How do i chain custom function after a delay has been set

here's what i mean: http://jsbin.com/uluyim




function callMe () {
  alert ("It works!");




4 Answers 4


Change line below



  • @arunes Thank You!.. Is it possible to call a function that was on a separate js file? eg. script.js [$('.container').delay(2000).fadeIn(callMe)] & external.js[functions callMe() {...}]
    – Pennf0lio
    Mar 1, 2012 at 19:19
  • Yes it is possible too. Of course if you add js file which have function callMe to document with <script> tag. Btw if answer helped you, mark as a answered ;)
    – arunes
    Mar 1, 2012 at 19:23

In your case, you can use arunes's solution, using the callback from the animation. However, if you need to add a delay between the animation and the callback that gets executed, you can do that too, as in:

$('.container').fadeIn(function () {
  $(this).delay(2000).queue(function () {
    alert('Custom function executed two seconds after fadeIn()!');

All of the jQuery animation methods have completion callbacks that allow you to run code after animation is done

$('.container').hide().delay(2000).fadeIn(callMe) ;;




function callMe () {
  alert ("It works!");

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