Given a string file path such as /foo/fizzbuzz.bar, how would I use bash to extract just the fizzbuzz portion of said string?

  • Informations you can find in Bash manual, look for ${parameter%word} and ${parameter%%word} in trailing portion matching section.
    – 1ac0
    Sep 20, 2016 at 11:44

15 Answers 15


Here's how to do it with the # and % operators in Bash.

$ x="/foo/fizzbuzz.bar"
$ y=${x%.bar}
$ echo ${y##*/}

${x%.bar} could also be ${x%.*} to remove everything after a dot or ${x%%.*} to remove everything after the first dot.


$ x="/foo/fizzbuzz.bar.quux"
$ y=${x%.*}
$ echo $y
$ y=${x%%.*}
$ echo $y

Documentation can be found in the Bash manual. Look for ${parameter%word} and ${parameter%%word} trailing portion matching section.

  • I ended up using this one because it was the most flexible and there were a couple other similar things I wanted to do as well that this did nicely.
    – Redwood
    Oct 5, 2008 at 7:37
  • This is probably the most flexible of all the answers posted, but I think the answers suggesting the basename and dirname commands deserve some attention as well. They may be just the trick if you don't need any other fancy pattern matching.
    – mgadda
    Dec 4, 2012 at 2:08
  • 7
    What is this called ${x%.bar}? I would like to learn more about it.
    – Basil
    Apr 11, 2013 at 13:24
  • 17
    @Basil: Parameter Expansion. On a console type "man bash" and then type "/parameter expansion"
    – Zan Lynx
    Apr 11, 2013 at 18:02
  • 1
    I guess the 'man bash' explanation makes sense if you already know what it does or if you tried it out yourself the hard way. It's almost as bad as git reference. I'd just google it instead.
    – triplebig
    Sep 28, 2016 at 5:37

look at the basename command:

NAME="$(basename /foo/fizzbuzz.bar .bar)"

instructs it to remove the suffix .bar, results in NAME=fizzbuzz

  • 13
    Probably the simplest of all the currently offered solutions... although I'd use $(...) instead of backticks. Sep 24, 2008 at 4:20
  • 8
    Simplest but adds a dependency (not a huge or weird one, I admit). It also needs to know the suffix.
    – Vinko Vrsalovic
    Sep 24, 2008 at 5:25
  • 4
    The problem is the time hit. I just searched the question for this discussion after watching bash take almost 5min to process 800 files, using basename. Using the above regex method, the time was reduced to about 7sec. Though this answer is easier to perform for the programmer, the time hit is just too much. Imagine a folder with a couple thousand files in it! I have some such folders.
    – xizdaqrian
    Aug 14, 2016 at 22:11
  • 3
    @xizdaqrian This is absolutely false. This is a simple program, which shouldn't take half a second to return. I just executed time find /home/me/dev -name "*.py" .py -exec basename {} \; and it stripped the extension and directory for 1500 files in 1 second total. Dec 12, 2019 at 20:32
  • 2
    The general idea to avoid an external process whenever you can is sound, though. and a basic tenet of shell programming.
    – tripleee
    Aug 23, 2021 at 13:23

Pure bash, done in two separate operations:

  1. Remove the path from a path-string:

    #$file is now 'file.gif'
  2. Remove the extension from a path-string:

    #${base} is now 'file'.

Using basename I used the following to achieve this:

for file in *; do
    fname=`basename $file $ext`

    # Do things with $fname

This requires no a priori knowledge of the file extension and works even when you have a filename that has dots in it's filename (in front of it's extension); it does require the program basename though, but this is part of the GNU coreutils so it should ship with any distro.

  • 2
    Excellent answer! removes the extension in a very clean way, but it doesn't remove the . at the end of the filename.
    – metrix
    Apr 23, 2014 at 1:04
  • 5
    @metrix just add the "." before $ext, ie: fname=`basename $file .$ext` May 14, 2016 at 6:29
  • This could do bad things if there are spaces in the filenames. You'll should wrap $file, $ext, and the backticked section (including the backticks themselves) in double quotes.
    – mwfearnley
    Aug 16, 2020 at 15:04
  • Downvote. This doesn't work right at all for me. It's inserting junk newlines into my filenames and not removing the extensions. Not even remotely usable.
    – John Smith
    Sep 28, 2022 at 22:39

The basename and dirname functions are what you're after:

echo basename: $(basename "${mystring}")
echo basename + remove .bar: $(basename "${mystring}" .bar)
echo dirname: $(dirname "${mystring}")

Has output:

basename: fizzbuzz.bar
basename + remove .bar: fizzbuzz
dirname: /foo
  • 2
    It would be helpful to fix the quoting here -- maybe run this through shellcheck.net with mystring=$1 rather than the current constant value (which will suppress several warnings, being certain not to contain spaces/glob characters/etc), and address the issues it finds? Oct 24, 2018 at 21:43
  • 1
    Well, I made some appropriate changes to support quotation marks in $mystring. Gosh this was a long time ago I wrote this :)
    – Jerub
    Feb 11, 2019 at 0:26
  • 1
    Would be further improvement to quote the results: echo "basename: $(basename "$mystring")" -- that way if mystring='/foo/*' you don't get the * replaced with a list of files in the current directory after basename finishes. Feb 11, 2019 at 0:32

Pure bash way:

~$ x="/foo/bar/fizzbuzz.bar.quux.zoom"; 
~$ y=${x/\/*\//}; 
~$ echo ${y/.*/}; 

This functionality is explained on man bash under "Parameter Expansion". Non bash ways abound: awk, perl, sed and so on.

EDIT: Works with dots in file suffixes and doesn't need to know the suffix (extension), but doesn’t work with dots in the name itself.


Using basename assumes that you know what the file extension is, doesn't it?

And I believe that the various regular expression suggestions don't cope with a filename containing more than one "."

The following seems to cope with double dots. Oh, and filenames that contain a "/" themselves (just for kicks)

To paraphrase Pascal, "Sorry this script is so long. I didn't have time to make it shorter"

  $fullname = $ARGV[0];
  ($path,$name) = $fullname =~ /^(.*[^\\]\/)*(.*)$/;
  ($basename,$extension) = $name =~ /^(.*)(\.[^.]*)$/;
  print $basename . "\n";
  • 1
    This is nice and robust Jul 18, 2013 at 16:37

In addition to the POSIX conformant syntax used in this answer,

basename string [suffix]

as in

basename /foo/fizzbuzz.bar .bar

GNU basename supports another syntax:

basename -s .bar /foo/fizzbuzz.bar

with the same result. The difference and advantage is that -s implies -a, which supports multiple arguments:

$ basename -s .bar /foo/fizzbuzz.bar /baz/foobar.bar

This can even be made filename-safe by separating the output with NUL bytes using the -z option, for example for these files containing blanks, newlines and glob characters (quoted by ls):

$ ls has*
'has'$'\n''newline.bar'  'has space.bar'  'has*.bar'

Reading into an array:

$ readarray -d $'\0' arr < <(basename -zs .bar has*)
$ declare -p arr
declare -a arr=([0]=$'has\nnewline' [1]="has space" [2]="has*")

readarray -d requires Bash 4.4 or newer. For older versions, we have to loop:

while IFS= read -r -d '' fname; do arr+=("$fname"); done < <(basename -zs .bar has*)
  • Also, the suffix specified is removed in the output if present (and ignored otherwise).
    – aksh1618
    Jan 14, 2019 at 12:12

If you can't use basename as suggested in other posts, you can always use sed. Here is an (ugly) example. It isn't the greatest, but it works by extracting the wanted string and replacing the input with the wanted string.

echo '/foo/fizzbuzz.bar' | sed 's|.*\/\([^\.]*\)\(\..*\)$|\1|g'

Which will get you the output


  • Although this is the answer to the original question, this command is useful when I have lines of paths in a file to extract base names to print them out to the screen. Sep 3, 2013 at 19:42
perl -pe 's/\..*$//;s{^.*/}{}'

Beware of the suggested perl solution: it removes anything after the first dot.

$ echo some.file.with.dots | perl -pe 's/\..*$//;s{^.*/}{}'

If you want to do it with perl, this works:

$ echo some.file.with.dots | perl -pe 's/(.*)\..*$/$1/;s{^.*/}{}'

But if you are using Bash, the solutions with y=${x%.*} (or basename "$x" .ext if you know the extension) are much simpler.


If you want to keep just the filename with extension and strip the file path

$ x="myfile/hello/foo/fizzbuzz.bar"
$ echo ${x##*/}
$ fizzbuzz.bar

Explanation in Bash manual, see ${parameter##word}


The basename does that, removes the path. It will also remove the suffix if given and if it matches the suffix of the file but you would need to know the suffix to give to the command. Otherwise you can use mv and figure out what the new name should be some other way.


Combining the top-rated answer with the second-top-rated answer to get the filename without the full path:

$ x="/foo/fizzbuzz.bar.quux"
$ y=(`basename ${x%%.*}`)
$ echo $y

You can use

mv *<PATTERN>.jar "$(basename *<PATTERN>.jar <PATTERN>.jar).jar"

For e.g:- I wanted to remove -SNAPSHOT from my file name. For that used below command

 mv *-SNAPSHOT.jar "$(basename *-SNAPSHOT.jar -SNAPSHOT.jar).jar"
  • 2
    The wildcards here are horribly wrong unless you have only exactly one matching file.
    – tripleee
    Aug 23, 2021 at 13:21

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