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2014 Moderator Election

nomination began
Feb 10, 2014 at 20:00
primary began
Feb 17, 2014 at 20:00
election began
Feb 21, 2014 at 20:00
election ended
Feb 25, 2014 at 20:00

On Stack Exchange, we believe the core moderators should come from the community, and be elected by the community itself through popular vote. We hold regular elections to determine who these community moderators will be.

Community moderators are accorded the highest level of privilege in our community, and should themselves be exemplars of positive behavior and leaders within the community.

Candidacy Criteria

Generally, moderators should have the following qualities:

  • patient and fair
  • leads by example
  • shows respect for their fellow community members in their actions and words
  • open to some light but firm moderation to keep the community on track, and resolve uncommon disputes and exceptions

For the Stack Overflow election, candidates must have all the following badges:
Civic Duty, Strunk & White, Deputy, Convention

…and also cannot have been suspended during the past year.

Furthermore, all moderators must abide by the moderator agreement.

Due to the size of Stack Overflow, moderation is a significant responsibility. As a moderator you will need to dedicate part of your time (at least 30 minutes daily) to help shoulder the load of the moderator flag queue.

Election Process

Every election has up to three phases:

  1. Nomination
  2. Primary (active only if there are >10 candidates)
  3. Election

Their descriptions can be found in the blue notice boxes at the top of each corresponding page.

For questions about the election process itself, you can search Meta, or ask in the election chat room linked in the section below.

Please participate in the moderator elections by ranking the candidates, and perhaps even by nominating yourself to be a community moderator.

Doorknob's answers to your questions

TL;DR: A vote for me is a vote for quality and an extra janitor.

Why mod?

  • I'm very active on meta. I'm also active in its chat, the Tavern. I already have experience in moderation, as I discuss it often.

  • I also have practical mod experience. I have 20k rep, the highest level before mod, and the main reason I have as much is to moderate. Usually when I browse SO, it's to close, comment, edit, and delete, and I do this almost daily.

  • I'm extremely dedicated to keeping the quality of the site clean, and that's pretty much the only reason I want to be a mod. Not many people know this, but I've played a major part in fighting the recent spam. I even made a script that posts in the Tavern when spam is detected.

Main goals if elected

  • Moderate the quality of posts. I'll be careful with binding votes, using comments more often, but I still want to make SO a better place.

  • Lower that huge flag and close queue! I've been enjoying @animuson's flag/close campaigns in the Tavern, and I'd like to help in that area more.

  • Review ban ALL the robo-reviewers! I've noticed quite a bit of them, and I want to make them stop filling SO with terribleness.

bluefeet's answers to your questions

My name is bluefeet1 (not really) and I'd like to be your moderator.

I've been a member for about 3.5 years and I love this community and I want to continue to make it better. I would love to be able to continue to clean up the site without giving the current moderators so much work!

About Me:

  • I flag a lot of content - both answers and comments to keep the site free from garbage. I feel have have good judgement when it comes to flags (I currently have about 80 declined)
  • I hate link only answers, I typically leave a comment when I find them asking the user to expand on them.
  • While not as active in answering as I once was, I am still fairly active in the sql tags, especially pivot.
  • Outside of Stack Overflow, I am active on DBA.SE

While I don't spend as much time in the review queues as I used to (I flag more), I still actively work to improve the site by editing, voting and commenting to get users to improve their questions and answers.

Thanks for your consideration!

1My real name is Taryn.

0x7fffffff's answers to your questions

My name is 0x7fffffff (but you can call me Mick), and I would like to nominate myself.

Why Me?

I firmly believe in SO as a learning resource, and like to consider myself one of its success stories. In a little under 3 years, SO has taught me how to be an effective programmer, and now, I'm looking for the next way to give back, and to help others who are just starting out.

Additionally, I already spend a minimum of 4-6 hours a day on SO, (more than meeting the participation requirement) and strongly believe in utilizing the voting system (currently 5138 up / 4288 down).

Why Not Me?

I don't have the best meta participation, but only because I rarely find situations on meta where someone else hasn't already voiced an opinion I agree or disagree with, in which case, up and down votes are usually more than adequate.


  • ≈ 1000 answers
  • ≈ 1150 helpful flags (95.09% of total)
  • Logged in on 857 days, currently on a 727 day streak.
  • Steward badges for suggested edits and close votes.

Campaign Promises

  • Help show new users the ropes
  • Wage war on link only answers
  • Empty Make dent in close vote queue

Raghav's answers to your questions

Why I would be a good moderator

  • I spend several hours on SO daily. Dedicating 30 minutes and more a day is easily possible. I have 1388 answers vs. 13 questions. I don't answer nearly as often now, preferring to close questions when possible.. I still log in almost every single day (missed maybe 7 days in a year while travelling), and will be around more often than not.
  • Since I hit 10k, I've made good use of the tools given to me and raised over 2000 helpful flags.
  • My meta participation is a bit low, but I'm working on improving that.
  • I'm very even headed. If you ever drops by the Android chat room, or goes over its transcripts, you'll find that in my role as room owner I'm always fair in my decisions and don't pick fights with anyone at all.
  • I'm patient and willing to help. In many cases I go to great lengths to help out people, explaining over a few comments or on chat how to solve the problem.
  • My timezone allows me to be active when USA mods aren't which can be very helpful right now.
  • could use some major cleanup right now, and I can do that with mod tools. It is at 450k+ questions, making it one of the biggest.

Bohemian's answers to your questions

I contribute every day (currently 600+ consecutive days) answering questions (5K+ answers) and helping others refine theirs.

So, why me?

  • I won't tolerate any racist, sexist, bullying (especially of newbies) or other forms of impoliteness. Disagree with others for sure, but respect and civility must be maintained at all times (and some humor is good too!)
  • Like good code, answers and especially questions should be a brief as possible (without losing meaning or legibility). Reflect that we're building a knowledge base here, not a blog site. I will guide users to this end
  • Migration to other forums is another bugbear of mine. Often there are questions that are good questions, but belong elsewhere. I'll do my best to migrate them appropriately
  • I'll turn up every day and do the job

Apart from earning almost all badges (Legendary and Generalist being the hardest and most satisfying), my accomplishments include finishing on top of the StackOverflow Winter Hats Ladder 2 years running :)

Election Promise (vote grab):

If elected, I will reveal my real name by changing my username showing my real name and photograph in my profile!

And good luck to all other nominees!

Matt's answers to your questions

Why I'm standing for election...

I hope my activity log portrays me as a friendly, patient and fun user, who can be both outspoken yet reasonable; and accepting and open when I'm wrong. It is for these traits I put myself forward. Hopefully my profile will demonstrate this for itself, but in particular I'd like to highlight;

What I'll do if I'm elected...

I'd focus my efforts on the flag queue; where I hear there is a backlog of "moderator only" flags, and my particular gripe is with obsolete comments; which I'd spend time removing.

I see Stack Overflow as the definitive source for programming help, and will not let link-only answers and other low-quality posts be detrimental to that. They will die, perish, and be deleted.

Finally, I will try and leave the community to solve as many issues as it can. I do not like seeing binding-votes being widely used, and will only step in as an exception handler where necessary.

Siddharth's answers to your questions

Brief Intro

My name is Siddharth Rout & I would like to nominate myself.

Stack Overflow is always open with 2 other sites on my firefox tabs. If I am not answering new questions, I would probably be visiting old questions/comments & answering/editing/retagging/flagging them or clearing the queues.

Reasons Why I feel that I can be a Stack Overflow mod

  1. I'm already a mod in vbforums & msdn. So the concept of moderation isn't new to me & I come with relevant expertise which is required for moderation
  2. I work from home so I've enough time on my hands to devote to moderation. Especially on weekends. (TimeZone: UTC + 05:30)
  3. I'm very friendly, approachable & a fast learner besides being a good team player.

What would be my main focus if I become a mod

My main focus will NOT be to clear the mod queues or perform a specific mod duty like opening/closing questions etc. These duties come "As Is" when one becomes a mod & one has to do them.

My special agenda would be to make Stack Overflow a more welcoming place for new users. I believe if all of us actually put in special efforts to do this then the flags will automatically reduce drastically.

Undo's answers to your questions

I'll throw my hat in this year. Here's why:

  • I've been here a little over a year, and I have almost 4000 helpful flags. Most of them were accumulated in the past three months.

  • I'm a founder/developer (alongside ManishEarth and hichris123) of Charcoal, a tool built to detect and assist in flagging obsolete and please-accept comments.

  • My flag count would be higher, but we often give huge lists of comments to existing mods to cut down on the flag queue size. Being elected would cut down the middle man.

  • I love spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

  • I want the tag to be used correctly.

  • I'm almost 15k on mSO, and I know the system very well.

  • I'm active in the / tags, and I can perform cleanup there.

  • I'm in UTC-7 (just pure info).

  • I'll go on bi-weekly rampages through the close vote queue.

  • I'd really like to be doing more for SO in general.

I was somewhat unamused at the character limit on this box, so I made a page that should give you some more information. Go read it if you'd like!

meagar's answers to your questions


I'm a dedicated and enthusiastic user, and I'm passionate about the quality of content here. I feel I can offer a good mix of even-handed moderation and persistent janitorial service.

I spend the majority of my time on Stack Overflow working on improving existing content, primarily through editing or flagging. After four years I'm ready to step into a more active role in the maintenance and upkeep of this incredible community.

I believe Stack Overflow should be a place for reference quality writing, where professionals and enthusiasts can find answers to non-trivial problems. I believe that it is Stack Overflow's signal-to-noise ratio that makes it worthwhile, and almost all of my time here is spent promoting that ideal.

I advocate a fairly strict adherence to the rules, which may appear overzealous to some, but I think our position is perhaps more precarious than people realize. The Internet would happily overrun Stack Overflow and turn it into another Yahoo Answers; it is our established users and their enforcement of our rules that keeps this from happening.


  • Member for 4 years, visited 1374 days (90%!)
  • 6,000 edits
  • 1,400 edit reviews

Jon's answers to your questions

I'm still here a year on with more experience of the community and with no less passion than I did before to help out where I can...

I haven't changed the below, as apart from being a year later, it's still the same :)

Activities / experience / character

  • editing and improving posts where possible (no point closing a question if it's reasonably salvageable by an edit), participating in close (especially to tidy up duplicates)/re-open, (un)delete votes and assisting with flagged posts
  • working on a system for a Python Wiki based on SO and building SO chat rooms
  • have spent several years dealing with conflicts as an IRC Operator and Channel Services Admin
  • being respectful, open-minded, patient and fair - just don't confuse that with being non-decisive or a "walkover"
  • keep up to date with Meta (even if I don't say much that often)
  • don't think I'll be going away from SO any time soon...
  • based in the UK

This election is over.