If you use the Mylyn task focus UI, the package explorer shows


for any class in the context of an active task. Is it possible to remove classTypeName and methodName and show only all entities up to their fileName?

3 Answers 3


I don't generally need the structure inside the Java file, so I just disable that in the Package Explorer completely. To do that:

  • go to the View menu (the little triangle)
  • choose "Filters"
  • check "Java Members"

Unfortunately, this doesn't work in Project Explorer.

  • 4
    Thanks for this handy tip, those expanded class innards really got on my nerves! One addition: I had to uncheck the package explorer's Mylyn button ("Focus on active tasks") to be able to edit the filters (Eclipse Indigo). Afterwards I could re-enable it.
    – ChrAfonso
    Oct 15, 2012 at 23:44

You can uncheck "Window -> Preferences -> Mylyn -> Context -> Auto expand tree views when focused", this may help to some extend.


On Eclipse PDT I used Navigator View instead of PHP Explorer View:

  • Window -> Show View -> Navigator

That way only the filenames are displayed. After that i added filters to exclude files from view, e.g. .* resources.

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