(data)

print dictor(data, 'characters.Lonestar.items')

>> [u'space winnebago', u'leather jacket']

you can provide fallback value in case the key isnt in path

theres tons more options you can do, like ignore letter casing and using other characters besides '.' as a path separator,



I little changed this answer. I added checking if we're using list with numbers. So now we can use it whichever way. deep_get(allTemp, [0], {}) or deep_get(getMinimalTemp, [0, minimalTemperatureKey], 26) etc

def deep_get(_dict, keys, default=None):
    def _reducer(d, key):
        if isinstance(d, dict):
            return d.get(key, default)
        if isinstance(d, list):
            return d[key] if len(d) > 0 else default
        return default
    return reduce(_reducer, keys, _dict)
  • fails on this: test_dict = {"a":{"b":[{"c":"value"}]}} self.assertEqual(safeget(test_dict, ["a", "b", 1, "c"], None)
    – Igor L.
    Oct 29, 2020 at 15:51

Recursive method (мб пригодится)

Example dict:

foo = [{'feature_name': 'Sample Creator > Contract Details > Elements of the page',
  'scenarios': [{'scenario_name': 'SC, CD, Elements of the page',
                 'scenario_status': 'failed',
                 'scenario_tags': None,
                 'steps': [{'duration': 0,
                            'name': 'I open application Stage and login by '
                                    'SPT_LOGIN and password SPT_PWD',
                            'status': 'untested'},
                           {'duration': 0,
                            'name': 'I open Sample Creator query page',
                            'status': 'untested'},
                           {'duration': 7.78166389465332,
                            'name': 'I open application Stage and login by '
                                    'SPT_LOGIN and password SPT_PWD',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 3.985326051712036,
                            'name': 'I open Sample Creator query page',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 2.9063704013824463,
                            'name': 'Enter value: '
                                    'X-2008-CON-007,X-2011-CON-016 in '
                                    'textarea: project_text_area sleep: 1',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 4.4447715282440186,
                            'name': 'I press on GET DATA',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 1.1209557056427002,
                            'name': 'Verify the top table on Contract Details',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 3.8173601627349854,
                            'name': 'I export contract_details table by offset '
                                    'x:100, y:150',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 1.032956600189209,
                            'name': 'Check data of '
                                    'sc__cd_elements_of_the_page_1 and skip '
                                    'cols None',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 0.04593634605407715,
                            'name': "Verify 'Number of Substances' column "
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 0.10199904441833496,
                            'name': 'Substance Sample Details bottom table '
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 0.0009999275207519531,
                            'name': 'Verify the Substance Sample Details '
                                    'bottom table',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 3.8558616638183594,
                            'name': 'I export substance_sample_details table '
                                    'by offset x:100, y:150',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 1.0329277515411377,
                            'name': 'Check data of '
                                    'sc__cd_elements_of_the_page_2 and skip '
                                    'cols None',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 0.2879970073699951,
                            'name': 'Click on AG-13369',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 3.800830364227295,
                            'name': 'I export substance_sample_details table '
                                    'by offset x:100, y:150',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 1.0169551372528076,
                            'name': 'Check data of '
                                    'sc__cd_elements_of_the_page_3 and skip '
                                    'cols None',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 1.7484464645385742,
                            'name': 'Select all cells, table: 2',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 3.812828779220581,
                            'name': 'I export substance_sample_details table '
                                    'by offset x:100, y:150',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 1.0029594898223877,
                            'name': 'Check data of '
                                    'sc__cd_elements_of_the_page_2 and skip '
                                    'cols None',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 1.6729373931884766,
                            'name': 'Set window size x:800, y:600',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 30.145705699920654,
                            'name': 'All scrollers are placed on top 6 and far '
                                    'left 8',
                            'status': 'failed'}]}]},
  {'feature_name': 'Sample Creator > Substance Sample History > Elements of the '
  'scenarios': [{'scenario_name': 'SC, SSH, Elements of the page',
                 'scenario_status': 'passed',
                 'scenario_tags': None,
                 'steps': [{'duration': 0,
                            'name': 'I open application Stage and login by '
                                    'SPT_LOGIN and password SPT_PWD',
                            'status': 'untested'},
                           {'duration': 0,
                            'name': 'I open Sample Creator query page',
                            'status': 'untested'},
                           {'duration': 7.305850505828857,
                            'name': 'I open application Stage and login by '
                                    'SPT_LOGIN and password SPT_PWD',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 3.500955104827881,
                            'name': 'I open Sample Creator query page',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 3.0419492721557617,
                            'name': 'Enter value: NOA401800 SYN-NOA '
                                    'A,S4A482070C SYN-ISN-OLD '
                                    'O,S04A482167T,S04A482190Y,CSAA796564,CSCD106701 '
                                    'in textarea: id_text_area sleep: 1',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 49.567158460617065,
                            'name': 'I press on GET DATA',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 0.13904356956481934,
                            'name': 'Open substance_sample_history',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 1.1039845943450928,
                            'name': 'Columns displayed',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 3.881945848464966,
                            'name': 'I export export_parent_table table by '
                                    'offset x:100, y:150',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 1.0334820747375488,
                            'name': 'Check data of '
                                    'sc__ssh_elements_of_the_page_1 and skip '
                                    'cols None',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 0.0319981575012207,
                            'name': "Title is 'Additional Details for Marked "
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 0.08897256851196289,
                            'name': 'Columns displayed (the same as in top '
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 25.192569971084595,
                            'name': 'Verify the content of the bottom table',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 4.308935880661011,
                            'name': 'I export '
                                    'additional_details_for_marked_rows table '
                                    'by offset x:100, y:150',
                            'status': 'passed'},
                           {'duration': 1.0089836120605469,
                            'name': 'Check data of '
                                    'sc__ssh_elements_of_the_page_1 and skip '
                                    'cols None',
                            'status': 'passed'}]}]}]


def get_keys(_dict: dict, prefix: list):
    prefix += list(_dict.keys())
    return prefix

def _loop_elements(elems:list, prefix=None, limit=None):
    prefix = prefix or []
    limit = limit or 9
        if len(elems) != 0 and isinstance(elems, list):
            for _ in elems:
                if isinstance(_, dict):
                    get_keys(_, prefix)
                    for item in _.values():
                        _loop_elements(item, prefix, limit)
        return prefix[:limit]
    except TypeError:

>>>goo = _loop_elements(foo,limit=9)
['feature_name', 'scenarios', 'scenario_name', 'scenario_status', 'scenario_tags', 'steps', 'duration', 'name', 'status']
def safeget(_dct, *_keys):
    if not isinstance(_dct, dict): raise TypeError("Is not instance of dict")
    def foo(dct, *keys):
        if len(keys) == 0: return dct
        elif not isinstance(_dct, dict): return None
        else: return foo(dct.get(keys[0], None), *keys[1:])
    return foo(_dct, *_keys)

assert safeget(dict()) == dict()
assert safeget(dict(), "test") == None
assert safeget(dict([["a", 1],["b", 2]]),"a", "d") == None
assert safeget(dict([["a", 1],["b", 2]]),"a") == 1
assert safeget({"a":{"b":{"c": 2}},"d":1}, "a", "b")["c"] == 2

I have written a package deepextract that does exactly what you want: https://github.com/ya332/deepextract You can do

from deepextract import deepextract
# Demo: deepextract.extract_key(obj, key)
deeply_nested_dict = {
    "items": {
        "item": {
            "id": {
                "type": {
                    "donut": {
                        "name": {
                            "batters": {
                                "my_target_key": "my_target_value"
print(deepextract.extract_key(deeply_nested_dict, "my_target_key") == "my_target_value")



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