I'd like to know where are magento modules settings stored? Are them inside the database?

Because I'm working on a staging server and since we're moving to a new provider then I'd like to dump the db from the production site and take the source code from the staging server. Would I lose my settings without moving the staging server?

2 Answers 2


The default config will be defined and set in


If there is also a system.xml present in the etc folder it means there will be some admin config available. These settings will then be saved in the core_config_data table in the database.

  • Thanks, so I should export core_config_data from the staging server to the production server to avoid resetting all new module configuration?
    – user1543863
    Aug 30, 2012 at 14:35
  • No, definitely not. I would install the module on production (just upload it) then go view the settings on staging and copy them to production manually via the admin config pages. Aug 30, 2012 at 15:43
  • What if I install them locally (just to keep the code versioned with git while developing on the staging server) and then I upload the code including the modules already installed, and I configure them using the admin interface. is it also a good practice?
    – user1543863
    Aug 30, 2012 at 16:12
  • Yes that should be fine, just don't copy the raw database tables over. Aug 30, 2012 at 17:25

Yes Information stored inside core_config_data and if you want to uninstall/reinstall the module ( remove the database record in core_resource that has the module name ) then when you open the browser next time it will re-install the module etc..

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