In my asp.net web application,I have to read somef file inside the App_Data folder,but I have no idea hot to set the path.

If in the web form,I know I can use the:


But now I want to retrive the path in the .cs file in the App_code.

So there is no HttpServer context there.

Any idea?

2 Answers 2


Use HostingEnvironment.MapPath instead.


In asp.net have System.IO namespace which contain many functions related to files.

you can get both path and file related function in below namespace


you can get full file path in .cs file as below

string strFullPath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(Server.MapPath("~/App_Code/Class1.cs"));    

Hope this will helps you...

  • 4
    I'm not sure how this is the answer. hguser asked how to get the path when there is no Server object/property, but that's what you used in the answer. Simon Svensson's answer is correct: use HostingEnvironment instead of Server.
    – Alan McBee
    Nov 11, 2013 at 23:21

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