I seem to spend a large amount of my time in spreadsheets working on formulas like:

="some text '" & A1 & "', more text: '" & A2 &" etc."

It would be much quicker to use a printf or String.Format string like

=String.Format ("Some text '{0}', more text: '{1}'",A1,A2)

Is there anything like this built in to Excel, or can I call out to CLR?

  • There's a plugin for that: seotoolsforexcel.com/format Sep 23, 2015 at 5:23
  • For others finding this from Google: A deleted answer by @PMBottas links to this VB sprintf() (Wayback direct code link), which worked for me. I imported the included printf.bas into a Word VBA project and was able to use the SPrintF function without trouble. I was also able to use it from Excel, e.g., =sprintf("Hello, %s!","World").
    – cxw
    Nov 8, 2018 at 17:31

8 Answers 8


No, but you can create a naive one simply enough by adding the following to a VBA module:

Public Function printf(ByVal mask As String, ParamArray tokens()) As String
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 0 To ubound(tokens)
        mask = replace$(mask, "{" & i & "}", tokens(i))
    printf = mask
End Function


=printf("Some text '{0}', more text: '{1}'", A1, A2)
  • 10
    Keep in mind that this is unsafe for instances where one of your replaced tokens may contain another placeholder. (Where A1 is equal to 'test {1}' for instance.
    – Marius
    Jun 11, 2014 at 13:40
  • 2
    Marius is right, to make it bullet-proof you could escape { and } in the tokens array before the replacement, and afterwards unescape them (for example, replace { by {* and } by *}, then run the for loop, and afterwards replace {* and *} back to { and } before you return the string).
    – Matt
    Feb 26, 2018 at 12:09
  • Another thing - since this has more similarities to String.Format in .NET, why not name it StrFormat? Reason is, below we can find another answer where the C-style printf is implemented from your code ...
    – Matt
    Feb 26, 2018 at 12:19
  • 1
    You may want mask to be passed by value, e.g. ByVal mask As String
    – gbasin
    Jul 1, 2020 at 21:08
  • 1
    @Marius & Matt - implemented the "Bullet Proof" version, as well as the ability to leave out the index: stackoverflow.com/a/67858844/6609896
    – Greedo
    Jun 6, 2021 at 12:00

Not really - there is the CONCATENATE function:

=CONCATENATE("some text '", A1, "', more text: '", A2, " etc.")

But it's no better than using & in my opinion.

  • Thanks. Thats slightly better as you can see which argument you're in as you type, and I think it will handle errors better.
    – Rattle
    Jun 21, 2013 at 11:19
  • 2
    Also it prevents you from having to deal in ugly ways with quotation marks in strings. Sep 13, 2014 at 12:36
  • There's also a character limit on formulas that gets frustrating with this approach... I end up creating a set of columns that are all the text... and then concatenating all the text cells with data cells to get around this issue.
    – Mir
    Sep 26, 2014 at 19:04
  • this is the most elegant solution imo without requiring VBA code/macros
    – Moritz
    Oct 20, 2021 at 13:36

I've updated Alex's code so you can use %s for each insertion.

Instead of:

=printf("Some text '{0}', more text: '{1}'", A1, A2)

You can use:

=printf("Some text '%s', more text: '%s'", A1, A2) 

Just like the original sprintf.

The updated code:

Public Function Printf(ByVal mask As String, ParamArray tokens()) As String
   Dim i As Long

   For i = 0 To UBound(tokens)          
      mask = Replace$(mask, "%s", tokens(i), , 1)

   Printf = mask

End Function
  • 1
    Yes, looks like original printf indeed. But what Marius has mentioned in the original answer is also true here: It is unsafe for instances where the tokens array contains another placeholder - for example "test %s". In the comments above I made a suggestion how to remediate this issue.
    – Matt
    Feb 26, 2018 at 12:16

You can use the TEXT function -

You can store your format string somewhere in a cell like I did.

I have value of "BUY "#" CREDITS" in my D1 cell. In my A5 cell I have a value of 5000. When I want to display the formatted string I use =TEXT(A5, $D$1).

It will set the value of cell to BUY 5000 CREDITS.

  • 4
    Note that this method only works with one token, i.e., you can't do "I bought "#" Apples and "#" Oranges.". I was hoping for something like String.Format("I bought {0} apples and {1} oranges.", <Cell1>, <Cell2>) but this method can't do that. (I'm trying to avoid VBA)
    – jrh
    Apr 8, 2017 at 13:57

"Bullet proof" version of the one provided by @AlexK, allowing for:

  • Escaped tokens printf("{0}{1}", "test {1}", 2) -> "test {1}2" (NOT "test 22")
  • Positional syntax printf("{}{}", "a", "b") -> "ab"
Public Function printf(ByVal mask As String, ParamArray tokens() As Variant) As String
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 0 To UBound(tokens)
        Dim escapedToken As String
        escapedToken = Replace$(tokens(i), "}", "\}") 'only need to replace closing bracket since {i\} is already invalid
        If InStr(1, mask, "{}") <> 0 Then
            'use positional mode {}
            mask = Replace$(mask, "{}", escapedToken, Count:=1)
            'use indexed mode {i}
            mask = Replace$(mask, "{" & i & "}", escapedToken)
        End If
    mask = Replace$(mask, "\}", "}")
    printf = mask
End Function

Usage as before:

=printf("Some text '{0}', more text: '{1}'", A1, A2)

OR positional (left to right)

=printf("Some text '{}', more text: '{}'", A1, A2)

Note as @CristianBuse points out in the comments, this implementation will still be tripped up by a mask like {0\}{1} which results in {0}{foo} not {0\}{foo}, workaround is don't use \} in your mask.

*behaviour using mixed syntax `=printf("Some text '{}', more text: '{1}'", A1, A2)` is undefined but the replacements go left to right so `"{}{2}{1}"` is equivalent to `"{0}{2}{1}"`. `"{}{1}{}"` won't do what you want
  • 2
    Maybe you should make an initial replacement before the loop to replace "\} with something else and then restore before returning the result just to avoid cases where the mask already contains those characters in that particular order. An example would be a mask like "{0\}{1}" which should return the {0\} part as is instead of {0} as your method does. +1 Sep 22, 2021 at 8:13
  • @CristianBuse yeah I was thinking about exactly that earlier except, what if the thing I replace \} with is itself in the mask, then when you restore it you get two \} back. Could replace with something really long like a GUID to avoid clashes, or closely monitor what happens to Len() and insert characters into the string at particular locations, but really that becomes a better job for regex or just use Matt's version so I kept it simple, this suffices for my purposes. But good catch, a mask containing \} is indeed a buggy edge case
    – Greedo
    Sep 22, 2021 at 9:02
  • Funny that you mentioned it because I was thinking of the same thing. What if the "temp" replacement is actually part of the mask, then you add another "temp" which can be part of the tokens which can then be part of the mask. It never ends really. I was also thinking to traverse/parse the whole mask and then "replace" at particular locations via concatenation (no call to Replace). Thanks for the link, I will have a look although regex is very slow in VBA even for simple patterns (could be thousands of times slower). Sep 22, 2021 at 9:42

Ok I gave a VBA solution but here's a pure Excel version using the relatively new LAMBDA functions, no VBA.

Note I've posted an alternate version with comma separated args PRINTF(mask, arg1, arg2, ...) over on Code Review, however I'll try to keep this one canonical and up to date as new better options become available

To achieve this I have created a named function with signature printf(mask, tokensArray) where:

  • mask is a string you want to format, containing positional {} or indexed {i} interpolation locations.
  • tokensArray is the set of values to be substituted in, supplied as either a 1D Range (row or column), an array (hardcoded or returned from a function) or a single value.

... and which returns a formatted string. Called from a cell like:



=printf("Some text '{1}', more text: '{2}'", A1:A2) //continuous 1D row/col
=printf("Some text '{1}', more text: '{2}'", {"foo","bar"}) //hardcoded array
=printf("Single Value {1}", "foo")

or with positional args (left to right)

=printf("Some text '{}', more text: '{}'", A1:A2)

Define these two functions by entering them in the name manager (see LAMBDA function MSDN docs for detailed instructions, though this link will die I'm sure...) :

Param Value
Name ReplaceRecursive
Scope Workbook
Comment Recursively substitutes {} or {i} with tokens from the tokens list, which it escapes one by one leaving } in the result string
Refers To =LAMBDA(mask,tokens,i,tokenCount, IF(i >tokenCount, mask, LET(token, INDEX(tokens,i),escapedToken,SUBSTITUTE(token,"}", "\}"),inIndexedMode,ISERROR(FIND("{}",mask,1)),substituted, IF(inIndexedMode, SUBSTITUTE(mask,"{"&i&"}", escapedToken),SUBSTITUTE(mask, "{}", escapedToken,1) ),ReplaceRecursive(substituted,tokens,i+1,tokenCount))))
        i > tokenCount,
                    "{" & i & "}",
                i + 1,
Param Value
Name printf
Scope Workbook
Comment printf(mask: str, tokensArray: {array,} | range | str ) -> str | mask: string to substitute tokens into e.g. "Hello {}, {}" or "Hello {2}, {1}" (1-indexed) | tokensArray: 1D range or array of tokens, e.g. "world" or {"foo","bar"} or A1:A5
Refers To =LAMBDA(mask,tokensArray,LET(r,ROWS(tokensArray), c, COLUMNS(tokensArray), length, MAX(r,c), IF(AND(r>1, c>1), "tokensArray must be 1 dimensional", SUBSTITUTE(ReplaceRecursive(mask, tokensArray, 1, length), "\}","}"))))
                r > 1,
                c > 1
            "tokensArray must be 1 dimensional",

There will be improvements to Excel's LAMBDA functions that make this easier to write I'm sure, but this recursive approach is good for now I think.


Interesting question... I was thinking the same.. how to build a String without having to cut off long sentence in some single parts between Numbers.

And because I don't want to create a VBA function (which will be much smarter), here is my solution...



  • P253 is my long string with "A1A" for #1 label
  • O252 is the Value of #1 label

And so on... (even if not my need) if other values...


Well, I presume, even in #C, there should be multi substitution primitive function for sprintf(....%s, %s, %d..).


Credit as per comment on second line

Public Function printf(ByVal strText As String, ParamArray PassedArgs()) As String
' © codekabinett.com - You may use, modify, copy, distribute this code as long as this line remains

    Dim i           As Integer
    Dim strRetVal   As String
    Dim startPos    As Integer
    Dim endPos      As Integer
    Dim formatString As String
    Dim argValueLen As Integer
    Dim Args() As Variant
    strRetVal = strText
    'Block added to allow for ParamArray to be passed through multiple functions
    If IsArray(PassedArgs(0)) Then
        Args = PassedArgs(0)
        Args = PassedArgs
    End If
    'End block
    For i = LBound(Args) To UBound(Args)
        argValueLen = Len(CStr(i))
        startPos = InStr(strRetVal, "{" & CStr(i) & ":")
        If startPos > 0 Then
            endPos = InStr(startPos + 1, strRetVal, "}")
            formatString = Mid(strRetVal, startPos + 2 + argValueLen, endPos - (startPos + 2 + argValueLen))
            strRetVal = Mid(strRetVal, 1, startPos - 1) & Format(Args(i), formatString) & Mid(strRetVal, endPos + 1)
            strRetVal = Replace(strRetVal, "{" & CStr(i) & "}", Args(i))
        End If
    Next i

    printf = strRetVal
End Function

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