I'm planning a website which will use huge schematics, that is, raster images that are not photos. If they were photos and I were interested on displaying them as so, I would use either zoomify, IIPImage or PanoJS. Although all of these solutions offer HTML5 support, they are not entirely satisfactory for my purposes, as they are optimized for JPEGs, use arcane JavaScript or have non-smooth transitions.

So, I was thinking that perhaps I could use leaflet with custom tiles. That is, instead of connecting the javascript to a map server, I could connect it to my own tile-provider with the schematics. My rationale is that leaflet provides smooth rendering, the used tile pieces seem to be png, and that I could even use markers and vector layers. But I came to a stumbling block:

What kind of tiles leaflet expects? Where is information about that? Would the map projection, or other geo-specific aspects that I'm not aware of, be a problem?

Thanks in advance for any help.

1 Answer 1


Found it!


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