I want to write a program that calculates a given math function (by the user) with specific set of values.

The user is asked to type a function, say he typed f(x)= (x^2)+3x+1 then through the program I should show the outputs of [ f(3), f(6) and f(9) ] .

The question specifically is how to fetch these x's in the typed function, then how to convert the function from a string to a double or float.

Do you have any thoughts about that ?

suppose that I'm using C , or C++


1 Answer 1


This is not an easy task, especially as operators hold precedence over others.

Have a look at some of these links so see what you're dealing with:

Equation (expression) parser with precedence?


  • loool, I just realized how hard the task. I really feel like a stupid teenager :D . thx dude.
    – Fahd
    Aug 8, 2011 at 0:52
  • Not a bad long-term project, though, if you're willing to put some sort of commitment to it.
    – kibibyte
    Aug 8, 2011 at 0:55

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