I'm trying to use hibernate multi-tenancy (from chapter 16).

Right now my ExtendedStorageManager uses this method to start a multi-tenant session:

public Session getClabSession(int serverId, String customerSchema) {
    if (!clabFactories.containsKey(serverId)) {
        DbServers d = databaseConfigurations.get(serverId);
                "database.connection.pattern", d.getHost(),
        ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = new ServiceRegistryBuilder()
        SessionFactory factory = clabCustomerConfig
        clabFactories.put(d.getId(), factory);
        serviceRegistry = null;
        factory = null;
    Session session = clabFactories.get(serverId).withOptions()
    return session;


Obviously I had a first error when testing because I totally missed the implementation of a MultiTenantConnectionProvider as explained here.

Using grepcode I found out about AbstractMultiTenantConnectionProvider that looks like what I want to use. So I created my class extending it:

public class XMLDMultiTenantConnectionProvider extends
    AbstractMultiTenantConnectionProvider {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -6679645015449636823L;

    protected ConnectionProvider getAnyConnectionProvider() {
    return null;

    protected ConnectionProvider selectConnectionProvider(
        String tenantIdentifier) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return null;


But I'm a bit clueless now on what to use to get a ConnectionProvider in these two cases. Can you help me?

PS: I found ConnectionProviderBuilder. Do you think I can use it as an example to follow?

1 Answer 1


I think that you can have your own implementation of the abstract class with something like the following :

public class XMLDMultiTenantConnectionProvider extends AbstractMultiTenantConnectionProvider {

      private final ConnectionProvider xml1 = ConnectionProviderBuilder.buildConnectionProvider("xml1DataSource");
      private final ConnectionProvider xml2 = ConnectionProviderBuilder.buildConnectionProvider("xml2DataSource");

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -6679645015449636823L;

    protected ConnectionProvider getAnyConnectionProvider() {
         //Default Datasource (in this case i chose the first one as default)
         return xml1;

    protected ConnectionProvider selectConnectionProvider(String tenantIdentifier) {

    if( "xml1".equals(tenantIdentifier) ) 
        return xml1;

    if( "xml2".equals(tenantIdentifier) ) 
        return xml2;

    return null;


I think that could be a good and understandable example ...

  • Two questions: 1) ConnectionBuilderProvider is a class from the testing package of hibernate. Should I use it in production? 2) Since I have 1000 schemas would it be correct to use like a map where I save all those connection providers and I pass one of them at the creation of the session? Could two different session use the same connection provider?
    – dierre
    Sep 10, 2012 at 13:13
  • 1) You can use the connectionBuilderProvider class or you can construct instances directly from the constructor of the ConnectionProvider class. 2) Yes, using a map would be of course the best bet in that context .
    – aleroot
    Sep 10, 2012 at 13:21

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