I am using the most wonderful javascript tool iScroll4 http://cubiq.org/iscroll-4 on a mobile website for iOS and Android. Here is what my layout looks like:

layout problem

The horizontally scroll-able area is making use of iScroll4 with the following settings:

   var myScroll = new iScroll('frame',  { hScrollbar: false, vScrollbar: false, vScroll: false })

The horizontal scrolling part works great. This issue is what happens when a user attempts to scroll up or down the page placing their finger on the horizontal scrolling area. So I need native vertical scrolling, and iScroll horizontal scrolling on the same area.

What I have tried so far: Removing e.preventDefault() in the iScroll code (allows for native scrolling, but in BOTH axes). Removing e.preventDefault() and then disabling horizontal scrolling page wide with this:

var touchMove;

document.ontouchstart = function(e){
    touchMove = e.touches[0];

document.ontouchmove = function(e){
    var theTouch = e.touches[0] || e.changedTouches[0];
    var Xer      = rs(touchMove.pageX - theTouch.pageX).toPos();
    var Yer      = rs(touchMove.pageY - theTouch.pageY).toPos();        
    touchMove    = theTouch;
    if(Yer > Xer){ e.preventDefault(); }

which seems to do nothing. How can I allow for native vertical scrolling in the horizontal scrolling area, without loosing the horizontal scrolling of iScroll? I am really stumped here. Thanks in advance.

(just for the record rs(foo).toPos() is a function that makes foo a positive number regardless of its value).

7 Answers 7


If you would like to achieve the effect described by Fresheyeball without hacking the core, and without changing from iScroll to swipeview, then iScroll 4 does offer you its event listeners to work with.

myScroll = new iScroll('scrollpanel', {
    // other options go here...
    vScroll: false,
    onBeforeScrollMove: function ( e ) {
        if ( this.absDistX > (this.absDistY + 5 ) ) {
            // user is scrolling the x axis, so prevent the browsers' native scrolling
        } else {
            // delegate the scrolling to window object
        window.scrollBy( 0, -this.distY );

By doing so, the onBeforeScrollMove-Handler checks whether the scroll direction seems to be horizontal, and then prevents the default handler, thus effectively locking the scroll action to the X-Axis (try commenting it out, you'll see the difference). Otherwise, if the scroll direction needs to be vertical, we make the browser scroll via the window.scrollBy() method. This is not exactly native, but does the job just fine.

Hope that helps


[EDIT] My original solution, which didn't use window.scrollBy() ,did not work on slower Samsung phones, which is why I needed to adapt the answer.

  • 3
    I would like to suggest and edit. If you are using the most recent version of iScroll4 you can use the new onBeforeScrollStart instead of onBeforeScrollMove. In doing so you can get rid of the else and scrollBy, native scrolling will work. Oct 30, 2012 at 19:52
  • Ok I have not received a response on the suggested edit for some time. So I am moving the accepted answer to my own. Dec 6, 2012 at 0:05

Suggested edit to @Lukx's excellent solution. New versions of iScroll4 place the e.preventDefault() in onBeforeScrollMove which can be overridden. By placing the if block into this option, default is not prevented for vertical scrolling, and vertical can scroll natively.

myScroll = new iScroll('scrollpanel', {
    // other options go here...
    vScroll: false,
    onBeforeScrollStart: function ( e ) {
        if ( this.absDistX > (this.absDistY + 5 ) ) {
            // user is scrolling the x axis, so prevent the browsers' native scrolling
  • Sorry I did really somehow forget about your comment. This is a great answer, thank you for enhancing it! +1
    – Lukx
    Jan 17, 2013 at 15:17
  • 2
    The preventDefault call is actually in onBeforeScrollStart, and the absDist properties seem to be updated only after this event has fired (touchstart/mousedown), so the condition only works on the second consecutive swipe in the same direction. I am happy with this though - in fact the extra effort required to switch axis makes my horizontal scrollers a little easier to use. I've tried many (all?) other approaches to achieve this functionality with iScroll and this method won in the end. +1! Jan 25, 2013 at 3:02
  • Mind that this doesn't work if you already added e.preventDefault to touchstart and touchmove events like they recommend in iScroll examples to prevent clicking through dragging links, so you need to remove that handler first. Jul 18, 2013 at 1:02
  • True, I guess you could have the vertical scrolling also be an iScroll. Otherwise its a given. Jul 18, 2013 at 2:59
  • Note, this is no longer relevant with iscroll 5 - see my answer
    – Greg
    Sep 18, 2014 at 22:52

With iscroll 5, you can set eventPassthrough: true to achieve this. See http://iscrolljs.com/#configuring



UPDATE a special pluggin has been written just to address this problem: http://cubiq.org/swipeview

I found a way!

add a variable to the top of the document: if android is 15 and is iOS is 3

 var scrollTolerance = ( rs().isDevice('android') )?15:3;

disable the original e.preventDefault(); for scrolling. This is under onBeforeScrollStart:

the in _move just under

 timestamp = e.timeStamp || Date.now();

add this line

if( Math.sqrt(deltaX*deltaX) > scrollTolerance){e.preventDefault();}

What this does is the following: the scrollTolerance sets, you guessed it, a tolerance for finger direction. We don't want to demand a perfect vertical angle to get the up down native scroll. Also iOS does not detect properly and will never be higher than 4 for some reason so I used 3. Then we disable iScroll's standard e.preventDefault(); which prevents native vertical scrolling on our bi-scrollable area. Then we insert e.preventDefault(); only upon move and based on finger direction from tolerance.

This does not work perfect. But is acceptable and works on iOS and Android. If anyone sees better ways please post here. This is something I (and assume others) need to use regularly, and we should have a perfect rock solid solution.


  • didn't seem work for me. now it looks like the wrapper is totally gone from the image...how did you disable original e.preventDefault()
    – pruett
    Feb 21, 2012 at 19:19
  • I commented it out. Either way there is a better way now! Go back to the iScoll website, there is a new pluggin to address just this issue! Feb 22, 2012 at 7:21
  • really!??! i've been on the site, i don't see the plugin. do you have a link to it? thanks so much!
    – pruett
    Feb 22, 2012 at 16:44
  • awesome, thanks...having some trouble implementing SwipeView with my iScroll4 wrapper. Any tips?
    – pruett
    Feb 22, 2012 at 17:19
  • open your own stackoverflow question, and link it here. I will do my best to help. If you want to give a +1 to this question and(or) answer that would be nice too. Feb 22, 2012 at 17:36

Please test this solution from Adam. https://gist.github.com/hotmeteor/2231984

I think the trick is to add the check in onBeforeScrollMove. First get the initial touch position in onBeforeScrollTouchStart and then in onBeforeScrollMove check the new position and then disable the required scroll based on the difference.


iScroll 5 supports native scrolling of any axis!



on iScroll5 just set eventPassthrougt to true. That fixes it.

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